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Бурдасова Елена Викторовна


Life has changed so much during 30 years. While studying at school, we had IT twice a week but I could hardly imagine what a personal site is. Today the technology keeps driving forward at such a pace that creating a personal site is a real necessity for many people. 

In fact, a personal site is a perfect way for giving information nowadays. You can easily share your experience, store important information,  introduce and promote youself as a specialist not only in the area you live. Without any doubts it's helpful in organizing workshops for students: distant tests, contests, projects. Moreover, creating and developing a personal site is enjoyable.

However, it's not just an amazing thing but a hard work. It takes a lot of time to run a personal site which requires to be renewed regularly. Also a site host should be like a designer to make it attractable. In addition, working on the computer for so long is harmful for our health. Finally, relations complain of you're 'absent' from the family's life.

In spite of that, I expect a process of creating your personal site to be exciting. I am going to use this new piece of technology in my work.  

Personal sites are excellent assistants.


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Филимоненкова Елена Евгеньевна

"Personal site: for and against"

To have or not  to  have? That is the question!  We live in the world of  IT  and no doubt modern teachers can’t  imagine their work without them.

On one hand having your own site is a necessity. Every teacher must have it because we communicate with those teachers who live in different part of this country and even abroad. No doubt using IT helps us to be well informed about new methods of teaching English. If you have your own site you can share your experience with other teachers. Besides, your site can help you to systemize your knowledge. To create it you’ll learn a lot of new things. To my mind if a teacher doesn’t learn she isn’t a good teacher. Those who believe that they can live without a computer are mistaken. Your site will also make your life more interesting. And I think it’s prestigious to have your own site.

On the other hand creating your site will take you a lot of time because it needs a regular service. And of course some people can use your personal information in their criminal purposes.

I always dream about my site but I don’t know how to do it. But now my dreams will come true.

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Будник Анастасия Сергеевна

Personal site: for and against

In our fast running century a person is surrounded by new technologies which open for us different ways of communication. What is now ordinary to people was practically impossible a dozen of years ago. Teachers of the past used books and blackboard as a source of giving knowledge to pupils, while modern teachers are provided with unique opportunities of their own informational environment. One of them is a personal site.

Having spred among various spheres of activity a personal site is considered to be a helpful educational tool of a modern teacher. Imagine you can share knowledge and carry out communication with pupils without necessarily having them in your classroom. Distance learning have become quite popular recently enabling teachers and pupils save time and work on their own.

Meanwhile teachers themselves are able to find a lot while exchanging information with colleagues. We can look for new methods of education, helpful resources and effective approaches to teaching, being used at school. So we never stop learning which is great!

Of course working on your personal site can make a teacher addicted to surfing the net and dependent on informational resources. A good teacher must find a balance between traditional and innovative approaches. We should realise that not only technological tools make us competent.

Anyway a modern teacher is open to new resources and ready to use them effectively to make the educational process enjoyable and motivated for pupils.     

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Hi Everyone!

I'm now experimenting with the new google+ social network. They allow live online group chat sessions with up to 10 participants! I hope to organise some online chats in English in the future.

If you are interested, then you can join my group:  https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/100856291955150648447/100856291955150648447/posts

Once you are registered on google+, you will need to click on "follow" to be added to the group. After that you will be able to participate in group chats when I organise them!


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Будник Анастасия Сергеевна

Personal site: for and against

In our fast running century a person is surrounded by new technologies which open for us different ways of communication. What is now ordinary to people was practically impossible a dozen of years ago. Teachers of the past used books and blackboard as a source of giving knowledge to pupils, while modern teachers are provided with unique opportunities of their own informational environment. One of them is a personal site.

Having spred among various spheres of activity a personal site is considered to be a helpful educational tool of a modern teacher. Imagine you can share knowledge and carry out communication with pupils without necessarily having them in your classroom. Distance learning have become quite popular recently enabling teachers and pupils save time and work on their own.

Meanwhile teachers themselves are able to find a lot while exchanging information with colleagues. We can look for new methods of education, helpful resources and effective approaches to teaching, being used at school. So we never stop learning which is great!

Of course working on your personal site can make a teacher addicted to surfing the net and dependent on informational resources. A good teacher must find a balance between traditional and innovative approaches. We should realise that not only technological tools make us competent.

Anyway a modern teacher is open to new resources and ready to use them effectively to make the educational process enjoyable and motivated for pupils.     

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Будник Анастасия Сергеевна

Personal site: for or against

In our fast running century a person is surrounded by new technologies which open for us different ways of communication. What is now ordinary to people was practically impossible a dozen of years ago. Teachers of the past used books and blackboard as a source of giving knowledge to pupils, while modern teachers are provided with unique opportunities of their own informational environment. One of them is a personal site.

Having spred among various spheres of activity a personal site is considered to be a helpful educational tool of a modern teacher. Imagine you can share knowledge and carry out communication with pupils without necessarily having them in your classroom. Distance learning have become quite popular recently enabling teachers and pupils save time and work on their own.

Meanwhile teachers themselves are able to find a lot while exchanging information with colleagues. We can look for new methods of education, helpful resources and effective approaches to teaching, being used at school. So we never stop learning which is great!

Of course working on your personal site can make a teacher addicted to surfing the net and dependent on informational resources. A good teacher must find a balance between traditional and innovative approaches. We should realise that not only technological tools make us competent.

Anyway a modern teacher is open to new resources and ready to use them effectively to make the educational process enjoyable and motivated for pupils.     

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Богатырёва Татьяна Владимировна


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Наумов Игорь Геннадьевич

Intermediate. Nine. Isway itway aturdayCay etyay? Visual dictionaries rock my socks.  Visual Thesaurus makes looking up words really fun. The site offers a lot of features that will please the language obsessed. Vocab Grabber is a free service offered by the folks at Visual Thesaurus. It makes it easy to generate vocabulary lists from any text. The Vocab Grabber sorts the words in that text and places them in a word cloud.

Visuwords is an online graphical dictionary where you can look up words to find their meanings and associations with other words and concepts. The tool enables you to produce diagrams and learn how words associate.

Your comments are welcome here.


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Двинянинова Елена Анатольевна

The Internet has become such a great part of our everyday life that having your personal site is like having your own room in the apartment. Thousands of companies and even common people place information about themselves in the Internet. Is it that good?

 On the one hand – yes, it is, especially for teachers. We can collect all necessary information in one place and share it with other teachers as well as acquire some bits of knowledge from other people. By all means it’s your personal professional growth. Besides, you can arrange the material for the students in that way that can be interesting and useful for them – especially for those ones who have to stay away from classes for some reason.

 However, creating a website takes a huge amount of your spare time. Do we have a lot of it? That’s why we keep working on our computers instead of communicating with our families or depriving our organism of some ours of sleeping. Moreover, long hours in front of the computer do not benefit to your health and fitness.

 Nevertheless, we do create our websites; spend much time thinking about what kind of information to add there and we feel extremely happy when students tell you that with the help of your site they managed to do this and that; when their parents express gratitude for the information they have been looking for…. And you feel that your work is not in vain.

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Мурашева Екатерина Сергеевна



Personal Site: for and against


Everybody knows that the Internet is very important in the life of a modern teacher. Everyone has a chance to create his/her personal site. Just try to ask yourself: “What role does a personal site play in your life? Is it a good idea to spend more hours a day surfing the net and being in touch with your students even after school?” These are the questions we should answer. And the most striking thing is that the answer will be different for everyone.

On the one hand, one may think that having a personal site is an excellent opportunity. For example, you can share your ideas with your students and even communicate with their parents when you are at home as they spend much time in the internet. That is why this is a good way to raise motivation of your students and be an up-to-date teacher.

On the other hand, if you have your personal site, you should know that it is a great responsibility and even a burden for you. As a result, you spend much time in the Internet, doing harm to your eyes. Moreover, you should work hard always creating different tasks and new thing for you students.

Actually, you shouldn’t think only about difficulties, but also about the results of your work. If you do everything the right way, your students will appreciate you. And this will be the best award for you.

To sum everything up, we should say that a personal site is just a necessity in our life and a real need for teachers. There are many examples of people who have their educational sites. And now the question is still open for you: “Would you like to have your personal site?”



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Фалалеева Галина Элексовна

Why does  a teacher need a personal website?
1.  The teacher  always want  to be a positive example for his students and his own website will be indispensable in this.
2.  The site helps to achieve public recognition.
3. The site will share with colleagues own materials and projects.
4.  The site can attract students’ attention to the subject and show the possibility to use knowledge in future life.
5. The site helps to  show teacher’s  level of scholarship in the  sphere of science and culture.
6.  Work on the site shows  the desire of teachers to educate themselves and self-improvement
7. On the site the teacher can publish the personal merit and creative  success.
8. Teachers can express a positive opinion about the creative success of their students.
9. The site will help to get the highest gain teaching category.
10. Teachers can take part in the competitions of  the best personal  teacher’s site.

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Запасова Валентина Геннадьевна

Вот ссылка на мою  визитку


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Петухова Надежда Николаевна

При заучивании лексики я часто провожу с ребятами игру "Snowball", которая постепенно усложняется. Данная игра позволяет не только запомнить слово, но и грамматические конструкции. Тематика игры может быть разная. 

Предлагаю один из вариантов для запоминания продуктов и положительных и отрицательных конструкций во времени Present Simple. Сначала учащиеся запоминают слова:

Ann: Milk.

Kate: Milk, bread.

Alex: Milk, bread, fish.

Затем учащимся предлагается поиграть в эту же игру, но в более сложном варианте:

Ann: I like milk.

Kate: Ann likes milk, I like bread.

Alex: Ann likes milk,Kate likes bread, I like fish.

Если учащиеся справились, игру можно еще усложнить.

Ann: I like milk. I don` t like porridge.

Kate: Ann likes milk, she doesn` t like porridge. I like bread. I don` t like apples.

Alex: Ann likes milk, she doesn` t like porridge. Kate likes bread. She doesn` t like apples. I like fish. I don` t like meat.

Учащиеся с удовольствием играют и быстро запоминают. Можно в конце игры еще провести блиц-опрос: What does Ann like? What doesn` t Alex like? 

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Наумов Игорь Геннадьевич

Intermediate. Eight. Te@ch3Rs h@V3 cl@ss. To keep up, American students need to learn at a rate of 2,000–3,000 words per year. Can wide reading really be enough to help students learn so many words? Yes, it can. The cumulative effects of learning from reading can be large. What kinds of reading are necessary to produce such vocabulary growth? To help students get the most out of reading, you should encourage them to read at a variety of levels—some text simply for enjoyment, which should benefit their fluency—and some text that challenges them. Many people like reading Simple Wikipedia.

You can evaluate a text you found for reading by your students with these two online tools. The Oxford 3000 Profiler will highlight the words out of their list and show you  what percentage of the words in your text are part of the Oxford 3000. The BlueCentauri writing sample analyzer calculates the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level of your text. More about it, readability, and how we used it in one of our projects is here.

You can comment here.

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Нарьян Екатерина Леонидовна

Personal Site: for and against


Are you an extravert? Are you Internet addicted? Do you have a spare hour every day? If you answer yes, yes, and yes, you definitely should have a personal site. Otherwise, you had better weight the pros and cons before you press the SETUP button.


The good news is you will definitely enjoy the opportunity to share your brilliant ideas, unforgettable experiences and deep feelings. You will also promote yourself as a professional and gain a better chance to motivate your students. I remember having got eight e-mails from my students immediately after they were allowed to post me their home tasks instead of bringing them to school on paper. No wonder teenagers will be exited by the opportunity to visit your personal site.


The trouble is, they will soon get bored unless you add new rich content and improve the design regularly. Here comes the main difficulty with being a site host: you have to work on it harder and harder. Moreover, the better it is, the more you want to perfect. Finally, you can find yourself quite exhausted by the enterprise which started as a game and now is backbreaking work.


So rather than starting the project, think twice. Are you still eager to make your students’ lives happier? To inspire them, not just to teach? Are you sure? It is really worth doing then. At least, I strongly believe it is.

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