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Двинянинова Елена Анатольевна

The Internet has become such a great part of our everyday life that having your personal site is like having your own room in the apartment. Thousands of companies and even common people place information about themselves in the Internet. Is it that good?

 On the one hand – yes, it is, especially for teachers. We can collect all necessary information in one place and share it with other teachers as well as acquire some bits of knowledge from other people. By all means it’s your personal professional growth. Besides, you can arrange the material for the students in that way that can be interesting and useful for them – especially for those ones who have to stay away from classes for some reason.

 However, creating a website takes a huge amount of your spare time. Do we have a lot of it? That’s why we keep working on our computers instead of communicating with our families or depriving our organism of some ours of sleeping. Moreover, long hours in front of the computer do not benefit to your health and fitness.

 Nevertheless, we do create our websites; spend much time thinking about what kind of information to add there and we feel extremely happy when students tell you that with the help of your site they managed to do this and that; when their parents express gratitude for the information they have been looking for…. And you feel that your work is not in vain.

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