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Наумов Игорь Геннадьевич

Advanced. Eleven. ( ˘ ³˘)♥ The Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) is a useful tool for determining collocations, usage, synonyms and much more.  Essentially it is a searchable database of language samples of contemporary English, both American and British.  If you are interested in English words and the patterns in which a word occurs, I believe that this resource will be invaluable for you in your teaching, learning, and research.

ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ Google’s nGram Viewer is an amazing tool that lets you search word frequencies over the history of publishing. It searches Google’s collection of 5 million books (about 500 billion words) and calculates how many times a word appears in any given year. The tool tracks the change in the use or popularity of different words or terms over time.

Альбом: my

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Таратухина Татьяна Александровна

The Beatles.

The Bolshoi Theatre.

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Таратухина Татьяна Александровна

Personal site: for and against.

    Today it is very difficult to meet a person, who has no personal site in the Internet.  What is a site necessary for?

     First of all, we need it for sharing our own creation with other people. On the pages of the site we can publish our favourite photos, works, articles, tell about our hobbies and so on.

    Secondly, the site is a good advertisement of everything we do. If my site has an open status, a lot of people can acquaint themselves with the works of mine on its pages, give their own appreciation of its information, content and design.  

     Thirdly, everyone can find a lot of friends among those who visit, for example, my site.  It is very important for every site

      There is no serious argument against having a personal site.  

      The fact of the matter is that we periodically need to fill it with fresh and interesting materials which must be original and unique to interest visitors and search engines. But it takes much time, which is very limited in our modern time.

     What is more, many sites, especially on free hosting, are difficult for watching due to long loading, bright colors, a lot of advertisements and awkward menu.

      To sum up, in spite of these difficulties, we should have our own site and work  on its improvement.


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Наумов Игорь Геннадьевич

Intermediate. Ten. ah hope yer still lovin' mah blog, acco'din' t' th' code o' th' heells! Wordnik is a website for the word nerds. You can join the community, just browse, or sign up for an email “Word of the Day.”  However you play with the site, you’re bound to find a great resource for writing, education, and mind-honing in general.


Aaron Peckham, founder of Urban Dictionary, sees new words emerge every day. The standards for Urban Dictionary definitions, which users submit themselves, aren’t very high. But Peckham prefers it that way. “I think reading people’s definitions makes  them more entertaining and sometimes more accurate and honest than a heavily researched dictionary definition.” And they show that language is constantly evolving, sometimes minute by minute. Sometimes nsfw.


WordWeb is a free dictionary for your MS Windows computer. It sits in your system tray and works with your MS Word and other applications.


Here comes the Swiss knife of dictionaries, OneLook. Try their wildcards and reverse search. It’s like a dictionary on steroids!

Comment here.


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Трофимова Татьяна Андреевна

We live in the century of new technologies. The Internet plays a great part in the life of the person.  So it is very common and popular to have your own site. Every modern teacher tries to create it too. But like everything in our life having a personal site has its pros and cons.

You can find a lot of useful teaching materials on the personal teacher’s site. A skillful teacher can make on-line tests for students. Parents can contact the teacher through the site. The site must be informative and contain information for fun. But teacher should not forget that first of all that the site is an educational source. Besides the teacher can even earn money by promoting his site.

Some teachers think that managing the site takes a lot of time. The teacher needs much time to keep his site active, infirmative and interesting for visitors. Moreover they say that working in front of the monitor is bad for health.

To my mind it is very important to have a personal site for the teacher because it is very useful.  Modern students are very fond of the Internet so it is a very good motivation for them to learn English better.

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Красикова Екатерина Николаевна

My personal site … The thing I was eager to have but never have the time. It’s very usual thing – fill lack of time for yourself.

 There are many people who are “for” and “against” having it. Some say that a personal site is an advertisement and a good teacher doesn’t need any. Furthermore, a teacher  needs much time to keep it active and interesting for the visitors (needless to say we usually don’t have much free time).

 Others believe that this site will help a lot in your professional achievements and let you communicate easily with our colleagues around the World.  You can share info and even do some researches with other teacher virtually.

As for me, I suppose,  we should have our personal sites. Let’s try and figure out if I’m right.

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Вальгер Ольга Вячеславовна

"Personal site: for and against"

It is quite a disputable question: Have or not to have a personal site. As for me I support an idea of having a personal site and I would like to present some advantages.

1) It is a good area for those information that is necessary for me. I can use only those references, articles that I can use for my work.

2) It is a place where I can discuss different subjects I am interested in with other competent people, share ideas, knowledge, experiment.

3) It is a good sphere of sharing my own plans, pieces of work that I created myself and I can get comments from other users who will help me to correct weak points of my works.

4) It is a useful place of communication with my pupils and even relatives. Nowadays every pupil knows how to work in Internet and every modern teacher should know the information technologies inside out. Internet and a person have become an integral part of development. Through personal site I can communicate with my pupils on different subjects tomotivate them in learning English.

Despite the fact that creating a personal site needs a lot of efforts and time I thaink that having a website is a profitable thing!!!


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Чеснокова Александра Викторовна



Наше время характеризуется поиском новых форм, методов и приемов обучения. Современная школа нуждается в методах обучения, которые бы помогли не только качественно обучить, но в первую очередь, развить потенциал личности. Современное обучение направлено на то, чтобы готовить учащихся не только приспосабливаться, но и активно осваивать ситуации социальных перемен.

    На уроке иностранного языка особое место занимают формы занятий, которые обеспечивают активное участие в уроке каждого ученика, стимулируют речевое общение, способствуют формированию интереса и стремления изучать его.

   Эти задачи можно решить с помощью игровых методов обучения. В игре способности любого человека, а особенно ребенка проявляются в полной мере. Игра – особо организованное занятие, требующее напряжения эмоциональных и умственных сил. Игра предполагает принятие решения – как поступить, что сказать, как выиграть? Желание решить эти вопросы обостряет мыслительную деятельность играющих.  А если учащиеся при этом говорят на иностранном языке, игра открывает богатые обучающие возможности.

   Являясь развлечением, отдыхом, игра способна перерасти в обучение, в творчество, в модель человеческих отношений.


Цель обучения английскому языку это тот планируемый результат в процессе изучения школьником. И основным методом этого обучения является формирование лингвистической компетенции, т. е. обучение лексике. И, конечно же, упражнения остаются главным средством обучения на каждом этапе овладения иностранным языком. Обычно выделяют упражнения для усвоения материала и для его использования в устной речи.

 Поэтому условно можно все лексические упражнения поделить на две категории, направленные на:

1). Запоминание слова, его семантики в единстве с произносительной и грамматической формой;

2). Формирование сочетаний слов смыслового характера.

Приведем набор упражнений первой категории:

-Назвать изображенные на картинке предметы.

-Выбрать из ряда слов одно, соответствующее данной ситуации (теме).

-Образовать с выделенным словом другие предложения по образцу.

Приведем примеры упражнений второй категории: формирование словосочетаний:

-подберите из "разнообразных" слов сочетания;

-постройте сочетания, означающие принадлежность данных предметов членам вашей семьи, вашим друзьям и т.д.

 Таким образом, можно сказать, что обучение лексике предполагает овладение определенным количеством знаний и соответствующих им навыков, связанных с различными аспектами языка: лексикой, фонетикой, грамматикой.

 Конкретными целями в каждом виде речевой деятельности являются:

в говорении: умение сообщить, объявить, информировать, рассказать;

в письме: умение достаточно быстро фиксировать свои высказывания и высказывания других;

в чтении: умение быстро читать про себя;

в аудировании: умение понимать речь в нормальном темпе при живом общении;

в переводе: умение выступить в качестве переводчика в бытовой ситуации.

  Таким образом, мы переходим к рассмотрению возможных методов и приемов проведения уроков, помимо традиционной формы работы на уроках.

Эффективный способ обучения лексики на уроках английского языка - игровой метод. Очень важно, на наш взгляд, чтобы дети не чувствовали большую нагрузку школьной программы, а игра - способна помочь этому. В форме игровой деятельности можно всегда легко и быстро объяснить какой-то новый материал, отработать сложные моменты, разукрасить скучную рутинную ежедневную учебу, и что самое главное, заинтересовать детей в изучении английского языка с детства.

  Пример метода: на одном из моих уроков во время речевой зарядки был использован следующий игровой элемент:

 небольшой резиновый мячик и со словами "Let`s play with a ball and answer my questions!" я кидала его ученику и задавала вопрос, ученик, в свою очередь, отвечая на вопрос кидал мяч назад.


Примерные вопросы и ответы:

The teacher

The pupils

What season is it now?

It is winter!

What date is it today?

Today it’s the 27th of February.

Do you like winter?

Yes, I like it.


  Так быстро и весело был проведен этап урока, на котором, очень часто детям скучно, и они не внимательно следят за учителем. А в данном примере, дети с нетерпением ждали своего вопроса и были заинтересованы поймать мяч и правильно ответить на вопрос.



Теги: myblog
Фадеева Татьяна Николаевна

The Internet has changed our reality and nowadays personal sites are as common as telephones. However, some people see more drawbacks than advantages in web sites.

As for me, I believe personal sites allow a lot of talented people to show the world their achievements. You can get access to all the necessary information that you need for your work, household acctivities and hobbies.Personal sites give users amazing possibilities to share their ideas. Anyone is able to publish his own material on the web.

Nevertheless, quite a few people are against web sites. They argue that soon we'll forget how to write with a pen and paper and even how to talk. Besides, the information on the sites is not protected from inappropriate use, while it should be considered the author's property. What is more, exchange of opinions via the Internet can't replace a live talk.

To sum up, I find personal sites one of the greatest developments of the information age. You only have to be very rational and logical publishing your material. Then your site will help you feel that you are popular, that your opinion, sense of humour, genuine ideas are appreciated by other people.

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Боровко Елена Васильевна

Nowadays the Internet is a great source of information for many people. Everyone can create his personal site.. There are a lot of advantages of having your own website. Firstly, we can use it for our practical ideas, we can work effectively with people from different cultural background, we can work as team members, use information technology tools effectively. Website is a way of education. We can help students to do projects, homework, ask questions. Parents can ask us about their pupils without going to school. You can try to learn some subjects on line and do tests. Secondly we find a lot of useful information on the sites, listen to the songs, and watch video without leaving houses. It is relatively inexpensive to publish information on the Internet. On the other hand, the disadvantages are a serious problem for today's world. The Internet is the cause of one of the worst diseases called the Internet addiction. People spend a lot of time taking part in the useless chats and it is harm for our eyes. To sum up, I can say the Internet is necessary for our life.

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Антонова Татьяна Николаевна

Возможно, до сайта  ещё не так уж и близко, но хотя бы я научилась писать в блоге, хотя раньше даже не сталкивалась с этим. А тут ещё и собственный блог!

Хочу добавить, что просмотрела много информации что касается сайтов вообще. И хочу сказать, что это не так уж и просто "владеть" собственным сайтом. Продолжаю работать...


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Муравьева Галина Федоровна

"Cheerful Music Fans"

"Transport and Travelling"

"The Beatles"


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Драгон Наталья Николаевна

We all know that the Internet is used on different purposes. Everything in the world has positive and negative sides personal site is no exception. On the one hand you can have your own project. On the other hand there are some difficulties.

 Let`s begin with positive issues. First of all you are up with the latest technology because having your personal site means being involved in the fast growing community. Another advantage by creating your own site you can present yourself to the world. It can be your online portfolio and also serve as a useful forum for anyone interested in debating or expressing opinion about similar problems. Furthermore personal site shows you take your job seriously and you are serious about communicating with students and parents as many channels as possible. In addition to this you have the ability to upload documents and add important notices.

 Besides there are some disadvantages. You shouldn`t forget about safety of the Net and viruses which can destroy the work of the site. Moreover you must be careful to people whom you confide your personal facts and information. Finally the creation of the site with a great content takes a lot of time.

 In conclusion I would like to express my opinion on this idea. I believe all depends on the person and the circumstances.       

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Муравьева Галина Федоровна

"Personal site: for and against"

Nowadays it has become so popular to create your own site that only a bone-lazy didn't try to contribute to this process, to say nothing the Net provides a great range of opportunities to choose different domens and sites. I strongly believe that a creative teacher should take every chance to engage different resources for making the process of teaching more interesting, effective and thrilling. I am sure that Web design serves this goal.

To begin with personal teacher’s site allows arranging great variety of teaching materials at one site that is very helpful when storing it. In a twinkling of and eye one can manage to find necessary information or a file. Another major reason is that at the same time one can place personal information on the site which is an excellent hand in creating teacher’s portfolio. Last but not least the most intelligent teachers can even earn money by promoting their sites.

Some people argue that managing an own site takes a lot of time and effort. Besides they add that spending too much time in front of the monitor is undesirable for people who spent a lot of time indoors. No doubt teachers belong to this category.

I do not agree with opposing viewpoint, because I am still of the opinion that in reasonable amount it is even necessary for  teaching staff to be engaged in exciting process of creating a miracle called “My personal site”!

All things considered I should say that owing a personal site is both convenient and useful and every advanced teacher should consider it an honor to have his or her  own website.






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Орлова Наталья Владимировна

Personal sites: for and against.

Nowdays Internet resources develop very fast. People get a chance to use them in different ways and for different goals. It can be blogs, livejournals, personal sites and social nets. It is very convenient using such kinds of internet resources for communication, changing ideas, thoughts, business plans and so on. There is no doubt that personal sites gives people an opportunity to express their personality, to share professional works and their experience.
As for me I have not got a personal site yet. But I use my colleagues' personal sites for searching information. It is very helpful. On the other hand,I believe there are some negative facts about personal sites. Some people say that it takes a lot of time and you constantly need to renew information on your site. It is not very convenient when you have not enough time. More than that you must have necessary technical skills for site building.
However these "problems" do not stop people who want to be successful in our changeable and competitive world.
To sum up we can say we can say that internet gives us many opportunities and it depends on everyone how you can use them. I would like to get my own experience in site building and I hope it will be useful.

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