"Personal site: for and against"
Nowadays it has become so popular to create your own site that only a bone-lazy didn't try to contribute to this process, to say nothing the Net provides a great range of opportunities to choose different domens and sites. I strongly believe that a creative teacher should take every chance to engage different resources for making the process of teaching more interesting, effective and thrilling. I am sure that Web design serves this goal.
To begin with personal teacher’s site allows arranging great variety of teaching materials at one site that is very helpful when storing it. In a twinkling of and eye one can manage to find necessary information or a file. Another major reason is that at the same time one can place personal information on the site which is an excellent hand in creating teacher’s portfolio. Last but not least the most intelligent teachers can even earn money by promoting their sites.
Some people argue that managing an own site takes a lot of time and effort. Besides they add that spending too much time in front of the monitor is undesirable for people who spent a lot of time indoors. No doubt teachers belong to this category.
I do not agree with opposing viewpoint, because I am still of the opinion that in reasonable amount it is even necessary for teaching staff to be engaged in exciting process of creating a miracle called “My personal site”!
All things considered I should say that owing a personal site is both convenient and useful and every advanced teacher should consider it an honor to have his or her own website.
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