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Прокофьева Людмила Александровна

We live in the century of information  technologies and it is very difficult to imagine our life without the Internet. We use the Internet on different purposes: for work, for fun, for chat, for searching the new information. A lot of people use the Internet for creating personal sites. Doubtless, personal site gives people a possibility to express their personality. For me, personal site is the way to share with other the necessary information, to show my achievements and to read the opinions about my work. Teacher’s site can help pupils and their parents.

Nevertheless, there are negative facts. Dangerous viruses can destroy the work of the site and of computer. Moreover  you must always add information in your site, it takes a lot of time.

     To sum up, I think the personal site is necessary for every teacher to express the personality

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Кузнецова Оксана Валериевна


Nowadays our life is impossible without the Internet. It is used everywhere: at home, at work, at school and in many other public places. And of course it is widely used in education by students and teachers.

Modern education demands students and teachers  be competent   in using different multimedia technologies. Creating a personal  site is one of these modern information technologies that qualified teachers  should use in their practice.  But some teachers can ask why they should have their own site. Of course, having a personal web-site has advantages as well as disadvantages.

On the one hand, having a personal web-site allows you to collect and organize all your methodical material into a system, then upload and share it with your colleagues from other schools, regions and even countries. So you  can exchange your experience, make friends from all over the world, take part  in online seminars and competitions. It’s also a good way to improve your  language, computer skills and get to know new methods of teaching. One more thing, a personal site gives you an excellent opportunity to gather and represent your portfolio of your achievements  to your colleagues. Web-site also allows a teacher to keep useful information and documents in order. Another advantage of having a web-site is your students can do some activities online and it makes learning languages more attractive for them. 

On the other hand, having your own site has some disadvantages, too. First, it takes a lot of time and efforts to keep it up to date. You have to spend much time in front of a computer and it has bad influence on your health, e.g.  you can have problems with eyesight, backpains and so on.  Secondly, you have to pay for using domen. 

To sum up, personal web –site is very actual in modern life, we can’t do without this exciting and educational activity. But we mustn’t forget about our health and other aspects of our life. 


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Агарёва Людмила Анатольевна

We live in the time of high technologies. And, perhaps, the famous words: "to be the teacher's site or not to be" sounds a bit strange. Of course - "to be"!!! Because you may find your pupils only in the social net after their lessons and you have a great opportunity to communicate informally. But, if we stay in the serious mood, we can use our site as the helper for studying English. We can give a lot of additional information about this or that subject, control the results, communicate with pupils, their parents, colleagues, exchange the useful resourses.

Skype, webinars, forums make our life siturated and we can share our experients, our achivements, achivemants of our pupils  on pages of our website at any suitable time.

As for me, I'm interested in out-school activities, that's why the site is neсessary for me and my students. I put there all the  information about Internet competitions I've found and they can choose what kind of competiton is more ineresting for them.

And we can't keep silenсe and don't say the disadvantages:

1.We can lose our children in the net.

2. We must spend a lot of time building our website, filling in the information of different kind.

So, to be or not to be the teacher's site is up to every teacher to deside.

Теги: myblog
Паршина Александра Михайловна

Цели создания сайта :

-самообразование и освоение ИТ с целью внедрения в учебный процесс;

-общение с коллегами;

-систематизация и распространение собственного педагогического опыта;

-оказание помощи ученикам в изучении английского языка и подготовке к ГИА и ЕГЭ;

Считаю целесообразным иметь в моем сайте следующие страницы:


-Мое педагогическое кредо

-Мои достижения

-Учителям английского языка

(Нормативная база, методическая копилка, интерактивная доска,   полезные ссылки)


(ЕГЭ и ГИА, словари, полезные ссылки, веб квесты, конкурсы)

-Работы учащихся



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Драгон Наталья Николаевна

  Задачей экзаменационного теста в разделе "Письмо" является проверка уровня сформированности умений учащихся использовать письменную речь для решения коммуникативных задач. Предложенный материал подробно объясняет правила написания аргументативного эссе, а также приводятся слова и словосочетания, употребляемые при написании данного типа задания.


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Дождикова Алла Ивановна

Personal sites: for and against

Personal sites have become a part of many teachers’ life. No wonder, it is a necessity of our modern time. But a site itself has advantages and disadvantages.

It goes without saying, there is no other suitable way of dissimilating professional experience.  Besides, a personal site makes an owner more organized and twice hard working, because he/she introduces information which is looked through by a great number of people. Moreover, the site gives an opportunity to organize interaction with other teachers and students. It is possible to involve students in different activities, in discussing global problems. Such form of interacting will motivate students for studying in unusual form.

But, on the other hand, a site may be a headache for its owner. Firstly, a problem appears how to find time for regular renewing the content of  the site. Secondly, the Internet has a tendency to be out when it is necessary for a user. Thirdly, some students lose interest to the  site when it has only educative purpose. So, we should find ways to make our sites both educative and entertaining to give them a long life.

In conclusion, I would like to add that a site is a demand of today’s technological life.

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Драгон Наталья Николаевна

  Появилась возможность создания сайта. С чего начать? Вот первые задумки.
  Надеюсь, что потенциальной аудиторией сайта станут мои коллеги, ученики, а также их родители.

  В школе постоянно проводятся различные мероприятия, праздники, разрабатываются проекты, в результате которых учащиеся создают творческие работы, - все это следует отражать  на сайте, например, в  разделе «Творчество». Здесь же учащиеся имели бы возможность публиковать свои стихи, рассказы.

   Ученик может и должен получать информацию на сайте о расписании уроков, домашнем задании, иметь  возможность задать вопрос учителю, друг другу.  Другая группа вопросов, интересующих школьников, -  это естественное желание поделиться с  друзьями о себе, о проведенных каникулах, спортивных состязаниях, просто о повседневной жизни. Хотелось бы создать условия для общения учащихся.  Здесь уместным окажется « Ученический форум».

  Фотоальбом на сайте, а также персональные странички учеников – довольно интересные разделы.

   Не менее увлекательна идея создания страничек и для учителей-предметников, где они будут иметь возможность  выкладывать на них всю интересную родителям и ученикам информацию, касающуюся их предметов, и постепенно обновлять их. 

   Для родителей сайт должен стать источником информации о школе, а также о достижениях их детей. Не менее полезен оказался бы раздел «В помощь родителям», содержащий статьи о воспитании, рекомендации по сложным ситуациям, консультации и возможность задать вопрос.

  Кроме того, сайт мог бы быть интересен и другим людям.

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Лазарева Алена Константиновна

The Internet has a strong impact on modern society and our life. Having a personal website is pretty much a must have nowadays. A lot of people of different professions have their own websites and teachers as well.

To have a personal website for a teacher is a great opportunity to share the knowledge and experience, some original ideas with other teachers. It’s a common situation, when you want to make your lesson better, more interesting and effective, you surf the Net in searching useful information and, though there are a lot of different educational resources, there are a lot of talented, creative and skillful teachers who can give you this or that information, advice.  Also, a teacher can make pages for students, where they can find useful information and even tasks such as web-quests. 

Also to have a personal website for a teacher is a great responsibility, because he or she should think carefully about the content posting on it. A website can help leave a positive first impression if it’s designed well and your content is professional. To fill your site with interesting and useful information, to design it well requires a lot of time and special knowledge from a teacher, and if a teacher can get the necessary knowledge, the problem can be with a lack of time. 

In spite of possible difficulties, I think a modern teacher should have his or her personal website because it can benefit for teacher himself, for colleagues and for students. 

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Владимирова Елена Васильевна

Nowadays people use the Internet more and more. It is a fact that using it makes our life easier because you can find all necessary information being at home. The emergence of the opportunity to create teacher`s site causes a variety of opinions. People argue about the advantages and disadvantages of having teacher`s site. Some are for, others are against it. 

Speaking about the advantages  of having a site it should be mentioned that having teacher`s site  helps to collect all metodical literature you need for the lessons you will not have to keep it at home or at school. Moreover, you can use the information from your site at the lessons. What is more, you can share experiences with other teachers who can evaluate your work. You can connect with your students and their parents, using your site. They can find there recommedations for learning English, tasks and information about the language competitions.

Some people consider that there are also disadvantages of having personal teacher`s site. It is a fact that in order to have his or her own site a person should know the computer very well and be very competitent  in using the Internet. Not every teacher can do it. There are even teachers who have sites only because the administration of their school makes them to do it. Moreover, sometimes teachers make and complete their sites not by themselves!

Personaly I think that nowadays every teacher must have his or her own site. To my mind modern teacher can`t be without site because not having personal site, a teacher misses a variety of opportunities. I want to have my own site and I think I can do it!

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Ермакова Юлия Валерьевна

Our modern life needs having your personal site or blog in the Internet. If you are a teacher having a site is the necessity in modern system of education. Our education demands the using of different multimedia technologies, electronic dictionaries and Internet. I believe that there are advantages and disadvantages of having your personal website.

People who have website could share interesting information with other people. Some people need sites for their business – to advertise and sell some products. Some of them have Internet shops. It’s very comfortable to have a web page, where you can introduce your goods and there is no much rent for placement.

Nowadays most teachers have their own web sites. They upload different educational information there and their students can do tasks distantly, which cut the time.

Some people are against web sites, because of wasting their time. They suppose that this is hairy and unhealthful to spend much time playing the computer games or working on it. I can guess such people do not know computer technologies and it’s very difficult for them to work with it.

What for me, I would like to have my personal site, to upload different information, different tasks for my students. I know a bit about multimedia technologies and like to learn about it. I don’t have much time to draw pictures with hand or write some exercises on the paper. For me it’s comfortable to tape and to send a e-mail for my students. So, I am really happy to have an opportunity to make my personal web site.

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Илюхина Лариса Васильевна

There is no doubt that the twenty first century is the time of information, knowledge, and communication. The Internet provides a great variety of opportunities for that. Creation of your own Website is one of them. It cannot be denied, that a creative teacher will do his best to be up-to-date with the process of making teaching more affective and exciting.

 To begin with, a personal teacher's site is the best source of helpful information for pupils, their parents and colleges. Besides, it saves pupils'  time in finding a necessary file or site. What is more, it can be used in distance education of those pupils who are unable to attend school. 

On the other hand, there are some people who agued that spending a lot of time in front of the monitors is very harmful for health. They are very tired of leading a sedentary lifestyle. They believe that teachers should reduce their endless work indoors and spend more time closer to nature, walking, playing active games outdoors or just reading a book in the park.

To sum up, I strongly believe that being engaged in the process of creating of your own Website is an exciting form of pedagogical activity. Of course, it is not only honorable to have it, but it is one of the ways of creating teacher's portfolio.


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Богатырёва Татьяна Владимировна

     We often hear that we live in the era of information. It's quiet right because now we have so many opportunities to learn something new. I couldn't even imagine about such source of information as the Internet when I only began my professional career as a teacher. Now I surf the net every day. I look for some additional material for my lessons, send and get e-mail letters, study, take part in on-line seminars and competitions. While surfing the net I use different websites. Some of them are interesting but others are not so good. Should I have my own website? There are some pros and cons.

  Of course it's good because my site will help me to express my thoughts, to share different materials and information, to make friends all over the world. As a teacher of the English language I'll have an excellent chance to communicate with teachers from other cities and countries, to improve my knowledge of the language and methods of teaching. I'll also get one more chance to communicate with my students.

  On the other hand, having a personal site I'll have to spend much more time in front of a computer. But I am so busy as a teacher.  I shouldn't forget about my family and my sons. They need me too. 

     To sum it up, I think it's worth trying to have a personal site. I hope my family will help me in this work.

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Бурдасова Елена Викторовна

Назвала свой сайт English in Focus. 

Планирую, конечно, разделы:

My Portfolio, где будет содержаться информация, которая представит меня как учителя

Documents, где будут содержаться основные документы, характеризующие языковое образование на современном этапе

Master Class, где будут представлены конспекты уроков, презентации к урокам (мои и учеников), проекты, конкурсные работы

Contests, где будут размещаться конкурсы и игры on line

Achievements, где будут размещаться результаты участия в конкурсах, НПК, олимпиадах ( мои и учеников)

Exams, где будут представлены основные документы, регламентирующие ГИА и ЕГЭ, а так же рекомендации по выполнению всех частей экзамена и тренировочные варианты

Practise English, где   будут размещаться ссылки на сайты с информацией о курсах, дистанционных курсах, информация о печатных изданиях на английском языке 

Forum, где ученики смогут писать мне вопросы

Я думаю, что в ходе создания сайта возникнут ещё идеи.

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Маматхаликова Мария Анатольевна

Nowadays the world changes rapidly and we can`t imagine daily life without Internet.  It has become an integral part of our lives. A lot of people use it for different purposes: for communication, studying, searching for information, etc.  Almost everybody has her/his personal page in different social nets; moreover, we have an opportunity to have a personal website. Some people think that such resource is very useful and has a lot of advantages. Others are strongly against it.  Let`s consider this issue.
Firstly, a personal website presents the author to advantage. Everybody who visits personal websites gets necessary information about   its host. Moreover, the more people surf it, the more popular the host of website becomes.
Secondly, having a personal site helps the person share information and experience,  communicate with colleagues from different countries, give and gets advice and be in touch with a lot of visitors of the website.
    On the other hand, there are some disadvantages of this fact.  The one of the reasons is   payment. It means that if a person has his or her personal website, he or she must pay for the using domen.  The next reason is that successful development of your personal website requires much time and effort, certain computer skills. And the main argument against having a personal website is being harmful for people`s health because it is scientifically proved that computers have bad influence on eyesight, backbone, skin.
To sum it up, if a person is highly motivated by existing in such a format of this resource he or she will take it up in spite of all the disadvantages, mentioned above. People who are not obsessed with virtual space usually choose different ways of communication or self-presentation.

Теги: myblog
Чеснокова Александра Викторовна

Как я работаю над сайтом

   Зарегистрировалась на сайте, выбрала себе образец. Попробовала кое-что в нем поменять. Посмотрела фон - слишком светлый. Зашла в оформление: изучила шрифты – название и  размер; цвет текста, заголовков, ссылок, ссылок при наведении, фона. Поменяла цвет.

Просмотрела все шаблоны, не выбрала ни один, честно, захотелось свой собственный, и я вставила свой.

  На сайте планирую пока выложить информацию о себе, своих работах и достижениях, советы для родителей( как памятку, «подсказки» для учащихся, работы моих учеников полезные ссылки как для учеников , так и для коллег; фотографии, иллюстрирующие моё «поле деятельности» и меня как человека и как педагога. Поэтому представляю следующие разделы:


information about teacher

student's page

parent's page

teacher's page

student's works


useful refferences

visitor's page

main page







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