Формирование фонологической компетенции
Today at the lesson we`ll need the following words. Read them after me.
- NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
- ISS (International Space Station)
- RIACS (The Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science)
- to land
- to launch
- to orbit
- to develop
- to explore
- exploration
- space exploration
- gravitation ( overcome gravitation)
- equipment
- observation
- space technology (develop specific technologies )
- discovery
- invention
- experiment
- outer space
- manned
- unmanned
- satellite
- shuttle
- spacecraft
- astronaut (cosmonaut, spaceman )
- mankind, humankind
Read and translate the words one by one.
Формирование речевой компетенции
- Select the nouns…
- The verbs….
- The adjectives….
Now let`s make some phrases.
What can we explore, launch, orbit, develop?
What can be manned and unmanned?
What can we make?(discovery, experiment, observations)
What can we develop?( space technology, equipment)
What can we launch?(satellite ,shuttle, spaceship)
Who is working in space?
How do we call the whole population of the planet? ( mankind)
Complete the phrases:
1)…………… gravitation(overcome)
2)…………… exploration(space)
3) to launch……..(a satellite, a shuttle)
4) to orbit……….(the Earth)
5)………….. spacecraft(manned)
7)to………..the Earth(to orbit)
8)……………new space technologies
9) to make …………( an invention, discovery, experiment)
10)to ………..the Moon(to land, to explore)
Формирование лингвистической компетенции
- 1)Read and guess what it means:
Key words: equipment observation exploration technology discovery invention experiment mankind |
- 1. to find something: new place, fact, substance
- 2. to make, design or think of new type of things
- 3. the act of traveling through a place in order to find out about it
- 4. something that you notice when watching something or someone
- 5. a natural phenomenon by which physical bodies attract with a force proportional to their mass
- 6. the societies in the world considered as a whole
- 7. new machines, equipment, and ways of doing things that are based on modern knowledge about science and computers
- 8. making tests using various ideas, methods to find out how good or effective they are
- 9. a person working in space
- 10. the tools, machines, clothes that you need to do a particular job or activity
- Key words: equipment, observation, astronaut, exploration, technology, to discover, to invent, experiment, mankind, gravitation
2) Match the combinations of words:
Key: 1- f, 2- m, 3- a, 4- j, 5- i, 6- b, 7- k, 8- c, 9- n , 10- d, 11- g, 12- e, 13- l, 14- h.