Приглашаем коллег завести свой персональный блог!

Расскажите о своей профессиональной деятельности.
Богатырёва Татьяна Владимировна

Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1—6 и утверждениями, данными в списке A —G. Используйте каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение.
Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

Before listening learn new words.


Now we are ready to start.
Speaker 1
Why on earth do they want to check our uniforms in a final exam? There are enough
stresses in taking an exam without having to worry about whether you are wearing a regulation shoe! But this really happened to my friend and five other kids, who were excluded from taking an exam because they were not in approved school uniform. Can you imagine? After five years learning and hours of revision and practice; you finally fail your exam and endanger your future simply because you are wearing the wrong kind of shoe!
Speaker 2
Here I am at the school dance, wanting to ask Susan Turner for a dance — and I look like a
penguin! I had put a lot of thought into this. I really did want to look my best. I managed to
borrow my brother’s Paul Smith jacket and jeans. But the most exciting thing was that I got
Kurt Geiger shoes and a “super cool” Armani shirt — in a charity shop for twenty five quid! I
looked and felt great until the dance invitations arrived stating “black tie dress code only” . I
wonder if Susan fancies dancing with a flightless bird...
Speaker 3
People can wear a set of clothes that are not identical but still be “ in uniform” . Bankers and
stockbrokers, together with football fans and style conscious teenagers all wear a type of uniform. They can be strict about this. There are no jeans in the board room and you don’ t wear a Chelsea shirt to a Manchester derby! Research has shown that uniformity is one issue but more important is being noticed and approved.
Speaker 4
Technical security workers at this huge corporation belong to a private firm whose delivery
vans, uniforms, bags and boxes are all the same horrible mix of orange and blue. The ingenious robbers discovered that this provided both a perfect disguise and a clever means of escape. They just walked into the security camera repair room and pretended to work for almost an hour —nobody even spoke to them. Not even the genuine workers noticed that they had three additional“colleagues” and it was only the next day that the robbery was detected.
Speaker 5
I am worried that they’ll notice and laugh. I ’m trying to keep as far away from them as
possible. I divide my time between the “ chill out” area and the buffet. I ’ ll not chance the dance floor because everyone will notice. A cream taffeta wrap blouse, Italian Jersey dress and «fabulously edgy» strap thong shoes from Camilla Skovaard and — unbelievably — all of us scented with Jo Malone “Orange Blossom” ! How on earth can three girls at one small party wear exactly the same thing?
Speaker 6
Jimmy was a pirate and Becky was a queen. Cleopatra did an incredible tango with a
policeman and I noticed a slow dance between Napoleon and a ballerina. I myself wore nice
jeans, a new shirt and looked, I thought, pretty cool. But neither Cleopatra, the hospital nurse or the pilot would dance with me. I went home quickly and with a wide sombrero and poncho (holiday souvenirs) quickly transformed myself in to a Mexican bandit. I returned to the party within an hour. I can now tell you that Cleopatra taught me some crazy dance moves.

Теги: Нет тегов 
Байкина Татьяна Алексеевна


Вы услышите 5 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1-5 и утверждениями, данными в списке A-F. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение.

A. The speaker thinks that sport increases fitness. 
B. The speaker is sure that sport helps to overcome difficulties. 
C. The speaker says that sport can be unfair. 
D. The speaker believes that sport improves your outlook. 
E. The speaker is proud of his level of fitness. 
F. Sport giver the speaker a chance to acquire self-confidence.

 Текст для аудирования:

1. Fred Tomasino, an amateur cyclist

Racing has allowed me to meet and make friends with a number of enthusiasts of varying skill, age, and backgrounds. I have ridden in spectacularly scenic areas that I would not otherwise have explored. I've developed a deeper appreciation of our beautiful planet. My fitness has increased, my weight has decreased. Racing has given me an increased sense of individuality.

2. Jack, a handicapped basketball player

Basketball has made me forget about my problems, I'm doing what other people are doing and it gives me a great pleasure. I've got a chance to acquire self-confidence as I don't feel disabled any more. I'm looking into the future with optimism.


3. Tanya, an ex-downhill skier

... for me sport means a lot ... I spent my best years in sport and I have the best memories of those times, ... and my best friends ... . But ... I also remember that sport can be quite intrusive and unfair. Your coaches are not very interested in what you feel or what you are - they need results and they don't care about anything else. If you have any problems - they forget about you. And sport is real hard ... . You train, and train, and train. It takes all your time, so that you have no time for the disco, or a visit to the theatre, or anything else ... though whn you get used to this routine, you strat liking it, it's you life and you learn a lot about life.


4. Frank Poesy, a handicapped mountain biker

I'm a handicapped mountain biker. I've lost my left arm just below the elbow. I hold my handlebar with a prosthesis. I took up biking to get back in shape. At first I had trouble handing my old touring bike, so I purchased a mountain bike. I soon became addicted and prefer riding to drivind a car. Mountain biking has been a great experience. It's building both my arms. I've been able to overcome my difficulties. Other benefits include weight control. I don't drink alcohol any more to relax. And at 36, I feel like 20.


5. Ivan Yarygin, Olympic Champion in freestyle wrestling

Sport has become a part of my life, to be more exact, not a part, but the main concern of my whole life. My way to the top was difficult and thorny. But I don't have any regrets. Thanks to sport my outlook on life has improved.


Words to remember:

allow - позволять, разрешать

increase - увеличивать, повысить

decrease - уменьшать, понизить

fitness - физическая форма

outlook - точка зрения, мировоззрение

improve - улучшать

overcome - преодолеть

acquire - приобретать

weight - вес


Match the words with their definitions:

1) allow a) gain, to come to possess

2) increase  b) make better

3) fitness c) general  attitude

4) acquire d) make or become larger

5) overcome  e) how heavy something or somebody is

6) weight f) make or become less

7) improve  g) let somebody do something

8) outlook on  h) state of being healthy and strong

9) decrease i) fight successfully against something



1-g, 2-d, 3- h, 4- a, 5- i, 6- e, 7- b, 8 - c, 9 - f



Теги: Нет тегов 
Лютикова Галина Александровна

Задания  А1 -А6 - это задания на множественный выбор.

Задания А1-А6  позволяют оценить умение услышать и понять запрашиваемую информацию в звучащем тексте. Прослушав разговор двух собеседников, учащиеся должны выбрать окончание предложения или ответ на вопрос из трёх предложенных вариантов.

Критерии оценивания: верное выполнение каждого задания с выбором ответа оценивается в 1 балл. За неверный ответ или отсутствие ответа выставляется 0 баллов.

При выполнении заданий данного типа рекомендуем придерживаться следующего алгоритма:

  • прочитайте инструкцию к заданию чтобы извлечь максимум информации из задания;
  • прочитайте предлагаемые в задании начала предложений ( вопросы) и возможные окончания (ответы);
  • решите для себя, какую информацию необходимо услышать в тексте, какие слова-маркеры в звучащем тексте могут помочь;
  •  помните, что задания А1-А6 даны в последовательности, соответствующей подаче информации в тексте;
  • прослушайте аудиотекст и постарайтесь отметить возможные варианты окончания предложений;
  • прослушайте аудиотекст ещё раз;
  • убедитесь, что выбор был сделан правильно;
  • внесите исправления в случае допущенной ошибки;
  • уделите особое внимание тем заданиям,которые не удалось выполнить при первом просушивании;
  • не оставляйте ни одно задание без ответа.

Выполним задания А1-А6 вместе.

1. Читаем инструкцию к заданию и находим ответы на вопросы:

а)   Что нужно сделать?

б)  Кто участвует в диалоге?

в)  Сколько раз будет звучать текст?

г)  Как следует оформить ответ?

Вы услышите разговор двух друзей. В заданиях А1–А6 обведите цифру 1, 2

или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите

запись дважды. У Вас есть 60 секунд, чтобы ознакомиться с заданиями.

Now we are ready to start.

Kelly: Hi, Jim! I didn’t see you in the morning class. Did you come late?

Jim: Hi, Kelly. Yes, I was late. Ms. Smith talked to me really seriously about that. I said that the bus had broken down.

Kelly: And she believed that?

Jim: I don’t think so.

Kelly: And the real reason was…?

Jim: The usual. I overslept. I didn’t hear the alarm clock and woke up only when my mum called me from her work.

Kelly: I’m not surprised. Were you watching films yesterday till very late again?

Jim: Yes. I was just going to see what was on but then I lost track of time and watched the film up to the end.

Kelly: I tried to call you yesterday. Just wanted to remind you about the Science project we need to complete together by tomorrow. It’s about how computers influence our life and our communication habits.

Jim: Oh, I’d forgotten about that! How about today, after classes? Let’s go to my place and we’ll complete the project in two or three hours I’m sure.

Kelly: I usually prefer working in the library or in a Wi-Fi café. But you’re right – there’s no time left for it. Do you have good internet access and a printer?

Jim: I certainly do. And I also have a freshly made cake in the fridge.

Kelly: It’s a strong argument. Have you remembered that for the project we have to interview at least three people of different ages about what they do online?

Jim: That’s not a problem. We can ask my mother, my grandmother and my younger brother, who’s seven.

Kelly: Right. Your brother’s answers will be especially interesting. Children spend more time online than anyone else.

Jim: True. He’s there more often than me.

Kelly: And have you got any books or journals at home from which we could get some additional information?

Jim: No. And we don’t need to. We are writing about the Internet – we’ll certainly be able to find everything we need right there – on the Internet.

Kelly: Ok, let’s give it a try. We have no choice anyway.

Jim: And, Kelly, I’d like to ask you a favour…

Kelly: What is it?

Jim: Could you read my French essay before I hand it in? I always make lots of spelling and grammar mistakes in writing.

Kelly: What’s your topic?

Jim: The aim of education in the present day.

Kelly: Ok, give it to me. I’ve only got a few minutes before the bell



А1- 3

А2 -2

А3- 3

А4 -2

А5- 3

А6 -2




Теги: Нет тегов 
Лютикова Галина Александровна

Задание В2 - задание на установление соответствий между пятью монологическими высказыванями и утверждениями, передающими основную мысльпрослушанных текстов. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение.

Цель: проверить умение учащихся понимать основное содержание прослушанных текстов.

Критерии оценивания: верное выполнение каждого задания оценивается в 1 балл. За неверный ответ или отсутствие ответа выставляется 0 баллов.

При выполнении заданий данного типа придерживайтесь следующего алгоритма.

До прослушивания записи:

  • Прочитать инструкцию к заданию и извлечь максимум информации из формулировки задания;
  • Прочитать предлагаемые в задании опции ( места действия,  утверждения);
  • Предположить, о чём может идти речь и какие слова и выражения вероятны для этого контекста.

Во время звучания  записи:

  • Обращайте внимание на слова и выраженя, подсказывающие тематику данной опции. Возможно, некоторые слова в текстахбудут вам незнакомы - не отчаивайтесь. Для того  чтобы правильно выполнить задание, не обязательно понимание каждого слова, достаточно понять о чём текст.
  • Отмечайте соответствия. Отметьте сразу две-три опции, которые подходят больше других. Желательно, чтобы после первого прослушивания текстов основная часть соответствий была найдена. Во время первой паузы решите, на чём необходимо сконцентрировать внимание при втором прослушивании.
  • При повторном прослушивании убедитесь, что выбор был сделан правильно.
  • Внесите исправления в случае допущенной ошибки. Основное внимание следует уделить тем опциям, которые не удалось определить при первом прослушивании.

После прослушивания:

  • Проверьте правильность первоначальных ответов.
  • Занесите ответы в таблицу
  • Не оставляйте ни одного вопроса без ответа.
  • Не  забывайте, что одно из утверждений является лишним. 

Вы услышите пять высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A–E и утверждениями, данными в списке 1–6. Используйте каждое утверждение из списка 1–6 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. У Вас есть 30 секунд, чтобы ознакомиться с заданиями.

Now we are ready to start.

Speaker A

I live in the country but I’ve always wanted to move to a big city. I think that there are more career opportunities there, more jobs, people can get a better education and better medical services there. There is more entertainment in the city, too. You can go to theatres, cinemas and clubs, there are lots of people everywhere – you’ll never get bored. I’ll move to the city as soon as I get an opportunity to do so.

Speaker B

I live in a big city, in a new fast-developing area. Most of the buildings were built not long ago, so the area has a modern look and is comfortable to live in. There are shops, cinemas, schools, hospitals, sports centres and parks within easy reach of my house. Right in front of my house there’s a bus stop, so I have no problem getting to the centre or any other part of the city.

Speaker C

We’ve just moved house and now I live in a new modern building in the centre of the city. My window has a view of a busy street but the interior creates a nice and peaceful atmosphere. The walls are painted light green and the furniture is in warm brown and creamy colours. There’s a plasma TV and a portable audio centre. I like drawing and there are several of my pictures on the walls. I think they look nice there.

Speaker D

Everybody wants their home to be a safe, nice and comfortable place but their ideas of comfort and beauty are very different. In hot climates people sometimes make their homes underground. Living underground, however, doesn’t mean living in dark, dirty and damp caves. Modern underground homes are light. They are beautifully designed, nicely furnished and very comfortable to live in.

Speaker E

When we were walking along the main street, the guide pointed to an ordinary looking house and said that the place had a history. During the war a famous doctor lived there. He arranged a hospital in his own home and saved lots of people. Now nobody lives in the house, there’s a museum of science and medicine there. The museum has very interesting exhibits on the history of medical science.





Теги: Нет тегов 
Лютикова Галина Александровна

Задание В1 - базовый уровень.

Проверяемые умения - понимание основного содержания прослушанного текста.

Критерии оценивания - верное выполнение каждого задания оценивается в 1 балл. За неверный ответ или отсутствие ответа выставляется 0 баллов.

Основные рекомендации по выполнению задания B1 базового уровня.

  • Внимательно прочитайте задание перед прослушиванием текста. Постарайтесь понять, какую информацию вам нужно извлечь из звучащего текста. Это поможет определить, что будет наиболее важным для ответа.  
  • При прослушивании не сосредоточивайте основное внимание на незнакомых словах. Вы всегда сможете понять основное содержание текста, даже если не знаете значение каждого слова в отдельности.
  • Слушая текст, старайтесь выделить ключевые слова и фразы. Именно они помогут вам понять основное содержание высказывания.
  • После первого прослушивания постарайтесь отметить наиболее вероятные ответы.
  • Во время второго прослушивания сосредоточьте внимание на пропущенной информации.
  • Не оставляйте ни одного вопроса без ответа.
  • Не забывайте, что одно из утвержлений является лишним.

Вы услышите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных А, B, C и D. Определите, где происходит каждый из этих диалогов. Используйте каждое место действия из списка 1–5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее место действия. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

1. At the Doctor’s

2. In a shop

3. In a classroom

4. In a museum

5. In a swimming pool

Dialogue A


A: We heat the water and when its temperature reaches 100 degrees, it starts to boil. 

B: Excuse me, Mrs. Brown, can the temperature of the water get higher than that if we keep increasing the heat?

A: No. At least not under normal conditions. At 100 degrees water changes into steam.

B: It’s just what happens when we boil water in a kettle, isn’t it?

A: Exactly.

Dialogue B

A: It looks very good. And it fits you perfectly.

B: But I don’t need it! Who buys a warm coat in the summer, when the temperature never drops below 15 degrees!

A: But the winter comes every year anyway. And when it comes, this coat will cost double the price. We’re buying it now!

B: Ok, whatever you want…

Dialogue C

A: When did you say you first felt unwell?

B: In the morning. I woke up and started to cough. And I have a sore


A: Ok, my assistant will take your temperature, and then I’ll examine

you. Could you take that seat please?

B: OK, thank you.

Dialogue D

A: They’ve got a wonderful collection of old books and manuscripts.

B: Yes. Look, this book dates from the 18th century! The pages are yellowish.

A: There are even older books here. I think it must be difficult to take care of such delicate exhibits.

B: Yes. Low and high temperatures, as well as sunshine and humidity, are very harmful to them.

A: Have a look at this one. Can you read the name of the author on that one?


Check your answers with the key:  




Теги: Нет тегов 
Петрушина Татьяна Николаевна

Проверяемые умения:  умение понять в прослушанном тексте запрашиваемую информацию.

Тип задания : задание с множественным выбором ответа.

Система оценивания:  верное выполнение каждого задания с выбором ответа оценивается в 1 балл. За неверный ответ или отсутствие ответа выставляется 0 баллов.

Рекомендации для учащихся.

  • Перед тем,  как прослушать запись, внимательно прочитайте инструкцию и сами утверждения.
  • В этом задании не надо пытаться определить правильный ответ до прослушивания текста, так как ответ зависит от содержания текста. Но прочитав задания, можно попытаться  представить, о чём будет говориться в записи.
  • Следует продумать, какого рода информация потребуется (цифры, время, имена собственные, какие-то детали), чтобы определить данное утверждение как верное, неверное, или вообще в тексте не затронутое.
  • Необходимо учитывать разницу между вариантом "Неверно" и вариантом " В тексте не сказано". Неверное предложение содержит информацию, которая противоречит тексту, а вариант " В тексте не сказано" означает, что в тексте аудиозаписи ничего не говорится по этому поводу.
  • В заданиях такого типа порядок приведённых утверждений соответствует тому порядку, в каком информация даётся в аудиозаписи. Поэтому утверждения можно читать и во время прослушивания записи.
  • При прослушивании текста обратите внимание на отрицательные предложения. Правильный ответ часто имеет форму утвердительного предложения, которое включает слово, противоположное по значению тому, что прозвучало в записи. Это также может быть более сложное предложение, в котором встречаются такие слова как: barely, hardly, scarcely, rarely, seldom.
  • В конце задания могут быть вопросы более общего содержания.При ответе на них необходимо подумать о тексте всей записи целиком.
  • Во время второго прослушивания проверьте свои ответы и не оставляйте вопросы без ответов.

Задания А1-А7

         Вы услышите телефонный разговор. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений  А1 - А7 соответствуют содержанию текста  ( 1-  True), какие не соответствуют  ( 2 - False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного , ни отрицательного ответа ( 3 - Not Stated). Обведите номер выбранного вами ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.



apply  -                 записаться

applicant -          претендент, кандидат

application   -    обращение, просьба. заявление

tuition fee     -    плата, взнос

a full-time student  - студент, обучающийся по полной программе

sponsorship form    - бланк поручительства

tuition expenses      -    расходы по обучению

 hesitate                       -   колебаться

Receptionist: English Language Center. How may I help you?

 Caller:  Yes. I've heard about your center from my classmate and I'm calling to find out more information about your program.What kind of courses do you offer?

Receptionist : Well, first of all the purpose of our program is to provide language learning opportunities for students who would like to master basic language skills for his or her job, or to study intensively to enter a US college or university.

Caller:  Okay. I'm calling for a friend who is interested in attending a US university. Can my friend apply for the next semester?

Receptionist: Well, we start in March and always ask applicants to apply no later than two months before the semester begins.

Caller: All right.What is the tuition fee for a full- time student?

Receptionist: It's two thousand and thirty dollars.

Caller: And how does one apply?

Receptionist: Well, we can send you an application and you can mail it back to or you can fill out the application form that's on our website.

Caller: And are there other materials I would need to send in addition to the application form?

Receptionist: Uh, yesYou would need to send in a sponsorship form indicating who will be responsible financially for the student while studying in our program, and a bank statement showing that you or your sponsor has enough money  to cover tuition expenses and living costs.

Caller:  And how can I send these materials to you?

Receptionist: You can either send the application packet by regular mail or you can fax it.

Caller:    All right. I think that's about it.

Receptionist:    Okay great.

Caller:     Oh and what is your name?

Receptionist:  Ok.  My name is Tony Nelson. You can just call and ask for me.

Caller:  Great. Thank you for your help.

Receptionist:  No problem and please don't hesitate to call again if you have any other questions.

Caller:  Okay. Goodbye.

A1     The caller calls his classmate working for the English Language Center.

           1) True              2) False             3) Not stated

A2    The center offers courses in different languages.

           1) True               2) False             3) Not stated

A3     The program is free for full- time students.

           1) True               2) False              3) Not stated

A4     The next semester starts in three months

           1) True                2) False              3) Not stated

A5      It's possible to apply for a course through the Internet.

            1) True                   2) False              3) Not stated

A6     The center requires the evidence  of the applicant's financial credibility.

            1) True                    2) False             3) Not stated

A7     One can use mail to send the application documents to the center.

             1) True                   2) False             4) Not stated

Check your answers with the key:

A1 -2)    A2 -  3)     A3 - 2)      A4 - 3)     A5 - 1)    A6 - 1)     A71)










Теги: Нет тегов 
Швайко Людмила Александровна
Как создать блог! Что написать!  Мои ученики перешли в 11 класс. Это дружные и креативные ребята. Они хорошо учатся и любят своих родителей и учителей.Такими они были в 5 классе, когда я начала работать с ними.
                                                     это мы в 5 классе
А сегодня они уже  повзрослевшие
мы десятиклассники

Теги: myblog
Юрова Вероника Ивановна

Тренировочные упражнения для выполнения задания В1.

1. Прочитайте предлагаемые варианты ответов. Подчеркните ключевые слова в вариантах B-G. Вариант А приводится как образец.

A. The main character of the film is a youngster.

B. This event is enjoyed both by kids and grown ups.

C. The film was made to remind people about sad events.

D. This website gives you a chance to make your own film.

E. A film about sad events in Europe.

F. You have to be brief expressing your opinion on this website.

G. This is an event in which foreign guests can participate.

2. Для каждого слова из левой колонки подберите синонимы из правой колонки. В некоторых случаях возможны несколько вариантов.

1. youngster            a) celebration

2. kid                          b) adult

3. grown up             c) teenager

4. event                    d) visitor

5. film                        e) child

6. guest                     f) holiday

                                     g) movie

                                     h) mature person

                                     i) adolescent

                                     j) juvenile

                                    k) occasion

3. Для каждого из указанных слов подберите как минимум 5 слов, образующих тематическую лексическую группу.

film- blockbuster, ...

event- autumn, ...

guest- foreign, ...

website- interactive, ...

person- young, ...

opinion- personal, ...

4. Прослушайте аудиозапись ещё раз и приведите номера аудиофрагментов, которые содержат соответствующую информацию.

  • an autumn event  __  __
  • a screen version of a book  __  
  • young people  __  __
  • a crazy competition  __
  • movies   __  __  __  __
  • actors or film characters __  __  __

 Ссылка на аудиотекст к заданию В1 http://veronika-yurova.podomatic.com/

Аудиотекст В1       (жирным шрифтом выделены ключевые слова)

          Speaker 1

This brilliant interactive site allows you to play at being a film director with unlimited money to spend. Will you make a profit or will your film be a complete failure? Choose the characters, genre and release dates. Predict what the next cinema trend is going to be and finally see how your film performs against such massive hits as the Harry Potter movies, the Lord of the Rings trilogy and blockbusters such as Titanic.

Speaker 2

After Flight 93, this is the second movie about the attack on the World Trade Center to commemorate that tragic day. Based on the search-and-rescue operation carried out in New York's World Trade Center, it follows two police officers. These two police officers were the last to leave the Towers alive. Director Oliver Stone gathered a fantastic cast to tell this story of courage and heroism. People should remember what happened on September 11 when many people met their deaths not at war but in their workplace..

Speaker 3

October is the month of pumpkins in North America. The tourist season is over, so there aren't many foreign guests in the country. The Pumpkin Festival is just about the most popular celebration here among children and adults alike. You and your friends, no matter how old you are, can participate in the festival, famous for its crazy pumpkin events from pumpkin carving to a pumpkin pie eating contest. So choose your favourite jack-o'-lantern and enjoy the magnificent fireworks in the evening. Whether you are six, sixteen or sixty, you are sure to have fun.

Speaker 4

This is one of my favourite sites. It is called "Four Word Film Review". It is unusual because you won't see lengthy reviews there. In order to put your own review on this site you have to register, but if you simply want to visit the site and see what others have done, feel free. The idea is that you give your opinion of a recent film in just four words, whether you hated it or loved it. To give you an idea, here is an example. This is what one person wrote about Lord of the Rings: the Two Towers: "magic works second time". A few words can mean so much!


      Speaker 5                                                                    

If you are missing the summer sunshine, then the place to be this October is Miami. Here the streets come alive with music from international bands, Miami's DJs and local stars. The highlight of the festival is the Miami Carnival Parade, in which people from different countries take part. For over twenty years Miami has been welcoming visitors from all over the world, so come and dance to the reggae tunes and taste the amazing Caribbean food and drink.

Speaker 6

Enter a unique world of mystical creatures and magic. Filmed in Hungary with a cast including John Malkovich and Joss Stone, Eragon is a story about a teenage boy, whose life changes when he finds a dragon egg. The tender age of the main character doesn't prevent him from being smart and brave in a very adult way. The movie is an adaptation of the fantasy novel by Christopher Paolini, who wrote the book when he was 15 years old. That explains why the character of a young boy is so real.

Keys: 1-D, 2-C, 3-B, 4- F, 5- G, 6- A


Теги: Нет тегов 
Шакина Наталья Евгеньевна

B1.       Вы  услышите  5  высказываний.  Установите  соответствие  между 

высказываниями  каждого  говорящего  А-Е  и  утверждениями, 

данными в списке 1-6. Используйте каждое утверждение из списка 

1-6  только  один  раз.  В  списке  1-6  есть  одно  лишнее 

утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. 

1. The speaker explains why he/she likes cooking.  

2. The speaker explains what healthy food is like.  

3. The speaker explains why he/she gave up diets.  

4. The speaker talks about his/her favourite food.  

5. The speaker believes that vegetarian food is healthy.  

6. The speaker tells us where he/ she buys food. 

 Speaker A 

Home-made dishes are nice but they may be unhealthy, too. If you are 

seriously  concerned about  your  health and  weight,  your food  shouldn't 

contain  fat,  butter,  sugar and potatoes. Fried and  spicy  food  doesn't  fit 

either. Things like sweets, cakes and ice cream should be removed from 

your  table  too.  At  first,  it's  not  easy  to  live  on  a  diet  of  stewed 

vegetables, green salads and cereals, but you'll get used to it.   

Speaker В 

My mum cooks very well and I usually buy everything she needs for it. 

We  don't like preserved  food  from  supermarkets. I usually  go to little 

shops  that  sell  fresh  milk  products  and  local  fruit  and  vegetables.  We 

like  fish but I  seldom  buy  frozen  fish  fingers. I  go  to the  shop  which 

sells fish from a fish farm. It takes longer, but it's worth it. Mum says 

that  you  can't  make  a  good  dish  from  unhealthy  and  stale  ingredients 

and I agree with her. 

Speaker С 

I  like  cooking  and  try  to  make  the  food  for  my  family  as  diverse  as 

possible. It's not easy as my children do not eat food that contains meat. 

This makes my life a bit more complicated but I don't try to change their 

eating habits. They are in perfect health and probably the diet of fruit, 

vegetables,  cereals  and  nuts  does  them  nothing  but  good.  Actually,  I 

want to become a vegetarian myself. It'll keep me slim and save time.  

Speaker D 

My mum is a fantastic cook and one day I found out that I couldn't wear 

my favourite jeans anymore. I decided to go on a diet. On the third day 

of  my  fruit  and  cereals  diet  I  wasn't  able  to  think  about  anything  but 

food. The delicious smells from the kitchen made me feel as hungry as a 

wolf. I ran to the kitchen and had roast chicken with fries and olives. I 

think diets don't work for me. 

Speaker E 

My granny likes cooking and I'm always glad to help her. When we are 

in the kitchen together, it reminds me about the good old times when I 

was a little kid and Granny treated me with her fantastic cakes and pies. 

My friends don't believe me when I say that the best way to relax and 

forget  about  worries  is  to  go  to  the  kitchen  and  try  a  new  recipe.  It 

sounds strange but it really works for me. 





Теги: Нет тегов 
Шакина Наталья Евгеньевна




  Вы  услышите  четыре  коротких  диалога,  обозначенных  А,  В,  С  и  D. 

Определите,  где  происходит  каждый  из  этих  диалогов.  Используйте 

каждое место действия из списка  1-5 только  один  раз.  В задании есть 

одно  лишнее  место  действия.  Вы  услышите  запись  дважды.  Занесите 

свои ответы в таблицу. 

1.    In the hotel 

2.    In the street 

3.    In the museum 

4.    In the classroom 

5.    In the cinema 

 Dialogue A 

A:  Excuse me, where can I find the nearest underground station? 

B:   I'm, actually, looking for it, too. 

A:  Oh, you are a tourist like me. 

B:  Yes, I arrived this morning, left my luggage at the hotel and went 

      sightseeing. And now I don't know where exactly I am. 

A:  Look, there's a policemen over there. Let's ask him - he certainly  

       knows the way. 

B:  Yes, I think he does. 

Dialogue В 

A:  Excuse me, can I get the key to room 209? 

B:  Yes, certainly, here you are. 

A:  I'm leaving tomorrow. What's the check-out time here?  

B: At noon. You may use our luggage room till 10 pm if you want. 

A: Well, yes, thank you. 

B: I hope you enjoyed your stay here? 

A: Yes. Everything was all right. 

Dialogue С                          

 A: I'm sorry, but bags as large as yours are not allowed here. 

B: Yes, right. But where... You can leave them in the cloak room. 

A: Ok. And can I have the plan of the exposition? 

B: Here it is. The most interesting exhibits are on the second floor but I 

    recommend you to start with the first floor. That way you'll see all the 

    artifacts in chronological order.  

Dialogue D 

A:  Wow! I like it here. And the armchairs are very comfortable. What's  

       the going to be about by the way?  

B: I don't know. A thriller. The commercial for the film says it's about 

an ancient artifact that  went missing and about those  who are looking 

for it.  

A:  I see. About good guys and bad guys. The artifact will be found by  

      the good guys I bet.  

B: Yeah, I think so. 

Данный подкаст предназначен для подготовки к разделу "Аудирование" старшеклассников, собирающихся сдавать ЕГЭ и ГИА.




Вы        услышите        5        высказываний.        Установите        соответствие    

между  высказываниями  каждого  говорящего  А-Е  и  утверждениями, 

данными в  списке 1-6.  Используйте  каждое  утверждение из  списка  1-6 

только  один  раз.  В  задании  есть  одно  лишнее  утверждение.  Вы 

услышите запись дважды. 

1. The speaker explains why he/she likes cooking.  

2. The speaker explains what healthy food is like.  

3. The speaker explains why he/she gave up diets.  

4. The speaker talks about his/her favourite food.  

5. The speaker believes that vegetarian food is healthy.  

6. The speaker tells us where he/ she buys food.  


Speaker A 

Home-made dishes are nice but they may be unhealthy, too. If you are 

seriously  concerned about  your  health and  weight,  your food  shouldn't 

contain  fat,  butter,  sugar and potatoes. Fried and  spicy  food  doesn't  fit 

either. Things like sweets, cakes and ice cream should be removed from 

your  table  too.  At  first,  it's  not  easy  to  live  on  a  diet  of  stewed 

vegetables, green salads and cereals, but you'll get used to it. 

Speaker В 

My mum cooks very well and I usually buy everything she needs for it. 

We  don't like preserved  food  from  supermarkets. I usually  go to little 

shops  that  sell  fresh  milk  products  and  local  fruit  and  vegetables.  We 

like  fish but I  seldom  buy  frozen  fish  fingers. I  go  to the  shop  which 

sells fish from a fish farm. It takes longer, but it's worth it. Mum says 

that  you  can't  make  a  good  dish  from  unhealthy  and  stale  ingredients 

and I agree with her. 

 Speaker С 

I  like  cooking  and  try  to  make  the  food  for  my  family  as  diverse  as 

possible. It's not easy as my children do not eat food that contains meat. 

This makes my life a bit more complicated but I don't try to change their 

eating habits. They are in perfect health and probably the diet of fruit, 

vegetables,  cereals  and  nuts  does  them  nothing  but  good.  Actually,  I 

want to become a vegetarian myself. It'll keep me slim and save time. 

 Speaker D 

My mum is a fantastic cook and one day I found out that I couldn't wear 

my favourite jeans anymore. I decided to go on a diet. On the third day 

of  my  fruit  and  cereals  diet  I  wasn't  able  to  think  about  anything  but 

food. The delicious smells from the kitchen made me feel as hungry as a 

wolf. I ran to the kitchen and had roast chicken with fries and olives. I 

think diets don't work for me. 

Speaker E 

My granny likes cooking and I'm always glad to help her. When we are 

in the kitchen together, it reminds me about the good old times when I 

was a little kid and Granny treated me with her fantastic cakes and pies. 

My friends don't believe me when I say that the best way to relax and 

forget  about  worries  is  to  go  to  the  kitchen  and  try  a  new  recipe.  It 

sounds strange but it really works for me. 



Вы  услышите  разговор  двух  знакомых.  В  заданиях  А1-А6  обведите 

цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. 

Вы услышите запись дважды. 

А1  Who informed Jennifer about Dan’s trip? 

It was 

1)   Dan himself. 

2)   Dan's brother. 

3)   Dan's neighbour 

A2   Why did Dan go to New Zealand? 

Dan went there to 

1)   spend his holidays. 

2)   see his friends. 

3)   work on a project. 

A3  Why was Dan stopped by New Zealand customs officers? 

Dan had 

1)  his pet in his bag. 

2)   too much luggage. 

3)   food in his bag. 

 A4   Where did Dan stay in New Zealand? 

Dan stayed 

1)   in a city hotel. 

2)   in a youth hostel. 

3)   at a campsite.  

A5  What was the subject of the photo exhibition in Auckland? 

The exhibition was about 

1)   butterflies. 

2)   Maori people. 

3)   wild flowers.  

A6   Why does Dan want to go to New Zealand again? 

He wants to 

1)   escape from the city environment. 

2)   take photos of unique flora and fauna. 

3)   take part in a photo exhibition there. 

Jennifer:      Hi, Dan! Nice to see you again 
Dan:            Hi,  Jennifer.  It's  funny  -  you're  our  next-door 
neighbour but I seldom see you. Busy all the time? 
Now we are ready to start. 
I  think  it's  because  you  are  busy  ...or  travelling 
somewhere.  Your  brother  has  been  boasting  that 
you've been to New Zealand recently. 
Dan:  Oh, gosh! If you want the news to spread – tell my 
brother… Everyone seems to know about my trip! 
Jennifer:     And  everyone's  curious.  People  don't  often  go  so 
far for a holiday. 
Dan:  It wasn't a  holiday.  We  went  there to  shoot a  film 
about  the  islands'  animals.  The  Educational 
Channel  is  making  a  series  of  documentary  films 
about the wildlife. 
Jennifer:     Wow! Are you saying you are working in TV? 
Not exactly. A friend of a friend is working there. 
He knows that I'm fond of photography. He saw my 
work  and  suggested  that  I  could  take  part  in  the 
project as an Assistant Cameraman. 
Jennifer:      You  were lucky,  weren't  you? How  was  the  flight 
Dan:            Very long. And it took us some time to sort out my 
problem with New Zealand customs. 
Jennifer:  Oh,  what  was  wrong?  Did  you  have  too  much 
There  was  a  lot  of  luggage  -  cameras  and  other 
equipment, but that wasn't the problem. 
Jennifer:      What was, then? 
I didn't know that their  customs regulations  forbid 
to  bring  animals,  plants,  seeds  and  food  into  the 
Jennifer:      Did you take a pet with you? 
Dan:  No,  but  mum had packed  sandwiches,  cheese and 
honey in my bag, just in case I got hungry. I forgot 
about the package and had to explain the situation 
to the  customs  officer. They  made  me throw it all 
Jennifer:      It's always useful to learn about the country's laws 
before  you  go  there.  And  where  did  you  stay?  I 
heard campsites are popular there. 
That's right, but we stayed in a youth hostel, which 
is  called  a  backpacker's  there.  They're  much 
cheaper  than  a  hotel,  but  much  more  comfortable 
than  a  campsite.  The  administration  was  friendly 
and  helpful.  When  the  receptionist,  Patrick,  found 
out  about  my  interest  in  photography,  he 
recommended  what  photo  exhibitions  were  worth 
Jennifer:  Did you visit them? 
Dan:  Only  one.  In  Auckland.  It  displayed  photos  of 
butterflies.  Loads of  them  -huge, absolutely  exotic 
and  fantastically  beautiful!  Native  New  Zealand 
people are called Maori 
  and they know lots of legends about butterflies. 
Jennifer:  You sound like you want to go there again. 
Dan:  I  certainly  would  like  to.  Actually,  I  dream  about  going 
there one day to take photos of  native animals, birds and 
flowers.  Then  I  want  to  arrange  a  Wild  Life  exhibition 
here, in  our  city. Our  people are  so  tired  of the  stressful 
city life! 
Jennifer:  It's a great idea I think. 





Теги: Нет тегов 
Петрушина Татьяна Николаевна




Проверяемые умения и навыки: понимание основного содержания прослушанного текста.

Тип задания:  задание на установление соответствия.

Система оценивания:  верное выполнение каждого задания с выбором ответа оценивается в 1 балл. За неверный ответ или отсутсвие ответа выставляется 0 баллов.

Вы услышите шесть высказываний. При прослушивании обратите внимание на наглядный материал.

Speaker A

I love reading.  I  read detective stories, novels and romantic and fantasy stories. If I am stuck on a train or waiting for something and don't have anything to read, I feel terrible.  So something that I spend a lot of money on would probably be books.  I always buy a lot of books, magazines and reader's digests. And I keep all of them at home - my mum says it's horrible. Also lots of my money goes on audio books. I always share them with friends. It' s a kind of an exchange.

Speaker B

Oh, you know, shiny things really attract me.  Every time I have some extra , I buy bracelets, rings, earings or necklaces. I wear them everywhere and everyday.  If I am shopping somewhere and there is something flashy shining at me, I usually stop and look and very often  a salesperson can talk me into buying it. It's crazy, I know. I also love buying books but I don't spend  so much on them.


Speaker C

Ah, I spend money mostly on... going out, like going to restaurants or clubs, and things like that. I am a party person, I love hanging out with friends. I don't actually buy a lot of things, like electronics,books, CDs.I just spend money on going out with friends, on food and drinks for parties.  I really love chatting, dancing and making jokes.

Speaker D

Something I probably spend too much on is clothes. I guess because I am a girl. I think of shopping as a fun pastime and I find it relaxing. Actually I call it " shopping therapy" to go and buy some new clothes. I often go alone - I don't need anyone to advise me. I'd say I love the process  of choosing and buying things. It really makes me feel good.     

Speaker E 

If i had the money I wanted, I would like to go and spend two weeks at a very famous place on Earth. I love traveling in comfort. Nowadays it's very expensive. I read travel magazines and surf the Internet for information about different tours, hotels,and sights - and  now I know how I want to travel. That's what I'd spend my money on if I had.

Speaker F

I usually don't spend that much money on anything like  jewellery or clothes. But then  if  there is one big expense, it  is food.   I like desserts, especially ice-cream, so when  go out for dinner I definitely have a dessert afterwards. I can't live without cakes , candies,chocolates and things like that. Who can?

Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A-F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1-7. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение.

1. I enjoy buying things to wear.

2. I can't do without sweets to eat.

3. I like movies and spend a lot on DVDs.

4.I really appreciate a good company.

5. I always need something to read.

6.I wish I could go and see everything worth seeing around the world.

7. I easily spend my money on jewellery.

Говорящий      A    B    C     D      E      F 


Проверь себя!

Ответы :   

Говорящий            A      B      C       D      E        F

Утверждение     5       7       4       1        6        2



Теги: Нет тегов 
Белякова Светлана Владимировна

Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений А1 - А4 соотвествуют содержанию текста (1 - True), какие не соответствуют (2 - False) и о чем не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 - Not stated).

Ashley: Hey, Jake. Are you ready for your trip?

Jake: Well, not really. I still have to buy some clothes.

Ashley: Well, what is the weather like where you are going?

Jake: Well, it is really hot in summer, so I am going to buy some shorts, sandals and a few T-shirts.

Ashley: What about the rest of the year?

Jake: People say that the autumn can still be warm until November, so I am going to buy some jeans and a few shirts.

Ashley: Will you need any warm clothes for the winter?

Jake: Well, the weather does not get too cold, but it often snows in the mountains, so I am going to buy a couple of warm sweaters, a jacket and a hat. I dont have room in my suitcase to pack a coat, so I am going to wait until I get there and buy it when I really need it.

Ashley: Are you going to take anything else?

Jake: They say it rains cats and dogs in spring, but again, I I will probably just wait and pick up a raincoat or an umbrella later on. But, I am going to take a good pair of shoes because I will plan on walking to and from school every day.

Ashley: Um, that makes sense.


A1: Jake is going to get the destination by train.

1) True          2) False          3) Not stated

A2: Jake has already packed all the clothes he needs.

1) True          2) False          3) Not stated

A3: Jake is going to buy a coat when he needs it.

1) True          2) False          3) Not stated

A4: It often heavily rains in spring at the place where he is going.

1) True          2) False          3) Not stated


Теги: Нет тегов 
Шакирова Земфира Махмутовна

Высокий уровень 
Умение понимать полно и точно содержание прослушанного текста. Интервью,репортаж. Задание с множественным выбором ответа.


* Перед прослушиванием прочитать вопросы вместе с предложенными вариатами ответов 
* Найти ключувые слова и подобрать к ним синонимы * Когда прослушивание началось,следует сконцентрировать внимание на понимании аудиозаписи * При выборе ответа следует руководствоваться исключительно той информацией,которая дается в тексте. * Надо обращать внимание не столько на слова,сколько на контекст * Следует обращать внимание не только на отдельные фразы, но и на более длинные отрезки или текст в целом
Вы услышите текст. В заданиях А8 - А12 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

А8  What is the future of schools according to the speaker?

1) Schools are not necessary.

2)  Schools will be improved.

3) Schools will not be changed.

A9  How can, according to the speaker, new technology change schools?

1) Technology will change learning.

2) New technology will replace schools.

3) The use of new technology is negative.

A10  What type of school, according to the speaker, we should invent?

1) Learning should take place only in schools.

2) It will be necessary to learn at home.

3)  Students can learn everywhere.

A11 Who, according to the speaker, should help schools?

1) Corporations, TV networks, local stations, laboratories.

2) Political parties.

3)  Scientists

A12 What does the speaker thinks about education?

1) Education is important for people of all ages.

2) Education is only for young people.

3) Education is useful for those who work in libraries and museums.



Will Technology Replace Schools?

Some people believe that soon schools will no longer be necessary. These people say that because of the Internet and other new technology, there is no longer any need for school buildings, formal classes, or teachers. Perhaps this will be true one day, but it is hard for me to imagine a world without schools. In fact, we need to look at how we can use new technology to make schools better - not to eliminate them. We should invent a new kind of school that is linked to libraries, museums, science centers, laboratories, and even corporations. Independent experts could give talks on video or over the Internet. TV networks and local stations could develop programming about things students are actually studying at school. Laboratories could demonstrate new technology in the Internet. Is this just a dream? No. Already there are several towns where this is beginning to happen. Blacksburg, Virginia, is one of them. Here the entire city is linked to the Internet, and learning can take place at home, at school, and in the office. The schools provide computer labs for people without their own computers at home. Everyone can visit distant libraries and museums as easily as nearby ones. How will this new kind of school change learning? It is too early to be sure, but it is very exciting to think about. Technology will change the way we learn; school will change as well; and we will all learn something in the process.

Key words

Replace - take the place of

no longer - Not any more

necessary -   Needed to achieve a certain result or effect

 technology - The application of science, especially to industrial or commercial objectives

to eliminate - To get rid of; remove

 invent - to create or devise (new ideas, machines, etc.)

 is linked to - To become connected with

networks - A system of lines or channels that cross or interconnect

 provide - To make available

 actually - In fact; in reality

 entire - The whole




Данная методика, c использованием Podcast и  "Audacity",   привлекает внимание своими большими возможностями для педагога и ученика. Во-первых, возможность планировать и организовывать процесс обучения наиболее эффективно; во-вторых, широкий выбор учебного материала, что позволяет учитывать не только  индивидуальные особенности учеников, но и особенности класса в целом.

Необходимо помнить, что для преодоления объективных трудностей учащихся при аудировании нужно соблюдать три стандартные стадии процесса обучения аудированию: до прослушивания, во время прослушивания и после прослушивания, так как на каждой стадии формируютя определенные умения,необходимые для эффективного аудирования на иностранном языке.

 Детям очень понравилась данная форма работы, так как очень интересно находить и выполнять данные в Интернете;  слушать запись столько, сколько это необходимо, если возникают проблемы при  понимании; в третьих  - есть ответы, которые можно сравнить со своими; ну и конечно,  рекомендации для выполнения заданий на каждом уровне, что дает возможность более детально понять содержание и изучить стратегию выпонения данных заданий.

Теги: Нет тегов 
Белякова Светлана Владимировна

Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1 - 5 и утверждениями, данными в списке A - F. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лшнее уверждение.


Speaker 1

A movie camera or video camera takes pictures very quickly, usually 25 pictures every second. When a movie projector, a computer, or a television shows the pictures at that rate, it looks like the images on the screen are moving. Sound is either recorded at the same time, or added later. The sounds in a movie usually include the sounds of people talking, music, the sounds of activities that are happening in the movie.

Speaker 2

Movies can make profits in the hundreds of millions, be they dollars, euro or pounds. In India movies have become an enormous part of the economy. The industry has always been dominated by quite a small number of major studios, like MGM, Warner, Columbia or Paramount. There are many large companies that provide all of the services needed to make movies, such as special effects, lighting, set building.

Speaker 3

Movies with famous stars and large budgets are designed to have a wide appeal, so that hopefully millions of people will pay to see them. Special effects can add a huge amount to the cost of a film. Today some films can cost up to 200 million dollars to make. But when you imagine that very successful films can make many times that amount in profit, it easy to see why the studios keep producing them.

Speaker 4

In blockbuster movies, there is usually a happy ending, in which all of the problems in the plot are figured out or fixed and almost everyone live happily ever after. Some films have been so successful that the studios keep releasing more and more films with the same characters and basic plots, for example the James Bond films and Star Wars.

 Speaker 5

Some movies are made by small companies, or even just a small group of people that do not have much money. Films like this are very unusual and usually become popular "underground". People tell each other about it, so that they become cult, or popular but not mainstream. Independent movies often tell more creative stories, or may have sad endings that do not appeal to the big studios, because they cannot be sure how the public will react to them.


The speaker talks about

A. money you need to make a movie.

B. the business of making movies.

C. popular serials.

D. the process of making movies.

E. work of a film producer.

F. low budget films.

Теги: Нет тегов 
Чеснокова Александра Викторовна Приняла участие в  первом этапе курса  по использованию служб Google-Apps для организации внеурочной деятельности. На данном этапе познакомилась с сайтом, рабочими материалами и заданиями. Кроме того, выполнила несколько практических заданий : заполнила анкету, создала слайд в презентации " Давайте познакомимся" и зарегистрировала аккаунт в  Google.

Теги: Нет тегов