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Джаспенова Райса Темиртасовна


(Multiple choice)


Вы услышите рассказ об инциденте в ресторане. В заданиях А 8 -А 1 4 обведите цифру 1, 2

или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Now we are ready to start.

A difficult client

When I was nineteen I worked in the kitchen of a Creole restaurant in Panama City, Florida.

The word “Creole” refers to people who are descended from settlers in the colonial French

Louisiana (before it became part of the USA in 1803). And Creole food is great. It is a blend of

French, Spanish and Caribbean styles. I used to knock up fantastic fresh salads, filet and fry

grouper fresh from the harbour. I made vast vats of red beans and rice and tureens of gumbo.

I boiled great pans of fresh shrimp and cracked open and then fried Oysters in white wine.

The odd thing is that I am not a trained chef. Every single recipe was based on a mixture of

measures in the recipe book. So many cups of this, shakes of that, tablespoons of Tabasco or

citrus, jugs of cut celery, etc. But every meal turned out perfect so long as I followed “the

book” to the letter.

I worked in the kitchen with a rather strange guy from Los Angeles called Scott. He had a

strange haircut and was disconcertingly crossed eyed. But the waitresses were cute — especially

Suzie with her long curly brown hair.

One day we had a bit of an episode. A woman in the restaurant started screaming and

demanding to see the chef. I could hear the commotion from deep within the kitchens and began to look for somewhere to hide. Scott was out that day and there was nobody else in the kitchen. Suzie caught me as I tried to hide behind the rice sacks in the larder. “You’ve got to come out John. She’s gone absolutely mental. The other customers are gonna call the cops if we can’t sort this” . Feeling terribly afraid and inadequate I was led out to the woman making the noise. She

stopped screaming but continued to shake as she eyed me up and down. Because she’d asked for

the “chef” I guessed I must have made a terrible mistake in the kitchen. I was alone down there

that lunchtime so whatever was wrong it must have been my fault. What would she say if she

discovered I wasn’t a chef at all but doing a holiday job making recipes from a book?

The truth eventually came out. I had served her a basket of whole boiled shrimp. According

to the lady, the little devils had little “ faces” and “eyes” , “stared at her” and had completely

freaked her out. I spoke to her very softly and sat down next to her. I told her I ’d take them

away and if she still wanted shrimp I ’d peel them myself and bring them to her. She thanked me

very much. Seemed very happy and after a short while consumed the shelled shrimp and left.

Afterward I was again called to the front by Suzie. But this time I got a round of applause

from the other customers and $120 were the tips.

You have 15 seconds to complete the task (Pause 15 seconds.)

Now you will hear the text again. (Repeat.)

This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answer







Теги: Нет тегов 
Джаспенова Райса Темиртасовна


{True/False/No information)


Вы услышите разговор между братом и сестрой о летних каникулах. Определите, какие

из приведённых утверждений (А 1 -А 7 ) соответствуют содержанию текста(1), какие

не соответствуют(Ё) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя

дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа(3). Обведите номер выбранного вами

варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Now we are ready to start.

Katie: You are going to work all summer as a volunteer?

Paul: Yes. I t ’s really exciting. I can’ t wait.

Katie: Let me see now, that’ll be no money, no time o ff and no summer. I can only see


Paul: Ha-Ha, how witty you are, very funny. Is it worth even trying to explain to a summer

department store worker such as yourself?

Katie: Steady on brother! OK — tell me about it. I am all ears.

Paul: Did you know there are thousands of people with no computer skills? Think about

that for a moment. What jobs today don’t need computers? And think about our media

surroundings. I t ’s all websites, virtual opportunities, social networking and so on. Then just

imagine you don’t understand any of it. Imagine no prospect ever of getting a job or even....

Katie: Paul — there is no excuse nowadays for anyone not having basic computer skills.

Paul: Really? What about people over 50? They never had computer classes at school

because for ordinary people then, there were no computers. And what about those disadvantaged

by dyslexia, or those from tough home environments, or the elderly, or....

Katie: I get the picture. Go on.

Paul: I ’ll be in a training centre, giving one-to-one tuition to people whose lives might

really change for the better. I did one evening a week last term and loved it. Now I have a whole


Katie: Well I will work 7 days a week for most of the summer. And then I am going to the

south of France with James and we’ll have the summer holiday of our lives.

Paul: That’s great Katie. Don’t think I don’t approve or even that I am not a tiny bit

jealous. I am not a saint and actually in a sense, we are both taking the same option.

Katie: What do you mean?

Paul: You, dear sister, and I are both choosing exactly what we want to do this summer and

really, we are making that choice only for ourselves.

Katie: Well — I still think you should get a halo.

You have 15 seconds to complete the task (Pause 15 seconds.)

N ow you w ill hear the text again. (Repeat.)

This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.



Теги: Нет тегов 
Джаспенова Райса Темиртасовна


(Multiple matching)


Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого

говорящего 1—6 и утверждениями, данными в списке A —G. Используйте каждую букву,

обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение.

Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

Now we are ready to start.

Speaker 1

Why on earth do they want to check our uniforms in a final exam? There are enough

stresses in taking an exam without having to worry about whether you are wearing a regulation

shoe! But this really happened to my friend and five other kids, who were excluded from taking

an exam because they were not in approved school uniform. Can you imagine? After five years

learning and hours of revision and practice; you finally fail your exam and endanger your

future simply because you are wearing the wrong kind of shoe!

Speaker 2

Here I am at the school dance, wanting to ask Susan Turner for a dance — and I look like a

penguin! I had put a lot of thought into this. I really did want to look my best. I managed to

borrow my brother’s Paul Smith jacket and jeans. But the most exciting thing was that I got

Kurt Geiger shoes and a “super cool” Armani shirt — in a charity shop for twenty five quid! I

looked and felt great until the dance invitations arrived stating “black tie dress code only” . I

wonder if Susan fancies dancing with a flightless bird...

Speaker 3

People can wear a set of clothes that are not identical but still be “ in uniform” . Bankers and

stockbrokers, together with football fans and style conscious teenagers all wear a type of uniform.

They can be strict about this. There are no jeans in the board room and you don’ t wear a Chelsea

shirt to a Manchester derby! Research has shown that uniformity is one issue but more important

is being noticed and approved.

Speaker 4

Technical security workers at this huge corporation belong to a private firm whose delivery

vans, uniforms, bags and boxes are all the same horrible mix of orange and blue. The ingenious

robbers discovered that this provided both a perfect disguise and a clever means of escape. They

just walked into the security camera repair room and pretended to work for almost an hour —nobody even spoke to them. Not even the genuine workers noticed that they had three additional

“colleagues” and it was only the next day that the robbery was detected.

Speaker 5

I am worried that they’ll notice and laugh. I ’m trying to keep as far away from them as

possible. I divide my time between the “ chill out” area and the buffet. I ’ ll not chance the dance

floor because everyone will notice. A cream taffeta wrap blouse, Italian Jersey dress and

«fabulously edgy» strap thong shoes from Camilla Skovaard and — unbelievably — all of us

scented with Jo Malone “Orange Blossom” ! How on earth can three girls at one small party wear exactly the same thing?

Speaker 6

Jimmy was a pirate and Becky was a queen. Cleopatra did an incredible tango with a

policeman and I noticed a slow dance between Napoleon and a ballerina. I myself wore nice

jeans, a new shirt and looked, I thought, pretty cool. But neither Cleopatra, the hospital nurse

or the pilot would dance with me. I went home quickly and with a wide sombrero and poncho

(holiday souvenirs) quickly transformed myself in to a Mexican bandit. I returned to the party

within an hour. I can now tell you that Cleopatra taught me some crazy dance moves

Теги: Нет тегов 
Байкина Татьяна Алексеевна

Вы услышите интервью с участником научного эксперимента. В заданиях А8 – А14 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа.

A8 The speaker's mission was

1)     to build a castle from the stones.

2)   to prove that the stones were blue.

3)    to transport the stones.


A9 In ten weeks they pulled

1)     just one three-ton stone.

2)   12 stones to the coast.

3)    240 huge bluestones.

A10 A sledge used to carry the stones

1)     was stolen.

2)   was broken.

3)    was very massive.


A11 The speaker told that one of the rocks

1)     is exhibited in the museum.

2)   is lying on the seabed.

3)    was covered by pictures.

A12  The speaker admitted that they

1)     spoilt the results of the experiment.

2)   used modern machines during the experiment.

3)    were very disappointed with the results.

A13 The experiment  was halted because

1)     the lack of money.

2)   the lack of volunteers.

3)    the bad weather.

A14 The speaker is sure

1)     that the experiment will succeed.

2)   that the sponsors will lose their money.

3)    that they need less volunteers to continue the experiment.



A8 – 3

A9 – 1

A10 – 1

A11 – 2

A12 – 2

A13 – 3

A14 – 1

Learn the new words:

To sling – подвешивать

To sink – тонуть

To load sth onto sth – грузить что-то на что-то

To tow – буксировать

To drag – тянуть

To slide – скользить

Put the sentences in the right order to make a story:

a)    The stone sank.

b)   They never reached the site of Stonehenge.

c)    They loaded the stone onto a wooden platform.

d)   They dragged the stones using ropes.

e)    The stone was slung between two boats.

f)      The stoned was towed by the boats.

g)    The stone slid into the water.

h)   It was hard to transport heavy stones over long distances.



1 – h, 2- c, 3 – d, 4 – e, 5 – f, 6 – g, 7 – a, 8- b.


Text for listening:

Presenter: Most listeners will know about the Stonehenge experiment and its unfortunate ending. Today, one of the members of the team is with us in the studio. Welcome John! Tell me, how did it all start?

John: Well, you see, experts have identified the type of rock in the inner ring at Stonehenge as Welsh bluestone from the Preseli Mountains. But how the huge stones were transported 4, 000 years ago is quite another thing. It has always been a mystery. Historians have been given a 100,000 £ to discover how it was done. Our mission was to transport a huge bluestone rock 240 miles to Stonehenge in Wiltshire from the Preseli Mountains in West Wales. It is thought that Prehistoric people dragged several of the massive stones over the same route to form the monuments inner circle more than 4,000 years ago.

P.: Did you manage to do the same?

J.: Well, in a word we didn’t. Our team was dogged by misfortune. In ten weeks we pulled just one three-ton stone and we only managed 12 miles to the coast. We discovered dragging the bluestone was much more difficult than we expected and we covered only one mile a day instead of the three we intended. It got even worse when the journey had to be delayed, as 40 tired helpers dropped out. Then a sledge used to carry the stone was stolen by thieves. Eventually, the stone was slung between two rowing boats, built for a labour –saving sea voyage along the west coast from Dale to Denby.

Twenty experienced rowers were hired for the trip, but soon after they set off the sea turned rough. As the organizers signaled us to turn back, the ropes around the precious stone came loose and the crew watched in horror as the giant rock gently slid into the water with a splash. The rock is now lying o the seabed – 50 ft below the surface. It could be that the same problems were experienced by our ancestors. This could be a case of history repeating itself.

P.: Did you use any modern devices or was it all like in ancient times?

J: The idea was to seriously recreate the efforts made by Stone Age man to take the rocks to Stonehenge. However, new Millennium Man  is simply not up to the job. I have to admit there was some “cheating” from the start. Instead of dragging the stone from its source, it was carried by lorry over some difficult places. Then it was pulled along roads on top of plastic net, which reduced the drag. Next it was loaded onto the boats, using a modern crane, before they were towed down the river.

P: Were the people involved very disappointed?

J.: Only a bit because, in many ways, it was very enjoyable to really relieve history like that. Anyway I’m sure Stone Age man did not manage the journey without a slip-up or two, and I don’t think that even the ancient tribes would have tried rowing these stones across the sea in the middle of winter.

P.: Are you going to make another attempt?

J.: As Phil Bowen, head of the project, said it had to be halted because the worsening weather and failing daylight could place volunteers’ lives at risk. Critics say the exercise should be abandoned. But the sponsors, who have committed £ 100,000 to the millennium stone project, say they will continue to support the scheme next spring. We now realize we needed a lot more people to shift the stone three miles. But we will be back next spring and we still think we can do it.


 Be dogged by misfortune – to have bad luck for a long time

Drop out – to leave some activity before it is finished

Come loose – to become not firmly fixed in place

Be not up to the job – be not good enough to do the job

Reduce the drag – to make the force that pushes against something moving forward less strong

A slip – up – a careless mistake

Be halted – to be prevented from continuing


Prehistoric – доисторический

Stone Age – Каменный век


Имена собственные:


Wales – Welsh

Preseli Mountains




Phil Bowen

Теги: Нет тегов 
Мареева Ирина Анатольевна


Вариант 1

 Задание В1

  Speaker 1

On the night of Christmas Eve, Russian people go to Church for the Christmas Mass, and then go home.Not much celebrating takes place, rather off to bed, and then up in the morning and straight to church for the Christmas day Liturgy.

After church people will go to one of the relatives so that the family can all be together. Here, the family gives gifts, and has Christmas lunch — the main meal of Christmas.

Speaker 2

 I usually start thinking about Christmas at late October time. All my family and friends think I'm strange because I think about it so early but say that they would be worried if I didn't!

On Christmas Eve, Mum starts preparing the dinner for tomorrow and we wrap up the last of our giftsto put under the tree. My Granny will come and help us prepare for tomorrow which is very helpful. I help with the last minute jobs and go to sleep at about 11 or 12. I'll wake up at about 7.30. Then we all open our presents together.

Speaker 3

As I watch people rushing around the West End of London, preparing for the holiday, I wonder what Christmas was like in England when it lasted fortwelve days. We make a fuss about turkey and ham now — think what a fuss we would have made about all that food and drink for two weeks feasting! And think how fat you must have felt at the end of it all!

Speaker 4

Christmas would start with my mother making the Christmas cake, early November if 1 remember right. It had to sit a few weeks before we iced it. It would smell so good. Then it would be letter writing time to Father Christmas, but the best was to sit on Father Christmas's lap and tell him what we wanted, and hope we'd been good enough that year so he'd come.

Speaker 5

Christmas in Australia takes place in the heat of summer since the country is located in the Southern Hemisphere. Many Australians still look to their British roots at this special time of the year and a traditional Christmas meal usually includes a turkey dinner, sometimes with ham. Some Australians and particularly tourists have their Christmas dinner on a local beach. Other families enjoy their day on apicnic. If they are at home, the day may be punctuated by swimming in the pool, playing cricket in the backyard, and other outdoor activitiesbeneath swaying palms.

Speaker 6

Since Christmas occurs in summer, New Zealanders do not have a tradition of snow and ice. That, however, doesn't stop Santa who still visits the cities and towns while dressed in his red and white outfit. Because so many people from the Northern Hemisphere now live in New Zealand, it has become the tradition to have two Christmases, oneon the 25th of December and the other in July, which is mid-winter.








Теги: Нет тегов 
Байкина Татьяна Алексеевна


Задания А1 – А7

Вы услышите речь женщины по имени Морейн. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений А1-А7 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 - True), какие не соответствуют (2 - False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3- Not stated). Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.

A1. Moraene cannon work because of bad health.

1) True  2)False 3) Not stated.

A2. Her husband died in a car crash.

1) True  2)False 3) Not stated.

A3 The place where she lives is safe.

1) True  2)False 3) Not stated.

A4 Poverty made her feel depressed.

1) True  2)False 3) Not stated.

A5 Moraene has a good relationship with her son.

1) True  2)False 3) Not stated.

A6 Moraene has no time to go to the theatre.

1) True  2)False 3) Not stated.

A7 Moraene says that poor people are deprived of human rights.

1) True  2)False 3) Not stated.


A1 - 1, A2 - 3, A3-2, A4 - 1, A5 - 2, A6 - 3, A7 – 1


 I Learn the  new words:

Poor housing conditions – плохие жилищные условия

Bad health – плохое здоровье

Debts  - долги

Lone/single parents – одинокие родители

Malnutrition – плохое питание

Low pay -  низкая заработная плата

Lack of education – недостаток образования

Lack of leisure – недостаток досуга

Unemployment – безработица

Stress – стресс

Crime – преступность


II Divide the words into two groups: causes and effects of poverty:


III You are going to listen to the speech given by a woman called Moraene. Read the title and try to predict what kind of changes she will mention.

“Real change will come from the bottom up”

Listen to the speech and check your guesses.

Text for listening.

Poverty takes over your whole life, changing your future and your children’s.

I spent years struggling against its effects, living in damp conditions in a place where burglary and personal attack were common. I was trying to get help from my older son who had special educational needs. Feeling like a total failure.

Finally, six years ago, I had a breakdown and become suicidal. A friend got in touch with a charity that supports families living in poverty.

Sharing experience can help. People from diverse backgrounds and cultures fight together for their right to take active part in society, to get recognition of their human rights.

These are the bravest and strongest people I have ever met.

For all of us, living in poverty has meant giving up rights and choices. To get the right education for my elder son, I had to place him in care.

I felt guilty. He felt rejected and our relationship was damaged.

Parents give the most nutritious food to the children, while they eat bread, margarine and leftovers. Some don’t eat much at all. Malnutrition is common.

We have to accept low paid work or lose out. We cannot choose how to use our free time. We cannot afford the cost of public transport to reach free facilities. As for the arts, a seat at the opera can cost more than a week’s benefit.

Debts, illness, imprisonment for unpaid fines can leave us homeless or without our children.


Burglary – кража со взломом

Free facilities – бесплатные удобства

Take active part in society – принимать активное участие в жизни общества

Leftovers – остатки еды

Get in touch with a charity – войти в контакт с благотворительными организациями

Share experience – делиться опытом

Have special educational needs – нуждаться в специальном обучении


Теги: Нет тегов 
Колмакова Инна Александровна Вы услышите разговор двух друзей. В заданиях А1–А6 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды. У Вас есть 60 секунд, чтобы ознакомиться с заданиями. Now we are ready to start. Kelly: Hi, Jim! I didn’t see you in the morning class. Did you come late? Jim: Hi, Kelly. Yes, I was late. Ms. Smith talked to me really seriously about that. I said that the bus had broken down. Kelly: And she believed that? Jim: I don’t think so. Kelly: And the real reason was…? Jim: The usual. I overslept. I didn’t hear the alarm clock and woke up only when my mum called me from her work. Kelly: I’m not surprised. Were you watching films yesterday till very late again? Jim: Yes. I was just going to see what was on but then I lost track of time and watched the film up to the end. Kelly: I tried to call you yesterday. Just wanted to remind you about the Science project we need to complete together by tomorrow. It’s about how computers influence our life and our communication habits. Jim: Oh, I’d forgotten about that! How about today, after classes? Let’s go to my place and we’ll complete the project in two or three hours I’m sure. Kelly: I usually prefer working in the library or in a Wi-Fi café. But you’re right – there’s no time left for it. Do you have good internet access and a printer? Jim: I certainly do. And I also have a freshly made cake in the fridge. Kelly: It’s a strong argument. Have you remembered that for the project we have to interview at least three people of different ages about what they do online? Jim: That’s not a problem. We can ask my mother, my grandmother and my younger brother, who’s seven. Kelly: Right. Your brother’s answers will be especially interesting. Children spend more time online than anyone else. Jim: True. He’s there more often than me. Kelly: And have you got any books or journals at home from which we could get some additional information? Jim: No. And we don’t need to. We are writing about the Internet – we’ll certainly be able to find everything we need right there – on the Internet. Kelly: Ok, let’s give it a try. We have no choice anyway. Jim: And, Kelly, I’d like to ask you a favour… Kelly: What is it? Jim: Could you read my French essay before I hand it in? I always make lots of spelling and grammar mistakes in writing. Kelly: What’s your topic? Jim: The aim of education in the present day. Kelly: Ok, give it to me. I’ve only got a few minutes before the bellРазговор записан здесь: http://kolmakova11.podomatic.com/entry/2013-05-08T08_48_01-07_00 Ответ: А1 -3 А2- 2 А3- 3 А4 -2 А5 -3 А6 -2

Теги: Нет тегов 
Колмакова Инна Александровна
Вы услышите пять высказываний. Установите соответствие между
высказываниями каждого говорящего A–E и утверждениями, данными
в списке 1–6. Используйте каждое утверждение из списка 1–6 только один
раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись
дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. У Вас есть 30 секунд, чтобы
ознакомиться с заданиями.
Now we are ready to start.
Speaker A
I live in the country but I’ve always wanted to move to a big city. I think that there
are more career opportunities there, more jobs, people can get a better education
and better medical services there. There is more entertainment in the city, too. You
can go to theatres, cinemas and clubs, there are lots of people everywhere – you’ll
never get bored. I’ll move to the city as soon as I get an opportunity to do so.
Speaker B
I live in a big city, in a new fast-developing area. Most of the buildings were built
not long ago, so the area has a modern look and is comfortable to live in. There are
shops, cinemas, schools, hospitals, sports centres and parks within easy reach of
my house. Right in front of my house there’s a bus stop, so I have no problem
getting to the centre or any other part of the city.
Speaker C
We’ve just moved house and now I live in a new modern building in the centre of
the city. My window has a view of a busy street but the interior creates a nice and
peaceful atmosphere. The walls are painted light green and the furniture is in warm
brown and creamy colours. There’s a plasma TV and a portable audio centre. I like
drawing and there are several of my pictures on the walls. I think they look nice
Speaker D
Everybody wants their home to be a safe, nice and comfortable place but their
ideas of comfort and beauty are very different. In hot climates people sometimes
make their homes underground. Living underground, however, doesn’t mean living
in dark, dirty and damp caves. Modern underground homes are light. They are
beautifully designed, nicely furnished and very comfortable to live in.
Speaker E
When we were walking along the main street, the guide pointed to an ordinary
looking house and said that the place had a history. During the war a famous
doctor lived there. He arranged a hospital in his own home and saved lots of
people. Now nobody lives in the house, there’s a museum of science and medicine
there. The museum has very interesting exhibits on the history of medical science.
Прослушать запись здесь:

Теги: Нет тегов 
Колмакова Инна Александровна


Вы услышите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных А, B, C и D.

Определите, где происходит каждый из этих диалогов. Используйте каждое

место действия из списка 1–5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее

место действия. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в


У Вас есть 20 секунд, чтобы ознакомиться с заданием.

Now we are ready to start.

Dialogue A

A: We heat the water and when its temperature reaches 100 degrees, it

starts to boil.

B: Excuse me, Mrs. Brown, can the temperature of the water get higher

than that if we keep increasing the heat?

A: No. At least not under normal conditions. At 100 degrees water

changes into steam.

B: It’s just what happens when we boil water in a kettle, isn’t it?

A: Exactly.

Dialogue B

A: It looks very good. And it fits you perfectly.

B: But I don’t need it! Who buys a warm coat in the summer, when the

temperature never drops below 15 degrees!

A: But the winter comes every year anyway. And when it comes, this

coat will cost double the price. We’re buying it now!

B: Ok, whatever you want…


Dialogue C

A: When did you say you first felt unwell?

B: In the morning. I woke up and started to cough. And I have a sore


A: Ok, my assistant will take your temperature, and then I’ll examine

you. Could you take that seat please?

B: OK, thank you.


Dialogue D

A: They’ve got a wonderful collection of old books and manuscripts.

B: Yes. Look, this book dates from the 18th century! The pages are yellowish.


A: There are even older books here. I think it must be difficult to take

care of such delicate exhibits.

B: Yes. Low and high temperatures, as well as sunshine and humidity,

are very harmful to them.

A: Have a look at this one. Can you read the name of the author on that one?




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Казакова София Игоревна

Москва, РФ – Май, 2013 – TheStudentRanking.com это новая свободная сеть для студентов по всему миру, желающих знать больше о своей конкурентоспособности и ценности на рынке на труда в сравнении со сверстниками. Вебсайт позволяет студентам ввести все свои достижения и получить результат, предоставляющий информацию об их глобальной конкурентоспособности.


Крупнейшие национальные и международные компании заинтересованы в наборе лучших кандидатов, однако часто они ограничены в выборе определёнными рамками. Наш новый сайт предоставляет возможность студентам и компаниям найти друг друга, в результате получая лучший результат для обеих сторон.


Студенты, пользующиеся услугой, могут больше узнать о своем ранге в сравнении с их сверстниками и друзьями, мотивируя себя найти стажировку или приобрести новый навык. Это важно, так как система позволяет работодателям сравнить всех кандидатов, претендующих на позицию.


В мае, theStudentRanking.com опубликует глобальный рейтинг университетов, базирующийся на качестве студентов, обучающихся в соответствующем учебном заведении. Этот рейтинг основан на средних показателях достижений участников от каждого университета и помогает будущим студентам выбрать следующий университет.


“В настоящее время при выборе кандидатов на ту или иную должность работодатели полагаются на репутацию университета, при этом не имея возможности выбирать квалифицированных кандидатов из менее авторитетных ВУЗов. Наш рейтинг даёт каждому студенту шанс конкурировать, основываясь на результате их собственных достижений, а также наделяет возможностью талантливых студентов из менее известных университетов стать успешными.», - говорит Майкл Шмитц, основатель компании.


Чтобы отметить запуск, theStudentRanking.com начинает «Глобальные студенческие гонки университетов» в 49 странах. Смартфоны будут подарены студентам, чьи университеты наберут большее количество регистраций. Такие же призы будут получать еженедельно те участники, которые оставят «лайк» на страничке Фэсбука, помогая тем самым привлечь больше студентов на борт.


 «В  период высокого уровня безработицы среди молодежи, очень сложно реализовать себя и найти достойную работу для студента и молодого специалиста» - рассуждает София Казакова, Региональный Менеджер  по России. «Наш сайт предлагает студентам шанс определить свою ценность на рынке труда и выяснить, что им следует делать, чтобы повысить свою конкурентоспособность».



# # #


Если Вы желаете получить больше информации о сайте или запланировать интервью, пожалуйста, звоните по телефону: +34 691 94 74 40- София Казакова, или свяжитесь по электронной почте: sofia.kazakova@thestudentranking.com.

Теги: Нет тегов 
Казакова София Игоревна

Москва, РФ – Май, 2013 – TheStudentRanking.com это новая свободная сеть для студентов по всему миру, желающих знать больше о своей конкурентоспособности и ценности на рынке на труда в сравнении со сверстниками. Вебсайт позволяет студентам ввести все свои достижения и получить результат, предоставляющий информацию об их глобальной конкурентоспособности.


Крупнейшие национальные и международные компании заинтересованы в наборе лучших кандидатов, однако часто они ограничены в выборе определёнными рамками. Наш новый сайт предоставляет возможность студентам и компаниям найти друг друга, в результате получая лучший результат для обеих сторон.


Студенты, пользующиеся услугой, могут больше узнать о своем ранге в сравнении с их сверстниками и друзьями, мотивируя себя найти стажировку или приобрести новый навык. Это важно, так как система позволяет работодателям сравнить всех кандидатов, претендующих на позицию.


В мае, theStudentRanking.com опубликует глобальный рейтинг университетов, базирующийся на качестве студентов, обучающихся в соответствующем учебном заведении. Этот рейтинг основан на средних показателях достижений участников от каждого университета и помогает будущим студентам выбрать следующий университет.


“В настоящее время при выборе кандидатов на ту или иную должность работодатели полагаются на репутацию университета, при этом не имея возможности выбирать квалифицированных кандидатов из менее авторитетных ВУЗов. Наш рейтинг даёт каждому студенту шанс конкурировать, основываясь на результате их собственных достижений, а также наделяет возможностью талантливых студентов из менее известных университетов стать успешными.», - говорит Майкл Шмитц, основатель компании.


Чтобы отметить запуск, theStudentRanking.com начинает «Глобальные студенческие гонки университетов» в 49 странах. Смартфоны будут подарены студентам, чьи университеты наберут большее количество регистраций. Такие же призы будут получать еженедельно те участники, которые оставят «лайк» на страничке Фэсбука, помогая тем самым привлечь больше студентов на борт.


 «В  период высокого уровня безработицы среди молодежи, очень сложно реализовать себя и найти достойную работу для студента и молодого специалиста» - рассуждает София Казакова, Региональный Менеджер  по России. «Наш сайт предлагает студентам шанс определить свою ценность на рынке труда и выяснить, что им следует делать, чтобы повысить свою конкурентоспособность».



# # #


Если Вы желаете получить больше информации о сайте или запланировать интервью, пожалуйста, звоните по телефону: +34 691 94 74 40- София Казакова, или свяжитесь по электронной почте: sofia.kazakova@thestudentranking.com.

Теги: Нет тегов 
Петрушина Татьяна Николаевна

   Проверяемые умения: умение понимать полно и точно содержание прослушанного текста.

Тип задания: задание с множественным выбором ответа.

Система оценивания: верное выполнение каждого задания с выбором ответа оценивается в 1 балл. За неверный ответ   или  отсутствие ответа выставляется 0 баллов.

Рекомендации для учащихся.

  • Перед тем как прослушать запись, прочитайте сначала только вопросы в задании, без предложенных вариантов ответа. 
  • Найдите в вопросах ключевые слова и подберите к ним синонимы.
  • Во время прослушивания следует прекратить чтение вопросов и сконцентрировать внимание на понимании аудиозаписи.
  • Помните, что во всех заданиях на множественный выбор порядок вопросов соответствует тому порядку, в каком информация появляется в тексте.
  • Во время первого прослушивания отметьте ответы, которые вы считаете верными. При выборе ответа следует руководствоваться исключительно той информацией , которая даётся в тексте, а не тем, что вы сами знаете или думаете по данному вопросу.
  • Обращайте  внимание не столько на слова, сколько на контест.Те варианты ответа, которые в аудиозаписи имеют контекст, отличный от того, который они имеют в вопросе, являются неверными.
  •  Будьте осторжны с теми вариантами ответа, в которых встречаются те же слова и фразы, что звучат в записи.Часто это неверные варианты. Помните, что правильные ответы должны включать ту же информацию, что изапись. Но эта информация может быть передана другими словами. Для этого часто используют синонимы.
  • Правильный ответ не обязательно включает всю ту информацию, которая звучит в записи.
  • Иногда вопросы имеют общий характер. Они касаются высказанных мнений, намерений автора или контекста ситуации. Отвечая на них, следует обращать внимание не только на отдельные фразы, но на более длинные отрезки или текст в целом.
  • Во время второго прослушивания проверьте выбранные ответы и обратите внимание на ту информацию, которая быпа пропущена во время второго прослушивания.
  • Не оставляйте ни один вопрос без ответа, даже если после второго прослушивания есть сомнения в правильности выбора.
  • По окончании выполнения всего раздела "Аудирование" перенесите ответы в Бланк ответов  № 1.
  • Желаем успехов!

  Тренировочное задание

Вы услышите интервью. В заданиях А8 -А14 обведите цифру 1, 2, или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

        1.  Mind the list of  proper names:

1. Kenya                                               - Кения                            

2. the  Green Belt Movement        -  Движение  Зелёный Пояс                            

3. the National parks                  -    Национальные парки                                        

4. Ben Zephani          -    Бен Зефени, активист и участник движения                                                 

5.Wangari  Maathai  -  Венгари Маатхай, лауреат Нобелевской Премии,  

                                                       лидер движения в Кении                                                   

6.the BBC Wildlife channel -  радиоканал BBC, посвящённый защите    

                                                                        дикой природы                                    

7.the KWS: the Kenya Wildlife  Service     - государственное учреждение 

                                                                                                       Служба по защите дикой природы              

2.Mind the list of key words:

1.deforestation                     -   вырубка, уничтожение лесов

2.to threaten                        -   угрожать

3.habitat                               -  среда обитания 

 4. to be rejected                 -  быть изгнанным

5.pride                                  - стая

6.herd                                   - стадо

7.pack                                   - свора

8. be chased                        - подвергаться  преследованию

9.charcoal                          -   древесный уголь

10. cliche                            -  избитая фраза, штамп

11.warden                          -  директор, начальник



Int: Today in the studio we are talking to Ben Zephani, an activist and member of the environmental group the Green Belt Movement in Kenya. Welcome Ben.

Ben: Thank you.

Int: Well, you know, people nowadays talk a lot about environmental issues. There is great concern about wildlife and the future of the National Parks in Kenya. What's happening there?

Ben: One of the most serious environmental problems we are facing today is deforestation, which really affects both wildlife and people living around the forests. People need land for their own purposes, like growing crops and raising cattle. So they come, seize pieces of land, cut down trees and start cultivating the land. So many animals were, kind of, forced away. They had to leave their native habitats and find new hunting areas... That's not really a nice thing.

Int: And what's happening to the people who actually live around the forest area?

Ben: You know when you tend to interfere in a wild animal's habitat you somehow create an imbalance between people and animals. And sometimes it's not really a nice thing because animals tend to come close to where people live, which is really threatening.

Int: So, do they attack people?

Ben: Not that they really attack settlements but they do come in packs, groups, prides or herds constantly migrating from one place to another because of deforestation. So people are vulnerable at any time.

Int: You mean, if I lived there, I could be chased by an angry rhinoceros or an elephant?

Ben: No, actually they don't chase people because most of the time they just pass by. But at times you come into contact with an unusual animal. You know animals live in packs, so when one animal is rejected from its pack, it's an angry animal. It cannot join the other packs so it attacks anything and is extremely dangerous. It should not be disturbed. People can do nothing to help it. Anyone who dares to approach it is almost certainly doomed.

Int: Wow! Sounds horrible! I suppose no one would dare to try to catch these wild animals... Well, but what actually causes deforestation?

Ben: People burn wood to produce charcoal and sell it, because, as you know, people there have very poor living conditions, and they try hard to earn an extra dime to support their families. Charcoal is in great demand for cooking and other odd jobs, so people don't even have to travel anywhere to sell it. It's a good job. But it's so destructive.

Int: So what's being done to try and remedy this, or to try and counterbalance the effect?

Ben: There are three or four large activist groups that are coming together to discuss how to reduce damage to the environment. You all know the Nobel Prize winner Wangari Maathai who is a leader of the Green Belt Movement in Kenya. She's been trying to discourage people from destroying forests for a long time and to explain what deforestation does to the country and the environment in general and how it affects people in the forest areas. She teaches people to adjust to new conditions and environments. She moves with the times. Wangari supports National parks, conservation areas and safari parks in the country. She helps organize small businesses to learn to earn from ecotourism in the forest areas.

Int: Look, I've always wanted to go to Africa and I'm just wondering, if that whole safari business ...is really good; if everything you see on the BBC Wildlife channel, you know, documentaries, is true to life.

Ben: It's not a cliche, but it's something you have to experience when you get there on safari. The BBC has never lied to their viewers.

Int: Wow! So I could be just out there ... driving around in my car and on my own just seeing all those animals?

Ben: I am afraid they won't let you drive in your own car. They provide services for you. We have in Kenya an institute called the KWS: the Kenya Wildlife Service and it has its own wardens that are highly trained to protect you when you're in the forest. You just say where and when you want to go, what places and animals you would like to see. Tours are kind of regulated. For example, you will never be allowed to come close to feeding the animals.

Int: All right.

 А8      Ben indicates __________ as one of the biggest environmental problems in Kenya.

             1) loss of forest trees

            2) growing numbers of cattle

            3) lack of cultivated land

A9      According to Ben, the animals which change their habitat

            1) are threatened by people

           2) tend not to leave their hunting areas

           3)  may be dangerous for the people around forest areas

A10    Ben says  that an animal that was rejected by its pack

             1) needs extra attention

             2) should be avoided by people

             3) has to be destroyed

A11      Ben mentions the charcoal production as

             1) an easy way to earn extra money

              2) the business in which most Kenyans are involved.

             3) the main reason of deforestation

A 12    Ben describes Wangari Maathai as the woman who...

            1) helps her people to live in a new environment

           2) invented safari parks

           3) started ecotourism business

A 13  Ben assures that the BBC Wildlife channel documentaries on safari parks are

          1) a cliche

         2) accurate

         3) not as good as the real thing

A14 The KWS wardens are trained to

          1) serve and protect safari visitors

          2) feed the wild animals 

         3) find the animals visitors want to see.

Check your answers with the key

A8 -1;   A9   -3;    A10 - 2;    A11 - 3;    A12  - 1;   A13 - 2;   A 14 --1.

Good luck at your exams!





Теги: Нет тегов 
Богатырёва Татьяна Владимировна

Вы услышите рассказ об инциденте в ресторане. В заданиях А 8 -А 1 4 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

                                                                   A difficult client
When I was nineteen I worked in the kitchen of a Creole restaurant in Panama City, Florida.
The word “Creole” refers to people who are descended from settlers in the colonial French
Louisiana (before it became part of the USA in 1803). And Creole food is great. It is a blend of French, Spanish and Caribbean styles. I used to knock up fantastic fresh salads, filet and fry grouper fresh from the harbour. I made vast vats of red beans and rice and tureens of gumbo.
I boiled great pans of fresh shrimp and cracked open and then fried Oysters in white wine.
The odd thing is that I am not a trained chef. Every single recipe was based on a mixture of
measures in the recipe book. So many cups of this, shakes of that, tablespoons of Tabasco or
citrus, jugs of cut celery, etc. But every meal turned out perfect so long as I followed “the
book” to the letter.
I worked in the kitchen with a rather strange guy from Los Angeles called Scott. He had a
strange haircut and was disconcertingly crossed eyed. But the waitresses were cute — especially Suzie with her long curly brown hair.
One day we had a bit of an episode. A woman in the restaurant started screaming and
demanding to see the chef. I could hear the commotion from deep within the kitchens and began to look for somewhere to hide. Scott was out that day and there was nobody else in the kitchen. Suzie caught me as I tried to hide behind the rice sacks in the larder. “You’ve got to come out John. She’s gone absolutely mental. The other customers are gonna call the cops if we can’t sort this” .
Feeling terribly afraid and inadequate I was led out to the woman making the noise. She
stopped screaming but continued to shake as she eyed me up and down. Because she’d asked for the “chef” I guessed I must have made a terrible mistake in the kitchen. I was alone down there that lunchtime so whatever was wrong it must have been my fault. What would she say if she discovered I wasn’t a chef at all but doing a holiday job making recipes from a book?
The truth eventually came out. I had served her a basket of whole boiled shrimp. According
to the lady, the little devils had little “ faces” and “eyes” , “stared at her” and had completely
freaked her out. I spoke to her very softly and sat down next to her. I told her I ’d take them
away and if she still wanted shrimp I ’d peel them myself and bring them to her. She thanked me
very much. Seemed very happy and after a short while consumed the shelled shrimp and left.
Afterward I was again called to the front by Suzie. But this time I got a round of applause
from the other customers and $120 were the tips.

Теги: Нет тегов 
Богатырёва Татьяна Владимировна

Вы услышите разговор между братом и сестрой о летних каникулах. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений (А 1 -А 7 ) соответствуют содержанию текста(1), какие не соответствуют (2) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа(3). Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Pre-listening task

Have you ever heard about volunteers? What can they do? How do they help people? Have you ever been a  volunteer?

Now we are ready to start.

Katie: You are going to work all summer as a volunteer?
Paul: Yes. I t ’s really exciting. I can’ t wait.
Katie: Let me see now, that’ll be no money, no time o ff and no summer. I can only see
Paul: Ha-Ha, how witty you are, very funny. Is it worth even trying to explain to a summer
department store worker such as yourself?
Katie: Steady on brother! OK — tell me about it. I am all ears.
Paul: Did you know there are thousands of people with no computer skills? Think about
that for a moment. What jobs today don’t need computers? And think about our media
surroundings. I t ’s all websites, virtual opportunities, social networking and so on. Then just
imagine you don’t understand any of it. Imagine no prospect ever of getting a job or even....
Katie: Paul — there is no excuse nowadays for anyone not having basic computer skills.
Paul: Really? What about people over 50? They never had computer classes at school
because for ordinary people then, there were no computers. And what about those disadvantaged by dyslexia, or those from tough home environments, or the elderly, or....
Katie: I get the picture. Go on.
Paul: I ’ll be in a training centre, giving one-to-one tuition to people whose lives might
really change for the better. I did one evening a week last term and loved it. Now I have a whole summer.
Katie: Well I will work 7 days a week for most of the summer. And then I am going to the
south of France with James and we’ll have the summer holiday of our lives.
Paul: That’s great Katie. Don’t think I don’t approve or even that I am not a tiny bit
jealous. I am not a saint and actually in a sense, we are both taking the same option.
Katie: What do you mean?
Paul: You, dear sister, and I are both choosing exactly what we want to do this summer and
really, we are making that choice only for ourselves.
Katie: Well — I still think you should get a halo.


Теги: Нет тегов 
Джаспенова Райса Темиртасовна

Алгоритм выполнения задания №1 «Аудирование»

Основное назначение единого государственного экзамена по иностранным языкам состоит в определении уровня подготовки выпускников средней (полной) общеобразовательной школы по иностранному языку с целью их аттестации и отбора при поступлении в высшие учебные заведения.
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