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Белякова Светлана Владимировна

Среди заданий А8 - А12 выберите правильный вариант ответа(1, 2 или 3):

In England about 93 per cent of children attend state schools, which provide free education. The other 7 per cent attend independent schools - private and public schools. Some of these schools are boarding schools where children live and study. If parents want to send their children to a private or a public school, they have to pay for their education. The most famous public schools are Eton, Harrow and Winchester.

For small children, there are state kindergartens, private kindergartens and "nursery classes" in schools, which are optional.

Secondary education is compulsory. It means all children must attend school between the ages of 5 and 16. Most children start their education at the age of 5. Primary school may be divided into two parts: during the first two years reading, writing and arithmetic are taught for about 20 minutes a day. There is usually no written timetable. Much time is spend in modelling from clay or drawing, reading and singing. In Year 3 the "real work" starts. The children have lessons in arithmetic, reading and composition. History, Geography, Nature Study, Art and Music, PE, Swimming are also in the timetable. All schools follow the same National Curriculum. The children attend the primary school for 6 years.

Comprehensive schools provide compulsory education for children between the ages of 11 and 16. Comprehensive schools offer 5-year courses to all pupils; there are no entrance examinations there. Some children enter grammar schools which  also provide secondary education. If a pupil wants to study at a grammar school, he or she has to pass the 11+ exams. There are 10 subjects, which all children must study at secondary school, and there are some optional subjects that are different in different schools.

The whole period of compulsory education is divided into four stages. At the end of each stage (Years 2, 6, 9 and 11) pupils have national examinations.


A8: There are in England ______________________

1) private and public schools.

2) state schools.

3) state schools and independent schools.


A9: The most famous  public schools are ____________________

1)  Harrow and Winchester.

2)  Eton and Harrow.

3)  Eton, Harrow and Winchester.


A10: For small children there are in England _____________________

1)  state kindergartens and private kindergartens.

2)  schools.

3)  state kindergartens, private kindergartens and "nursery classes" in schools.


A11:  All children must attend school between the ages ________________

1)  of 6 and 16.

2)  of 5 and 16. 

3)  of 5 and 17.


A12:  At the end of each stage (Years 2, 6, 9 and 11) pupils _____________________

1) have national examinations.

2)  11+ exams.

3)  have 5 examinations.


Теги: Нет тегов 
Зямилова Эльвира Загитовна

Занятие 6


Задания А8 – А14

What is the text about?

Вы услышите интервью с иммигрантом из Кении. В заданиях А8 – А14обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.



A8 The life of the speaker’s family was difficult because


his father didn’t have stable money for his work.


they suffered from unemployment.


they didn’t have any financial support from the state.



A9 An obvious advantage of the house the speaker lived in was that it


had a modern water supply system.


had a design suitable for hot climate.


was close to the railway station.



A10 The speaker went to school which


was designed by a famous English architect.


had a reputation for its good educational quality.


was opened by the Duke of Gloucester.


A11 The Duke’s visit to school gave the speaker a chance to


see a different side of the school authorities.


show himself in a good light.


shake hands with a British aristocrat.


A12 The fact that very little was taught at school about their native country


extremely puzzled all the students.


made students wish things were different.


was hardly questioned by students.


A13 The speaker remembers that when he was a child


there were delicious things he could only dream of trying.


his parents made him eat different kinds of fruit.


he was exceptional in his attitude to luxury things.


A14 The speaker’s mother was often furious with him for


behaving badly at school.


going wild at home.


spending much time outdoors.


Now we are ready to start.

Can you tell me where you were born and about your family?

I was born in Nairobi, Kenya, in 1934. I was one of eight children. My mother didn't go to work, she was a housewife, but my father was a tailor, a master tailor. He used to make clothes privately for people. And it was a very, very hard time for him to support us financially. The size of the family probably made it doubly hard and the allowances for children were very small. They didn’t really help. I think it was made even harder because my father was self-employed and he worked from home. I don’t think this gave him any financial stability, as there were days when there were no clients. We just had to live from hand to mouth from day to day. Yes, I think those were very hard times for my parents.

What was this area like where your house and workshop were?

The area had lots of terraced houses. They were very simple. Our house had a veranda in front, two rooms, and a veranda at the back. This was because of the

tropical weather. They gave some sort of shade. The primitive kitchen was located in a courtyard. No electricity, no gas, and there was only a pipe for water which was a communal one. Everyone used to bring water in buckets into the house. The area was residential. It was about say an hour’s walking distance to the railway station. And schools were quite far away from there.

Where did you go to school?

Well, it was one of the well-known British Government Primary Schools with a team of qualified and experienced teachers. It later changed to the Duke of Gloucester School just because the Duke of Gloucester happened to go there as a visitor one day. The school was a very nice place and beautifully designed too. All by English architects here in Kenya, and most of the materials were shipped from England. I was very happy there overall. And I think I got a very good standard of education there as well. I remember well the day when the Duke came to school. When I think back about that, it makes me laugh. In my opinion, some officials just wanted to make themselves look important. Everybody wanted to shake the Duke’s hand. Maybe I’m being cynical, but on reflection, I don’t think the officials really behaved very nicely. Their behaviour was very false, I think. They just wanted to show themselves in a good light.

When you were at school, I mean did you learn much about Britain and about London?

Yes. I did learn about the history of Great Britain. Very little was taught to us about Kenya itself. I also learned about the history of the world. Things like that, but very little of my own culture or history. You might wonder if that puzzled us, but I can honestly say that at that time we were not bothered about it. I honestly think that we just got on with whatever we were told to do. I never realized that things could or should have been any different.

What was life at home like at this time?

Life was quite difficult. There wasn't much money coming in and we were very much restricted in food. There was plenty of cheap fruit available, like bananas and oranges. But sometimes we wished we could afford things like ham or cheese, but it never became an obsession. We just thought it would be nice to have some luxury things. I think that would be the normal reaction of any child. I don’t think we were exceptional in that.

Were your friends mainly from school?

Oh yes, yes. They were mostly from school. As soon as we came home we used to go out and play until mother got very angry and called us in. I loved that time after school when we were free just to do whatever we wanted. School rules were quite strict, you know, and we had to behave well and sit still a lot. So it was great just to be wild for a bit.



Теги: Нет тегов 
Зямилова Эльвира Загитовна

Занятие 6

Задания А1 – А7  

Упражнение до прослушивания текста

- Ознакомьтесь с собственными именами: Riverdale day, Ted

- Запомните незнакомые слова:

scrambled eggs – яичница

smooth – гладкий

- What is the text about?


Вы услышите разговор матери с сыном. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А1 – А7 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Обведите номер выбранного вами ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.


A1 Ted and his mother had breakfast together.






Not stated

A2 Ted made more sandwiches for breakfast than he could eat.






Not stated

A3 Ted is going to be away from home for the whole day.






Not stated

A4 Ted’s mother forgot about Riverdale Day.






Not stated

A5 The playground area is not as big as it should be.






Not stated

A6 Ted friend’s father is going to work on the playground on Riverdale day.






Not stated

A7 Ted’s mother had to work overtime the whole week.






Not stated


Now we are ready to start.

Mother: Morning, Ted.

Ted: Good morning, Mum.

Mother: I’m making scrambled eggs. Shall I make some for you or would you rather have a sandwich?

Ted: No, thanks Mum. I’ve already eaten. I got up early . Did you see some sandwiches? I made some sandwiches earlier. They were right here.

Mother: They’re in the fridge. You have enough sandwiches to feed a small army. Why don’t we do something together today?

Ted: I’m sorry, Mum. But I’m busy from morning till night.

Mother: Where are you going?

Ted: To the park.

Mother: Why? What’s happening at the park?

Ted: Don’t you remember, Mum? It’s Riverdale Day.

Mother: Oh, that’s right. Today’s the day when everyone helps clean up the town parks.

Ted: You know they’re doing something special to improve the playground area.

Mother: They want to make it bigger or smaller?

Ted: Not bigger, it’s big enough. Mostly they want to make it safer. Do you remember my friend Jimmy? He broke his arm on the playground last year.

Mother: Jimmy? The tall guy with freckles on his face? He has a job as a lifeguard at the town swimming pool. Right?

Ted: That’s right. He and I will be working together today. Jimmy’s father is a builder, and he’s bringing a tractor to make the rough ground smooth. He doesn’t want Jimmy to break his arm again.

Mother: There must be something I can do to help you. I could do some painting or any other job.

Ted: Thanks, Mum but you’ve been working so hard. You should just rest this weekend.

Mother: OK. Do a great job!

Ted: We will.

Mother: Take care.

Ted: Bye.



Теги: Нет тегов 
Юрова Вероника Ивановна


Прослушайте аудиозапись к заданиям А8-А14 и дополните основные моменты выпускного бала.

venues- ...

outfits- ...

transportation- ...

entertainment- ...


Вы услышите рассказ о выпускных вечерах в Великобритании. В заданиях А8 -А14 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды. У вас есть 50 секунд, чтобы ознакомиться с заданиями.

How do you celebrate the end of the school year? A few years ago, school leavers had a small disco at their school. Not any more. Films like High School Musical have brought a new craze from the USA to Britain — the school prom which is an official dance at the end of the school year. The prom is now such an important event that many school student committees spend up to one year planning it. The venues are expensive and impressive — many are held in 5-star hotels — not in the school hall. One school even held their prom at Manchester United's football ground. Then there's the DJ, the flowers and decorations, and some proms even have a red carpet.

A lot of pupils also spend months planning their outfits for the big night. "I ordered my prom dress at Christmas time and it arrived in May," says Jess Stubs. And the ma­jority of pupils like to arrive in style too. Many students arrive in limos and even horse carriages. "I ordered my limo in March, and I had trouble getting one," says Jess. "Most of them are already booked!"

It doesn't end there. When the big day arrives, everybody gets dressed up. "I got up at 9 o'clock to get my nails done," explains Lucy Warne. "I had a fake tan done the day before and I got my hair done in the afternoon. You have to look perfect." Kate Sawyer, a teacher, loves seeing the students dressed up. "Outside school you are used to seeing them in their hoodies and jeans. Everyone wants to dress up and look wonderful once in their life," she says.

So, is it worth all the effort? "It was an amazing night," said Scott Preston. "We walked down a red carpet into the hall. There was a great DJ. The Prom King and Queen were chosen and they were crowned in a big ceremony. Everyone had their photo taken. It was brilliant."

This is what Lauren says about her prom. "My dress was from the first shop I went to — TK Maxx. I liked the colour and the style, it wasn't too 'princessy', and I was con­fident no one else would have it. I had my hair done at my house by my hairdresser. My hair took an hour to curl. As well as diamonds, I also had extensions in my hair. The girls and boys went to the prom in different cars. The boys had a blue convertible but we had a limo. The girls were complimenting each other. The boys scrubbed up well — it was nice to see them 'suited and booted'. The prom venue was Stockbrook Manor. We all felt very posh. It was a fabulous night and I loved dressing up and spending the night with my whole school year!"

Keys: A8-3, A9- 1, A10- 2, A11- 3, A12- 2, A13- 3, A14- 3.

Теги: Нет тегов 
Юрова Вероника Ивановна

Прослушайте аудиозапись к заданиям А1-А7 и завершите следующие условные предложения.

1. If you are young and want to meet your friends, there are ...

2. If you go dune-bashing, it means ...

3. If you climb the Table Mountain, ...

4. If you are not scared of heights, ...

5. If you are in the heart of the city, ...

6. If you come to Cape Town in July, ...

Ссылка на аудиозапись http://veronika-yurova.podomatic.com/

Задание А1-А7. Аудиотекст. Жирным шрифтом выделены ключевые слова

Вы услышите интервью, которое журналист взял у девушки из Южной Африки. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений А1 А7 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 True), какие не сответствуют (2 False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 - Not stated). Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта
. Вы услышите запись дважды. У вас есть 20 секунд, чтобы ознакомиться с заданием.  

A1. You can  meet your friends in large shopping centres and cafes.

      1)True           2) False        3) Not stated      

A2. Dune-bashing means driving along the beach in the dunes.

      1)True           2) False        3) Not stated     

A3. You can see the city from Table Mountain only in sunny weather.

      1)True           2) False        3) Not stated 

A4. If you have fear of heights, take a cable car to get to the top of the Table Mountain.

     1)True           2) False        3) Not stated

A5. Dassie is an African mouse.

     1)True           2) False        3) Not stated 

A6. Cape Town is not completely safe.

     1)True           2) False        3) Not stated    

A7. If you go to South Africa in July, don`t forget to take warm clothes.

     1)True           2) False        3) Not stated     

Interviewer:   Hi Jane! Can you tell our readers why you love living in Cape Town ?

Jane: Yes! Well, this June thousands of football fans came to our city to watch the World Cup. But there's more to the country than football. There are always fun things to do, day and night, especially if you are young. There are malls and coffee shops where you can just relax with your friends. We also have go-karting, ice-skating and dune-bashing.

Interviewer:   What is dune-bashing? Can you tell me more about it?

Jane:   Dune-bashing is riding three-wheel bikes through the sand dunes on the beaches.

Interviewer:  What is the one thing I should see?

Jane:   You should really go and see Table Mountain. You can see the city from up there. Take the cable car if you are not scared of heights. You will see a really cute animal that lives there — the dassie.

Interviewer:   What kind of animal is it?

Jane:  Actually it is quite small and looks like a large mouse. But although it just resembles a mouse they say that in origin it is closer to an elephant!

Interviewer:   What other animals live in Cape Town?

Jane: If you are in the heart of the city, you don't have to worry about any of the animals, maybe, just stray dogs and cats. In the countryside you have to be careful — there are lions and leopards!

Interviewer:   Is it true there is a lot of crime? Is Cape Town safe? Jane:   Like in any big city, I wouldn't suggest walking around late at night but don't let that stop you from coming here. Interviewer:   Is it really hot? Shall I bring all my summer clothes if I come in July?

Jane:   No! In July it's winter here so I suggest you pack your winter clothes but our winter isn't as cold as a winter in Europe, so a jacket or jumper will keep you warm on a mild winter's day.

Keys: A1-1, A2-2, A3-3, A4-2, A5-2, A6-1, A7-1.

Теги: Нет тегов 
Игнатьева Виктория Викторовна

Presenter: With us in the studio today we have the owner of famous British Vintage Inns. Good afternoon, Mr. Mitchell.

Michael  Mitchell: Good afternoon, but , please, call me Michael.

Presenter: So, Michael, what is so special about Vintage Inns far Englishmen or tourists?

Michael  Mitchell: I must say one of our greatest advantages is that we are in really prime places.

Imagine a summer`s day, a river gently flowing past as you enjoy a light lunch or a an evening meal with friends. Or, maybe, it is winter and you sit in front of a log fire. Our inns are always in a quaint village in the heart of the English countryside which makes it attractive for both nostalgic British people and enthusiastic tourists.

Presenter: As I understand, most of your inns have their own gardens.

Michael  Mitchell: Yes, it is certainly true. They are every bit  as pleasant as the places the inns are in – ideal for the meal in fine weather, which is, of course, seasonal.

Presenter: Still, competition is high in your sphere. Being not so close to centers of big cities, what do you do to make sure people will drive specially to you?

Michael  Mitchell: Actually, I do nothing special to attract potential customers. You see, I do not have to as the inns are generally located in places worth visiting and mane are close to enchanting walks. Very often there is a Vintage Inns close to a stately home or historic village or another tourist attraction. What could be a better way to spend a day off with your family? Even London pubs cannot offer this.

Presenter: Any chain store ricks becoming boring for clients as they all look exactly the same. What do you think about this opinion? 

Michael  Mitchell: I`d like to say that every Vintage Inns is different, but they are all the same. All our inns will definitely offer the same high quality menu and standards of service. All our landlords and landladies share the same passion for getting it right. However, each Vintage Inns has its own unique character. You will discover thatched roofs, soft, natural slate, buildings of hews stone. There are Tudors, Georgian, Victorian and many  more styles of architecture, including modern ones.

Presenter: What about food in Vintage Inns?

Michael  Mitchell: What we offer is best described as leaning towards traditional home style cooking but with a contemporary twist. Still, we do allow the best of great  food from around the world to add a little influence on what we do. Many of our dishes are our creation – and all dishes are designed to look temping and great on the plate.

Presenter: Is there a difference between an afternoon menu and an evening one?

Michael  Mitchell: Well, on working days at lunch time you can choose anything from a range of sandwiches to full three- course meals. Our evening meals also offer lighter choices but includes fish, chicken, pasta, salads, steaks and pies too. On Sundays we include a choice of traditional roasts and puddings.









Задание 3. Детальное понимание текста.(высокий уровень.)

Суть задания: это задание на множественный выбор, оно может быть представлено либо как вопрос с тремя вариантами ответа, либо как начало предложения с тремя вариантами его завершения, при этом и в первом и во втором случае нужно выбрать только один вариант из трех.

До начала звучания аудиозаписи делаем следующее:

  1. Определяем примерное содержание текста, который нам предстоит прослушать, опираясь на установку к заданию.
  2. Быстро просматриваем сначала все утверждения (вопросы), а затем каждое утверждение (вопрос), не обращая внимание на предложенные варианты ответов или завершений утверждений, с целью уточнить суть запрашиваемой информации. Если без окончаний утверждений или вариантов ответа на вопрос суть предложенного утверждения (вопроса) не ясна, тогда просматриваем эти окончания (варианты ответов). Это поможет игнорировать избыточную информацию в воспроизводимом тексте.
  3. Просмотреть варианты ответа и определить их различия. Подчеркивайте ключевые слова, делайте любые пометки, которые могут вам помочь понять суть запрашиваемой информации и различия между вариантами ответа.
  4. И вновь, если не успели изучить все утверждения (вопросы), мы спокойны и сосредоточены, так как мы знаем, что все задания идут последовательно по тексту, и если мы опережаем звучание записи на один пункт задания – все будет в порядке.

Вы услышите интервью. В заданиях А8- А14, обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

        A8   What according to Michael Mitchell, is the biggest plus of Vintage Inns?

1)       Picturesque locations.

2)       Nostalgic landlords and landladies.

3)       Tourists from all over the world.

A9   What point does Michael Mitchell make about Vintage Inns` gardens?

1)       They are perfect for any season.

2)       All Vintage Inns must have them.

3)       They are an alternative to dine in good weather.

A10   Why does not Michael Mitchell do anything to advertise his inns?

1)       They are close to local places of interest.

2)       They are not far from city centers.

3)       They are situated around London.

A11  What is typical of all Vintage Inns?

1)       Traditional old style.

2)       Victorian design.

3)       Good food and atmosphere.

A12  According to Michael Mitchell, Vintage Inns menus

1)       preserve traditional style in cooking.

2)       modernize traditional dishes.

3)       offer mainly international food.

A13  When is the menu likely to be more varied?

1)       Saturdays

2)       Weekdays

3)       Sundays


До прослушивания текста:

  1. Читаем установку. В установке к этому заданию дополнительной информации нет, кроме как то, что мы услышим интервью. Зато дополнительная информация появится после того как мы бегло просмотрим вопросы.
  2. А8. Что, исходя из слов Майкла Митчелла, является самым большим плюсом Vintage Inns?
    A9. Что Майкл Митчелл разъяснил по поводу садов Vintage Inns?
    A10. Почему Майкл Митчелл ничего не делает, чтобы рекламировать свои гостиницы?
    A11. Что типично для всех гостиниц Vintage Inns?
    A12. В соответствии со словами Майкла Митчелла меню гостиниц Vintage Inns…
    А13. Когда меню разнообразнее?
    А14. Какова политика по заказу мест в гостиницах Vintage Inns?
  3. Работаем с вариантами ответа:
    А8. 1. Живописное местоположение.
    2. Тоскующие по родине знатные господа и леди.
    3. Туристы со всего мира.
    А9. 1. Они великолепны в любое время года.
    2. Они должны быть во всех гостиницах.
    3. Они являются альтернативным местом, чтобы пообедать в хорошую погоду.
    A10. 1. Они расположены рядом с местными достопримечательностями.
    2. Они расположены недалеко от центров городов.
    3. Они расположены в окрестностях Лондона.
    A11. 1. Традиционный старый стиль.
    2. Викторианский дизайн.
    3. Хорошая еда и атмосфера.
    A12. 1. … придерживаются традиционного стиля в кулинарии.
    2. … модернизируют традиционные блюда.
    3. … предлагают в основном международное меню.
    A13. 1. Субботы.
    2. Будни.
    3. Воскресенья.
    A14. 1. Здесь эта практика не принята.
    2. Необходимо заказывать номера заранее.
    3. Заказ мест возможен только по пятницам.

Во время первого прослушивания:

Отмечаем все возможные варианты ответа, ориентируемся пока только на звучащий текст:

A8. 1,2 A9. 3 A10. 1. A11. 1,3 A12. 1,2 A13. 3 A14. 1

Во время второго прослушивания:

Обращаем особое внимание на утверждения, для которых мы выбрали несколько вариантов ответа и выбираем окончательный вариант: A8. 1 A9. 3 A10. 1. A11. 3 A12. 2 A13. 3 A14. 1

Остается только перенести наши ответы в бланк ответов.



Теги: Нет тегов 
Игнатьева Виктория Викторовна

Jane: Hello Peter! What are you doing here in the library? I often come to the reading room, but I have never seen you here before.

Peter: Hello, Jane. That`s right – you could not have possibly seen me here. I come round to change my books or look through some journals now and then during the term time, but that is it. The end of the term is different, of course.

Jane: Why so?

Peter: Well, you know, the exams are coming and I am getting a bit nervous.

Jane: Have you missed many classes then?

Peter: Not many, really, but the fact is that I did just the bare minimum even for my major! There is a lot of information which went over my head completely. My group mates have lent me there notes but they are of very little use. They are really brief,  as a rule, so I cannot make out a single thing of them.

Jane: So, you have missed not classes, but opportunities if I can put it this way.

Peter: I guess you can. Do you think I will be able  to catch up with the rest of the group? I doubt it. I have been using my computer much to put all  the information in proper schemes and tables but that does not seem to be helping much.

Jane: It is totally up to you! If you are determined to succeed, you will have to spend days and nights with books and your computer.

Peter: What worries me is the language course. It seems totally impossible.

Jane: Yes, that will be the most difficult one for you. You simply cannot expect to take it all the words and grammar rules in just a few nights.

Peter: Do you think I will fail it then?

Jane: Peter, be more optimistic! If the teacher sees you have tried to do at least something,  she will appreciate it , I am sure.

Peter: Thank  you, Jane; you are such a good friend. How about you? Are you ready for your exams? I bet you are!

Jane: Actually, I am not so sure about Literature. I think I am on the teacher`s blacklist for not meeting deadlines with some of the essays.

Peter: You will pass, do not worry!

Jane: Well, let us hope for the best!





Задание 2. Понимание запрашиваемой информации.(повышенный уровень.)

Суть задания: в задании предложено семь утверждений, связанных с тестом аудиозаписи, необходимо решить является ли каждое утверждение, исходя из содержания аудиотекста, верным (true), неверным (false), или в тексте об информации, данной в утверждении ничего не сказано (not stated).

Прежде чем начнется воспроизведение аудиозаписи нам нужно:

  1. Определить о чем пойдет речь в тексте, исходя из установки, прописанной в самом задании.
  2. Бегло просмотреть все утверждения, а затем каждое утверждение последовательно. Мысленно сформулировать уточняющие вопросы к каждому утверждению. Они помогут сконцентрировать внимание на нужных моментах текста, игнорировать ненужную информацию, определить есть ли запрашиваемая информация в тексте.
  3. Если в утверждении есть информация (чаще всего уточняющая деталь), которая отсутствует в тексте – это является основанием для выбора ответа - нет информации (not stated).
  4. Если вы не успели изучить и понять все семь утверждений, не расстраивайтесь и не впадайте в панику. Все задания идут последовательно по тексту записи, опережения понимания утверждения на одно задание вполне достаточно.


Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений A1 – A7 соответствует содержанию текста (1 - true), какие не соответствуют (2- false) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного , ни отрицательного ответа (3 – not stated).  Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

       A1  Peter seldom goes to the library.

       1)True  2) False  3) Not stated

       A2  Peter is satisfied with his term studies.

       1)True  2) False  3) Not stated

A3  Peter hopes to do as well in the course as his classmates.

        1)True  2) False  3) Not stated

A4  Peter prefers to work at his computer at home.

        1)True  2) False  3) Not stated

A5  Jane does not expect Peter to pass his language exam.

         1)True  2) False  3) Not stated

A6  Jane has always been the best student in the group.

          1)True  2) False  3) Not stated

A7  Jane has some problems with one of her subjects.

           1)True  2) False  3) Not stated





До прослушивания текста:

  1. Читаем установку. В установке к этому заданию дополнительной информации нет, кроме как то, что мы услышим диалог. Зато дополнительная информация появится после того как мы бегло просмотрим утверждения.
  2. Итак, бегло просмотрев утверждения, делаем вывод, что речь пойдет об учебе Питера и Джейн.

А1. Кто? Питер. Что делает? Ходит. Куда ходит? В библиотеку. Как часто ходит? Редко.

А2. Кто? Питер. Что делает? Удовлетворен. Чем? Своей учебой в семестре.

А3. Кто? Питер. Что делает? Надеется. На что надеется? На то, что справится с курсом. Справится как? Также как и его однокурсники.

А4. Кто? Питер. Что делает? Предпочитает работать. С чем? С компьютером. Где? Дома.

А5. Кто? Джейн. Что делает? Не ожидает (не надеется). На что? Что Питер сдаст. Сдаст что? Экзамен по языку.

А6. Кто? Джейн. Что делала? Всегда была. Была кем? Лучшей студенткой. Лучшей студенткой где? В группе.

А7. Кто? Джейн. Что делает? Имеет ряд проблем. Проблем с чем? С одним из предметов.

  1. Обращаем внимание на уточняющие детали в утверждениях.
  2. Помним, что все утверждения идут последовательно по тексту записи, стараемся опережать понимание утверждений на одно, если не успели проработать их все до того, как начала звучать аудиозапись.

Во время первого прослушивания:

Отмечаем все возможные варианты, принимая во внимание уточняющие детали и заданные нами вопросы к утверждениям: А1. 1 А2. 2,3 А3. 2,3 А4. 3 А5. 1,2 А6. 3 А7. 1

Во время второго прослушивания:

Обращаем особое внимание на утверждения, для которых мы выбрали несколько вариантов ответа и выбираем окончательный вариант: А1. 1 А2. 2 А3. 2 А4. 3 А5. 2 А6. 3 А7. 1

Остается только перенести наши ответы в бланк ответов.


Теги: Нет тегов 
Игнатьева Виктория Викторовна


For any celebrations you have so many people to give presents to: your mates, parents, relatives. It creates a problem of choosing an original present. I think everybody is so tired of traditional gifts! To my mind, the simplest way out is accessories. They are always different and can suit everybody. For family members it may seem a good investment if it is expensive enough and it may definitely help your friends look great at a party.


As for me, I dislike pragmatic, domestic gifts. They may be useful, of course, but when you get a present, you expect a surprise, not a new kind of washing powder. I do not understand people who are happy to get kitchen towels, cups, dishes or anything like that. If you do not have any innovative ideas, buy some perfume or flowers – they are not practical, they are pleasant.



Honestly speaking, I`d be glad to get a weekend camping tour even to a local place of interest. It would be best present and the worst is perfume. Perfume is the ultimate in personal gifts, even more then accessories. What scent a person chooses is unique and usually very subjective. It also looks like a last- minute decision which may seem impolite, unless you are absolutely sure in your choice, which, as I said is rare case.



Giving and receiving presents can be stressful. A picky person can dislike some gifts or even worse – give them to somebody else. Horrible! So I found a perfect way out – a gift certificate. For anyone who  likes shopping it is ideal and you don` t waste time trying to find something special. But there are disadvantages  about a gift certificate too. A person may think that you just didn`t want to be bothered and get offended, so it`s not a universal present after all.


If you can effort it, try not to give things, but experiences as a present. It is not necessary something very expensive. Tickets to the first night performance or to a new exhibition as an art gallery, or anywhere else will do fine. It is even better if you can go there together and share these experiences. Take a camera with you and take pictures. Such a present will leave long – standing memories which are dear themselves.


Living in a high – tech world, it would not be unusual to buy gadgets as a present. If your friend commutes, it can be an iPod, if your friend is very busy – an electronic organizer will be an excellent idea. There are millions of choices and they are not expensive either. Such a present  can show the person exactly how much thought you put into choosing the perfect gift taking into account his or her way of life and needs.
















            Задание 1. Понимание основного содержания текста.(базовый уровень.)

Суть задания: нужно установить соответствие между краткими утверждениями и текстами, предложенным для прослушивания. Утверждения обозначены цифрами 1-7. Высказывания говорящих буквами A-F. Одно утверждение лишнее.

До того, как текст прозвучит впервые, мы делаем следующее:

  1. Читаем утверждения и пытаемся определить что их объединяет. (тема, проблема, ключевое слово)
  2. Пытаемся определить чем они отличаются друг от друга. (проблемой, отношением к проблеме и т. д.)
  3. В процессе ознакомления с утверждениями подчеркиваем в них ключевые слова, делаем иные пометки, помогающие понять их смысл и различия.
  4. Глядя на утверждения, пытаемся предвосхитить содержание текста, подходящего к каждому из них по смыслу, а также, те ключевые слова на которых, как нам кажется, должно строиться высказывание, относящееся к данному утверждению.

Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A- F и утверждениями 1 – 7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды.

  1. Perfume  can` t be a good present for mane reasons.
  2. Best presents are presents that create shared memories.
  3. Practical presents are not good presents.
  4. This sort of presents can be good for everyone.
  5. Good perfume is the best present that is always easy to get.
  6. This present is a good way out, but not always perfect.
  7. Think of a person`s lifestyle while choosing a present.

До прослушивания текста:

  1. Тема, которая объединяет утверждения – подарки.
  2. Утверждения отличаются друг от друга отношением к различным видам подарков.
  3. Ключевые слова: 1) perfume, not a good present, reasons 2) present, create, memories 3) practical presents 4) present, good for everybody 5) perfume, the best present 6) present, a good way out, not always perfect 7) choosing a present, think, person’s lifestyle
  4. 1) скорее всего речь пойдет о причинах, по которым духи не могут быть хорошим подарком, ключевые слова на которых будет строиться высказывание: perfume, bad, not very good, awful, scent. 2) наверное, речь пойдет о каком-то совместном действии в качестве подарка, чтобы об этом остались воспоминания, ключевые слова: do together, memory, share, past 3) речь пойдет о практичных подарках, подарках для дома или хозяйства, ключевые слова: home, domestic, pragmatic,gifts 4) вероятно речь пойдет о подарке или подарках, которые подойдут любому человеку, ключевые слова any person(man), all, everybody 5) речь, видимо, пойдет о причинах, по которым духи являются наилучшим подарком по мнению говорящего, ключевые слова: excellent gift, best present, perfume 6) речь, скорее всего, пойдет о способе легко решить проблему с выбором подарка, ключевые слова: way out, easy to buy, choice 7) видимо говорящий будет убеждать, что при выборе подарка необходимо учитывать то, какой образ жизни ведет получатель этого подарка, ключевые слова: lifestyle, way of life, choose a gift

Во время первого прослушивания:

Отмечаем все возможные варианты: A) 6, 4 B) 3 C) 1,5 D) 6,4 E) 2 F) 7.

Во время второго прослушивания:

Обращаем особое внимание на высказывания, для которых мы выбрали несколько вариантов ответа и выбираем окончательный вариант: A) 4 B) 3 C) 1 D) 6 E) 2 F) 7.

После второго прослушивания переносим наши ответы в таблицу после задания, вот и все. Остается только перенести наши ответы в бланк ответов.




Теги: Нет тегов 
Зямилова Эльвира Загитовна


Упражнения до прослушивания текста

1. Запомните незнакомые слова 

ordinary -обычный

improve - улучшить

term - четверть

script - алфавит

2. What languages are mentioned in the texts?

3. Give a title to each text.

Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1 – 6и утверждениями, данными в списке A – G. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнееутверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.



Different activities in a foreign country helped the speaker learn the language.


The speaker learns the foreign language while listening to music.


The speaker thinks that some foreign languages give better career opportunities than others.


The speaker’s hobby was a strong motivation for learning the foreign language.


The speaker started learning the foreign language because she / he was going to travel.


A job in a foreign country helped the person speak the language better.


Mixing with native speakers helped the speaker learn about their way of life.
















Now we are ready to start.

Speaker 1

In Spain I lived in a flat with students from the local university. In my drama class I met a Spanish girl who was looking for someone to speak English with. We became best friends and we spoke half the time in English, and half the time in Spanish. I also joined a gym and had great fun trying to do an aerobics class which was not a difficult task though the instructions were given in Spanish. On Sundays I went to the cinema and only watched Spanish films. Now I’m quite good at Spanish.

Speaker 2

I went to China to work as an English language teacher because I wanted to understand people who live in China. It took me a long time before I met local Chinese people with the same interests as I had. I met even more interesting people thanks to them. I had great fun and left China with a better understanding of the lifestyle of ordinary Chinese people.

Speaker 3

The first foreign language which I studied was French. I learnt it at a secondary school. Between school and university I spent three months working on two farms in southern France. This helped me to speak easily in French and to get a rich vocabulary connected with farming. I can still speak and read in French quite well. However, my written French is rather bad.

Speaker 4

I have always been good at languages that’s why I studied French and German at high school. To brush up my French and German I took part in a few student exchange programmes. But then I thought that my chances of finding a good job might be improved if I chose a more unusual language. I considered Chinese, Japanese and Arabic. Finally I decided on Chinese and Japanese, which I studied at the University of Leeds. During my second year I spent a term studying Chinese in China, and another term studying Japanese in Osaka.

Speaker 5

I began learning Arabic because I planned to visit different Arabic-speaking countries, including Morocco. Using a textbook I learnt Arabic pronunciation, the Arabic script, a few words and a bit of grammar. Soon I spent some weeks in Morocco. Unfortunately I found out that my French was much more useful than the little Arabic I knew.

Speaker 6

Many years ago I was given an Irish whistle as a birthday present. I liked it so much that soon I started to collect Irish tunes, songs and albums, it became my favourite occupation. I enjoyed listening to Irish music so much that I started playing it myself. As I listened to and played Irish music I got interested in the Irish language as well. And you see, my hobby led me to the decision to start learning the Irish language. 


Теги: Нет тегов 
Байкина Татьяна Алексеевна

Вы услышите интервью с участником научного эксперимента. В заданиях А8 – А14 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа.

A8 The speaker's mission was

1)     to build a castle from the stones.

2)   to prove that the stones were blue.

3)    to transport the stones.


A9 In ten weeks they pulled

1)     just one three-ton stone.

2)   12 stones to the coast.

3)    240 huge bluestones.

A10 A sledge used to carry the stones

1)     was stolen.

2)   was broken.

3)    was very massive.


A11 The speaker told that one of the rocks

1)     is exhibited in the museum.

2)   is lying on the seabed.

3)    was covered by pictures.

A12  The speaker admitted that they

1)     spoilt the results of the experiment.

2)   used modern machines during the experiment.

3)    were very disappointed with the results.

A13 The experiment  was halted because

1)     the lack of money.

2)   the lack of volunteers.

3)    the bad weather.

A14 The speaker is sure

1)     that the experiment will succeed.

2)   that the sponsors will lose their money.

3)    that they need less volunteers to continue the experiment.



A8 – 3

A9 – 1

A10 – 1

A11 – 2

A12 – 2

A13 – 3

A14 – 1

Learn the new words:

To sling – подвешивать

To sink – тонуть

To load sth onto sth – грузить что-то на что-то

To tow – буксировать

To drag – тянуть

To slide – скользить

Put the sentences in the right order to make a story:

a)    The stone sank.

b)   They never reached the site of Stonehenge.

c)    They loaded the stone onto a wooden platform.

d)   They dragged the stones using ropes.

e)    The stone was slung between two boats.

f)      The stoned was towed by the boats.

g)    The stone slid into the water.

h)   It was hard to transport heavy stones over long distances.



1 – h, 2- c, 3 – d, 4 – e, 5 – f, 6 – g, 7 – a, 8- b.


Text for listening:

Presenter: Most listeners will know about the Stonehenge experiment and its unfortunate ending. Today, one of the members of the team is with us in the studio. Welcome John! Tell me, how did it all start?

John: Well, you see, experts have identified the type of rock in the inner ring at Stonehenge as Welsh bluestone from the Preseli Mountains. But how the huge stones were transported 4, 000 years ago is quite another thing. It has always been a mystery. Historians have been given a 100,000 £ to discover how it was done. Our mission was to transport a huge bluestone rock 240 miles to Stonehenge in Wiltshire from the Preseli Mountains in West Wales. It is thought that Prehistoric people dragged several of the massive stones over the same route to form the monuments inner circle more than 4,000 years ago.

P.: Did you manage to do the same?

J.: Well, in a word we didn’t. Our team was dogged by misfortune. In ten weeks we pulled just one three-ton stone and we only managed 12 miles to the coast. We discovered dragging the bluestone was much more difficult than we expected and we covered only one mile a day instead of the three we intended. It got even worse when the journey had to be delayed, as 40 tired helpers dropped out. Then a sledge used to carry the stone was stolen by thieves. Eventually, the stone was slung between two rowing boats, built for a labour –saving sea voyage along the west coast from Dale to Denby.

Twenty experienced rowers were hired for the trip, but soon after they set off the sea turned rough. As the organizers signaled us to turn back, the ropes around the precious stone came loose and the crew watched in horror as the giant rock gently slid into the water with a splash. The rock is now lying o the seabed – 50 ft below the surface. It could be that the same problems were experienced by our ancestors. This could be a case of history repeating itself.

P.: Did you use any modern devices or was it all like in ancient times?

J: The idea was to seriously recreate the efforts made by Stone Age man to take the rocks to Stonehenge. However, new Millennium Man  is simply not up to the job. I have to admit there was some “cheating” from the start. Instead of dragging the stone from its source, it was carried by lorry over some difficult places. Then it was pulled along roads on top of plastic net, which reduced the drag. Next it was loaded onto the boats, using a modern crane, before they were towed down the river.

P: Were the people involved very disappointed?

J.: Only a bit because, in many ways, it was very enjoyable to really relieve history like that. Anyway I’m sure Stone Age man did not manage the journey without a slip-up or two, and I don’t think that even the ancient tribes would have tried rowing these stones across the sea in the middle of winter.

P.: Are you going to make another attempt?

J.: As Phil Bowen, head of the project, said it had to be halted because the worsening weather and failing daylight could place volunteers’ lives at risk. Critics say the exercise should be abandoned. But the sponsors, who have committed £ 100,000 to the millennium stone project, say they will continue to support the scheme next spring. We now realize we needed a lot more people to shift the stone three miles. But we will be back next spring and we still think we can do it.


 Be dogged by misfortune – to have bad luck for a long time

Drop out – to leave some activity before it is finished

Come loose – to become not firmly fixed in place

Be not up to the job – be not good enough to do the job

Reduce the drag – to make the force that pushes against something moving forward less strong

A slip – up – a careless mistake

Be halted – to be prevented from continuing


Prehistoric – доисторический

Stone Age – Каменный век


Имена собственные:


Wales – Welsh

Preseli Mountains




Phil Bowen

Теги: Нет тегов 
Мареева Ирина Анатольевна


Вариант 1

 Задание В1

  Speaker 1

On the night of Christmas Eve, Russian people go to Church for the Christmas Mass, and then go home.Not much celebrating takes place, rather off to bed, and then up in the morning and straight to church for the Christmas day Liturgy.

After church people will go to one of the relatives so that the family can all be together. Here, the family gives gifts, and has Christmas lunch — the main meal of Christmas.

Speaker 2

 I usually start thinking about Christmas at late October time. All my family and friends think I'm strange because I think about it so early but say that they would be worried if I didn't!

On Christmas Eve, Mum starts preparing the dinner for tomorrow and we wrap up the last of our giftsto put under the tree. My Granny will come and help us prepare for tomorrow which is very helpful. I help with the last minute jobs and go to sleep at about 11 or 12. I'll wake up at about 7.30. Then we all open our presents together.

Speaker 3

As I watch people rushing around the West End of London, preparing for the holiday, I wonder what Christmas was like in England when it lasted fortwelve days. We make a fuss about turkey and ham now — think what a fuss we would have made about all that food and drink for two weeks feasting! And think how fat you must have felt at the end of it all!

Speaker 4

Christmas would start with my mother making the Christmas cake, early November if 1 remember right. It had to sit a few weeks before we iced it. It would smell so good. Then it would be letter writing time to Father Christmas, but the best was to sit on Father Christmas's lap and tell him what we wanted, and hope we'd been good enough that year so he'd come.

Speaker 5

Christmas in Australia takes place in the heat of summer since the country is located in the Southern Hemisphere. Many Australians still look to their British roots at this special time of the year and a traditional Christmas meal usually includes a turkey dinner, sometimes with ham. Some Australians and particularly tourists have their Christmas dinner on a local beach. Other families enjoy their day on apicnic. If they are at home, the day may be punctuated by swimming in the pool, playing cricket in the backyard, and other outdoor activitiesbeneath swaying palms.

Speaker 6

Since Christmas occurs in summer, New Zealanders do not have a tradition of snow and ice. That, however, doesn't stop Santa who still visits the cities and towns while dressed in his red and white outfit. Because so many people from the Northern Hemisphere now live in New Zealand, it has become the tradition to have two Christmases, oneon the 25th of December and the other in July, which is mid-winter.








Теги: Нет тегов 
Байкина Татьяна Алексеевна


Задания А1 – А7

Вы услышите речь женщины по имени Морейн. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений А1-А7 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 - True), какие не соответствуют (2 - False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3- Not stated). Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.

A1. Moraene cannon work because of bad health.

1) True  2)False 3) Not stated.

A2. Her husband died in a car crash.

1) True  2)False 3) Not stated.

A3 The place where she lives is safe.

1) True  2)False 3) Not stated.

A4 Poverty made her feel depressed.

1) True  2)False 3) Not stated.

A5 Moraene has a good relationship with her son.

1) True  2)False 3) Not stated.

A6 Moraene has no time to go to the theatre.

1) True  2)False 3) Not stated.

A7 Moraene says that poor people are deprived of human rights.

1) True  2)False 3) Not stated.


A1 - 1, A2 - 3, A3-2, A4 - 1, A5 - 2, A6 - 3, A7 – 1


 I Learn the  new words:

Poor housing conditions – плохие жилищные условия

Bad health – плохое здоровье

Debts  - долги

Lone/single parents – одинокие родители

Malnutrition – плохое питание

Low pay -  низкая заработная плата

Lack of education – недостаток образования

Lack of leisure – недостаток досуга

Unemployment – безработица

Stress – стресс

Crime – преступность


II Divide the words into two groups: causes and effects of poverty:


III You are going to listen to the speech given by a woman called Moraene. Read the title and try to predict what kind of changes she will mention.

“Real change will come from the bottom up”

Listen to the speech and check your guesses.

Text for listening.

Poverty takes over your whole life, changing your future and your children’s.

I spent years struggling against its effects, living in damp conditions in a place where burglary and personal attack were common. I was trying to get help from my older son who had special educational needs. Feeling like a total failure.

Finally, six years ago, I had a breakdown and become suicidal. A friend got in touch with a charity that supports families living in poverty.

Sharing experience can help. People from diverse backgrounds and cultures fight together for their right to take active part in society, to get recognition of their human rights.

These are the bravest and strongest people I have ever met.

For all of us, living in poverty has meant giving up rights and choices. To get the right education for my elder son, I had to place him in care.

I felt guilty. He felt rejected and our relationship was damaged.

Parents give the most nutritious food to the children, while they eat bread, margarine and leftovers. Some don’t eat much at all. Malnutrition is common.

We have to accept low paid work or lose out. We cannot choose how to use our free time. We cannot afford the cost of public transport to reach free facilities. As for the arts, a seat at the opera can cost more than a week’s benefit.

Debts, illness, imprisonment for unpaid fines can leave us homeless or without our children.


Burglary – кража со взломом

Free facilities – бесплатные удобства

Take active part in society – принимать активное участие в жизни общества

Leftovers – остатки еды

Get in touch with a charity – войти в контакт с благотворительными организациями

Share experience – делиться опытом

Have special educational needs – нуждаться в специальном обучении


Теги: Нет тегов 
Колмакова Инна Александровна Вы услышите разговор двух друзей. В заданиях А1–А6 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды. У Вас есть 60 секунд, чтобы ознакомиться с заданиями. Now we are ready to start. Kelly: Hi, Jim! I didn’t see you in the morning class. Did you come late? Jim: Hi, Kelly. Yes, I was late. Ms. Smith talked to me really seriously about that. I said that the bus had broken down. Kelly: And she believed that? Jim: I don’t think so. Kelly: And the real reason was…? Jim: The usual. I overslept. I didn’t hear the alarm clock and woke up only when my mum called me from her work. Kelly: I’m not surprised. Were you watching films yesterday till very late again? Jim: Yes. I was just going to see what was on but then I lost track of time and watched the film up to the end. Kelly: I tried to call you yesterday. Just wanted to remind you about the Science project we need to complete together by tomorrow. It’s about how computers influence our life and our communication habits. Jim: Oh, I’d forgotten about that! How about today, after classes? Let’s go to my place and we’ll complete the project in two or three hours I’m sure. Kelly: I usually prefer working in the library or in a Wi-Fi café. But you’re right – there’s no time left for it. Do you have good internet access and a printer? Jim: I certainly do. And I also have a freshly made cake in the fridge. Kelly: It’s a strong argument. Have you remembered that for the project we have to interview at least three people of different ages about what they do online? Jim: That’s not a problem. We can ask my mother, my grandmother and my younger brother, who’s seven. Kelly: Right. Your brother’s answers will be especially interesting. Children spend more time online than anyone else. Jim: True. He’s there more often than me. Kelly: And have you got any books or journals at home from which we could get some additional information? Jim: No. And we don’t need to. We are writing about the Internet – we’ll certainly be able to find everything we need right there – on the Internet. Kelly: Ok, let’s give it a try. We have no choice anyway. Jim: And, Kelly, I’d like to ask you a favour… Kelly: What is it? Jim: Could you read my French essay before I hand it in? I always make lots of spelling and grammar mistakes in writing. Kelly: What’s your topic? Jim: The aim of education in the present day. Kelly: Ok, give it to me. I’ve only got a few minutes before the bellРазговор записан здесь: http://kolmakova11.podomatic.com/entry/2013-05-08T08_48_01-07_00 Ответ: А1 -3 А2- 2 А3- 3 А4 -2 А5 -3 А6 -2

Теги: Нет тегов 
Колмакова Инна Александровна
Вы услышите пять высказываний. Установите соответствие между
высказываниями каждого говорящего A–E и утверждениями, данными
в списке 1–6. Используйте каждое утверждение из списка 1–6 только один
раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись
дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. У Вас есть 30 секунд, чтобы
ознакомиться с заданиями.
Now we are ready to start.
Speaker A
I live in the country but I’ve always wanted to move to a big city. I think that there
are more career opportunities there, more jobs, people can get a better education
and better medical services there. There is more entertainment in the city, too. You
can go to theatres, cinemas and clubs, there are lots of people everywhere – you’ll
never get bored. I’ll move to the city as soon as I get an opportunity to do so.
Speaker B
I live in a big city, in a new fast-developing area. Most of the buildings were built
not long ago, so the area has a modern look and is comfortable to live in. There are
shops, cinemas, schools, hospitals, sports centres and parks within easy reach of
my house. Right in front of my house there’s a bus stop, so I have no problem
getting to the centre or any other part of the city.
Speaker C
We’ve just moved house and now I live in a new modern building in the centre of
the city. My window has a view of a busy street but the interior creates a nice and
peaceful atmosphere. The walls are painted light green and the furniture is in warm
brown and creamy colours. There’s a plasma TV and a portable audio centre. I like
drawing and there are several of my pictures on the walls. I think they look nice
Speaker D
Everybody wants their home to be a safe, nice and comfortable place but their
ideas of comfort and beauty are very different. In hot climates people sometimes
make their homes underground. Living underground, however, doesn’t mean living
in dark, dirty and damp caves. Modern underground homes are light. They are
beautifully designed, nicely furnished and very comfortable to live in.
Speaker E
When we were walking along the main street, the guide pointed to an ordinary
looking house and said that the place had a history. During the war a famous
doctor lived there. He arranged a hospital in his own home and saved lots of
people. Now nobody lives in the house, there’s a museum of science and medicine
there. The museum has very interesting exhibits on the history of medical science.
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Колмакова Инна Александровна


Вы услышите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных А, B, C и D.

Определите, где происходит каждый из этих диалогов. Используйте каждое

место действия из списка 1–5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее

место действия. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в


У Вас есть 20 секунд, чтобы ознакомиться с заданием.

Now we are ready to start.

Dialogue A

A: We heat the water and when its temperature reaches 100 degrees, it

starts to boil.

B: Excuse me, Mrs. Brown, can the temperature of the water get higher

than that if we keep increasing the heat?

A: No. At least not under normal conditions. At 100 degrees water

changes into steam.

B: It’s just what happens when we boil water in a kettle, isn’t it?

A: Exactly.

Dialogue B

A: It looks very good. And it fits you perfectly.

B: But I don’t need it! Who buys a warm coat in the summer, when the

temperature never drops below 15 degrees!

A: But the winter comes every year anyway. And when it comes, this

coat will cost double the price. We’re buying it now!

B: Ok, whatever you want…


Dialogue C

A: When did you say you first felt unwell?

B: In the morning. I woke up and started to cough. And I have a sore


A: Ok, my assistant will take your temperature, and then I’ll examine

you. Could you take that seat please?

B: OK, thank you.


Dialogue D

A: They’ve got a wonderful collection of old books and manuscripts.

B: Yes. Look, this book dates from the 18th century! The pages are yellowish.


A: There are even older books here. I think it must be difficult to take

care of such delicate exhibits.

B: Yes. Low and high temperatures, as well as sunshine and humidity,

are very harmful to them.

A: Have a look at this one. Can you read the name of the author on that one?




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