Батанова Ульяна Сергеевна


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СОШ №40
Класс / Курс / Стаж
9 гласс


142 месяца назад
Батанова Ульяна Сергеевна создано новых тем Батанова Ульяна в форумах.
Батанова Ульяна
9 класс
МБОУ СОШ № 40, г. Череповец, Вологодская область.
Учитель : Фомичева Елена Валентиновна

The world has a very important holiday
This celebration was called Mother's Day.
It is celebrated in different ways,
In different countries on different days.
But in all countries the purpose of his one
You should respect and love your mom.
Now let's see the different ways
How to celebrate this wonderful day.
It’s roots in the Victorian era in Britain.
In the history of the holiday has been written
That children, who worked from home far away
Could come to home just for one day.
They always gave small gifts to their mothers
And sometimes gave them and to grandmothers.
Very often in this day all give them flowers.
In Australia and the U.S. worn on the clothing cloves,
The children spend a day with their mother,
Doing everything together with father.
In Germany all give them verses in postcards,
Russia to arrange holiday concerts,
In Austria, children learn poems, master gifts,
In Italy, people just give flowers and sweets.
In England, children usually bake
For their mother a special cake.
In Turkey in some cities every Friday this day.
Mother should rest all this day.
This holiday a sort of test for dad.
Family gets up early, bring breakfast in bed.
All organized surprises for Mom
You should love her. She - like a second sun.
That's such a wonderful holiday.
Always remember the Mother's Day
Don’t forget to congratulate mom on this day
And no matter how and in what way.
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