Index of Daily Doses: This is a ground-breaking, never-before-tried, Daily Dose of English, where we ask a student to make a video request for a Daily Dose of English. It took quite lot of doing, but the doing is done and the video is here. Feel free to follow the example. And enjoy these English tongue-twisters. The English Social Network is a Facebook-type site that allows English language learners to meet like-minded people and share their thoughts and ideas about English. Social networks exist to give everyone the chance to participate and share their knowledge and ideas for the benefit of others. The English Social Network is dedicated to bringing you daily videos giving common expressions in English. It has a lot of dynamic, fast-changing content that will keep you interested and help you to continually develop your English skills. I encourage students to submit their comments by video, too. This way students can practice their spoken English and make use of the new technology. This is an exciting new way of learning English. Daily English lessons. Learn English. Study English today with Daily Doses of English.