Участники с данными: Статус : Высшая категория
Ратина Надежда Федоровна

Ратина Надежда Федоровна

"The wish is father to the thought" W. Shakespeare "King Henry IV"
Домрачева Елена Павловна

Домрачева Елена Павловна

Do less thinking, and pay more attention to your heart. Do less acquiring, and pay more attention to what you already have. Do less complaining, and pay more attention to giving. Do less controlling, and pay more attention to letting go. Do less criticizing, and pay more attention to complimenting. Do less arguing, and pay more attention to forgiveness. Do less running around, and pay more attention to stillness. Do less talking, and pay more attention to silence. Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better."