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Категория >> My web
Альхамова Райля Гамировна

Now, anyone can create a site instantly and easily. A personal web site perhaps is not a need, but most people, I am sure would not only enjoy having one, but would also find it useful.
Why do teachers need their own websites?

With a site, you can consolidate and make sense of files, links, multimedia sources, and prompts from anywhere into one place. Then, each time you teach a class, you can refer back to the last time it was taught and grow as an instructor.

With a web site, you can communicate with colleagues, students and their parents. A website isn’t just a way for you to communicate with others, it’s a way for others to communicate with you.

A well-done website has global impact. One day, you may get an email from a teacher 1,000 miles away who would like to thank you for inspiration or who may want to borrow one of your lessons. You’ll easily be able to share resources with others.



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Нефедова Юлия Михайловна


If you want to be a success among your students you should have your own site. At the moment I have no personal site, but I'm keen on the idea to create it.

 Having a website is the fastest way to share the information with your colleagues and students. It is also one of the best ways to organize students’ project and research work on the Internet. It benefits to motivating teenagers to learn English. Moreover, you can teach your students distantly (distant courses). And of course you can communicate with your students’ parents without leaving your house. It is a very important thing in my case because the school I’m working now is rather far from my home place. A skillful teacher can show her professional achievements in the form of electronic portfolio.

I’m sure that there are more advantages concerning having teacher’s website. However, there are some bad points : lack of free time, viruses, cyber bullying and so on.

Теги: myblog
Серомаха Татьяна Григорьевна

 There is no doubt that the Internet is an integral part of modern education.It gives us access to a huge database,reduce the time we spend on search for info.At the start of a new millennium,technological and educational advances are becoming necessary in our life.
 On the one hand a personal site helps us in our work.
From my point of view the personal site is used to express our thoughts.We can share information with colleagues and students.
We can show our success and discuss different problems with people from all over the world.
During two years we have been taking part in international projects and to my mind the personal site will help us to communicate with students and teachers from different countries.
On the other hand it takes a lot of time.This school year I have a lot of lessons every day and this means that I have no free time.
In conclusion, I'd like to say that  it is interesting to learn and I try to find time for everyting. 

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Драгон Наталья Николаевна

МБОУ Приморская СОШ Неклиновский район Ростовская область

             ЗА    2010 - 2011 УЧЕБНЫЙ ГОД



Методическое объединение учителей иностранного языка работало по плану, составленному и утвержденному в начале 2010-2011 учебного года.

Целью методической работы стало создание условий для успешной реализации намеченных направлений деятельности.

Методическая деятельность была направлена на решение следующих задач:

     Повышение педагогической компетентности учителей по методической проблеме МО и темам для самообразования.

     Применение педагогических технологий, соответствующих инновационному обучению.

     Создание системы работы с одаренными детьми.

     Повышение качества преподавания иностранного языка в школе.

   Совершенствование работы по здоровьесбережению. Для решения поставленных задач были проведены следующие


1.    Самообразование является одной из действенных форм обучения педагога. Был организован смотр Портфолио профессиональной деятельности педагогов МО, который показал, что учителя приобретают опыт обобщения и систематизации своей педагогической деятельности.

2.    В организации работы с одаренными детьми была продолжена деятельность по следующим направлениям:

·         Составление и обновление банка данных таких детей.

·         Вовлечение этих детей в исследовательскую деятельность, в работу над учебными проектами.

·         Вовлечение этих детей в конкурсы, олимпиады, предметные недели.

·         Приобщение их к выполнению заданий в форме ЕГЭ на учебных занятиях.

3.  Проблеме эффективности урока иностранного языка было посвящено
заседание МО. Методические наработки по данной проблеме были
предоставлены в виде презентации, где были рассмотрены следующие
направления деятельности:

          Учет структуры урока и его элементов при планировании.

          Соблюдение общих требований организации урока.

          Соблюдение культуры организации урока.

          Организация познавательной деятельности учащихся на всех

этапах урока.

4.   Рассмотрение вопроса о подготовке учащихся к Государственной
итоговой аттестации в форме ЕГЭ включалось в повестки заседаний
МО, где уделялось внимание таким аспектам, как:

>   Назначение экзаменационной работы.

>   Документы, определяющие содержание экзаменационной работы.

>   Структура экзаменационной работы.

>   Применение заданий в форме ЕГЭ в структуре урока.

>   Составление плана подготовки учащихся к сдаче экзамена в

форме ЕГЭ.

5.   Был организован «круглый стол», посвященный проблеме
коммуникативно-когнитивного подхода в преподавании иностранного
языка, в ходе которого были определены основные положения
рассматриваемой проблемы.

В течение 2010-2011учебного года было проведено 5 заседаний МО, затронувшие рассмотрение и обсуждение вопросов и проблем, связанных с преподаванием иностранных языков и возникших непосредственно в осуществлении образовательного процесса. Следует отметить активное участие членов МО в его работе, серьезное и заинтересованное отношение к рассматриваемым проблемам.

Была организована работа со слабоуспевающими и одаренными учащимися: проводились дополнительные индивидуальные занятия и консультации, использовались соответствующие формы и методы работы на уроке.

Следует отметить повышение интереса учащихся к сдаче экзаменов по иностранному языку, вовлечения их во внеклассную деятельность по иностранному языку: итоговая аттестация учащихся 11-х классов по английскому языку, участие школьников в школьной и районной олимпиадах, организация и проведение школьной предметной недели.

Учителя МО внимательно следят за методическими новинками, публикующимися в журнале «Иностранные языки в школе», активно применяют их в образовательном процессе. Проблемные вопросы, выносимые на заседании районного МО, включаются в планы заседаний школьного методического объединения. Работа по обмену практическим опытом его распространение в МО поставлена на серьезную основу, так как члены МО, в основном, с большим опытом преподавания. На хорошем уровне осуществлялась работа с молодыми специалистами: методические консультации . Следует расширить и продолжить работу по взаимопосещению уроков учителями, по проведению открытых уроков, интегрированных уроков, уроков с применением информационных технологий.

Необходимо продолжить рассмотрение проблем следующего характера: методика проведения ЕГЭ по иностранному языку, методика преподавания иностранного языка в начальной школе, инновационные методики и технологии, коммуникативно-когнитивный подход в обучении иноязычной культуре.

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Кошелева Тамара Геннадьевна

The Internet has become an integral part of our life. Twenty years ago the words “I watch TV” meant that the person reads books, visits concerts, theatres, museums and exhibitions. The same words nowadays mean that one has an unlimited internet access.
One of the main people’s need is the need of communication. And the internet is a great possibility to meet this need. Teenagers and adults spend hours in social networks, different forums, chatrooms, write blogs about their experiences, make their personal websites.
Personally I think that you should create your own website only when you have anything important to say to other people. For example if you are a celebrity, perform in public and has many fans and followers or if you are a highly qualified professional and your achievements can help other people in their careers.
Of course having your own personal website has its advantages. Firstly, you can present your interests and views on your webpage and so you can find like-minded friends who share your opinions.
Secondly, personal website stimulates creativity. You need to make your page attractive for the visitors so you are in constant search and development. If the content of your site is criticized, it can also be a step on the way of progress because the critic is a challenge. The modern way of life demands from a person the constant self improvement. You should never stop learning.
Thirdly, you can help other people through your website. You can offer educational opportunities if you are a master of your profession, employment opportunities etc.
There are also disadvantages as in any other area. I would say that all of them are connected with usual dangers for internet users. You present the information about youself on your website so many different people get access to your dates. It could be dangerous because not all people are good and kind. Besides not only people but malicious programmes can threaten the security of your dates and of your computer. But as the proverb says “Не that fears every bush must never go a-birding”. You can protect your computer and your personal dates witn special programmes that fight bugs.
So, personal websites should exist. They make our life more interesting, give us a pile of opportunities and the joy of communication.

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Трофимова Татьяна Андреевна

We live in the century of new technologies. The Internet plays a great part in the life of the person.  So it is very common and popular to have your own site. Every modern teacher tries to create it too. But like everything in our life having a personal site has its pros and cons.

You can find a lot of useful teaching materials on the personal teacher’s site. A skillful teacher can make on-line tests for students. Parents can contact the teacher through the site. The site must be informative and contain information for fun. But teacher should not forget that first of all that the site is an educational source. Besides the teacher can even earn money by promoting his site.

Some teachers think that managing the site takes a lot of time. The teacher needs much time to keep his site active, infirmative and interesting for visitors. Moreover they say that working in front of the monitor is bad for health.

To my mind it is very important to have a personal site for the teacher because it is very useful.  Modern students are very fond of the Internet so it is a very good motivation for them to learn English better.

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Красикова Екатерина Николаевна

My personal site … The thing I was eager to have but never have the time. It’s very usual thing – fill lack of time for yourself.

 There are many people who are “for” and “against” having it. Some say that a personal site is an advertisement and a good teacher doesn’t need any. Furthermore, a teacher  needs much time to keep it active and interesting for the visitors (needless to say we usually don’t have much free time).

 Others believe that this site will help a lot in your professional achievements and let you communicate easily with our colleagues around the World.  You can share info and even do some researches with other teacher virtually.

As for me, I suppose,  we should have our personal sites. Let’s try and figure out if I’m right.

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Вальгер Ольга Вячеславовна

"Personal site: for and against"

It is quite a disputable question: Have or not to have a personal site. As for me I support an idea of having a personal site and I would like to present some advantages.

1) It is a good area for those information that is necessary for me. I can use only those references, articles that I can use for my work.

2) It is a place where I can discuss different subjects I am interested in with other competent people, share ideas, knowledge, experiment.

3) It is a good sphere of sharing my own plans, pieces of work that I created myself and I can get comments from other users who will help me to correct weak points of my works.

4) It is a useful place of communication with my pupils and even relatives. Nowadays every pupil knows how to work in Internet and every modern teacher should know the information technologies inside out. Internet and a person have become an integral part of development. Through personal site I can communicate with my pupils on different subjects tomotivate them in learning English.

Despite the fact that creating a personal site needs a lot of efforts and time I thaink that having a website is a profitable thing!!!


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Фадеева Татьяна Николаевна

The Internet has changed our reality and nowadays personal sites are as common as telephones. However, some people see more drawbacks than advantages in web sites.

As for me, I believe personal sites allow a lot of talented people to show the world their achievements. You can get access to all the necessary information that you need for your work, household acctivities and hobbies.Personal sites give users amazing possibilities to share their ideas. Anyone is able to publish his own material on the web.

Nevertheless, quite a few people are against web sites. They argue that soon we'll forget how to write with a pen and paper and even how to talk. Besides, the information on the sites is not protected from inappropriate use, while it should be considered the author's property. What is more, exchange of opinions via the Internet can't replace a live talk.

To sum up, I find personal sites one of the greatest developments of the information age. You only have to be very rational and logical publishing your material. Then your site will help you feel that you are popular, that your opinion, sense of humour, genuine ideas are appreciated by other people.

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Боровко Елена Васильевна

Nowadays the Internet is a great source of information for many people. Everyone can create his personal site.. There are a lot of advantages of having your own website. Firstly, we can use it for our practical ideas, we can work effectively with people from different cultural background, we can work as team members, use information technology tools effectively. Website is a way of education. We can help students to do projects, homework, ask questions. Parents can ask us about their pupils without going to school. You can try to learn some subjects on line and do tests. Secondly we find a lot of useful information on the sites, listen to the songs, and watch video without leaving houses. It is relatively inexpensive to publish information on the Internet. On the other hand, the disadvantages are a serious problem for today's world. The Internet is the cause of one of the worst diseases called the Internet addiction. People spend a lot of time taking part in the useless chats and it is harm for our eyes. To sum up, I can say the Internet is necessary for our life.

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Антонова Татьяна Николаевна

Возможно, до сайта  ещё не так уж и близко, но хотя бы я научилась писать в блоге, хотя раньше даже не сталкивалась с этим. А тут ещё и собственный блог!

Хочу добавить, что просмотрела много информации что касается сайтов вообще. И хочу сказать, что это не так уж и просто "владеть" собственным сайтом. Продолжаю работать...


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Драгон Наталья Николаевна

We all know that the Internet is used on different purposes. Everything in the world has positive and negative sides personal site is no exception. On the one hand you can have your own project. On the other hand there are some difficulties.

 Let`s begin with positive issues. First of all you are up with the latest technology because having your personal site means being involved in the fast growing community. Another advantage by creating your own site you can present yourself to the world. It can be your online portfolio and also serve as a useful forum for anyone interested in debating or expressing opinion about similar problems. Furthermore personal site shows you take your job seriously and you are serious about communicating with students and parents as many channels as possible. In addition to this you have the ability to upload documents and add important notices.

 Besides there are some disadvantages. You shouldn`t forget about safety of the Net and viruses which can destroy the work of the site. Moreover you must be careful to people whom you confide your personal facts and information. Finally the creation of the site with a great content takes a lot of time.

 In conclusion I would like to express my opinion on this idea. I believe all depends on the person and the circumstances.       

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Орлова Наталья Владимировна

Personal sites: for and against.

Nowdays Internet resources develop very fast. People get a chance to use them in different ways and for different goals. It can be blogs, livejournals, personal sites and social nets. It is very convenient using such kinds of internet resources for communication, changing ideas, thoughts, business plans and so on. There is no doubt that personal sites gives people an opportunity to express their personality, to share professional works and their experience.
As for me I have not got a personal site yet. But I use my colleagues' personal sites for searching information. It is very helpful. On the other hand,I believe there are some negative facts about personal sites. Some people say that it takes a lot of time and you constantly need to renew information on your site. It is not very convenient when you have not enough time. More than that you must have necessary technical skills for site building.
However these "problems" do not stop people who want to be successful in our changeable and competitive world.
To sum up we can say we can say that internet gives us many opportunities and it depends on everyone how you can use them. I would like to get my own experience in site building and I hope it will be useful.

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Бурдасова Елена Викторовна


Life has changed so much during 30 years. While studying at school, we had IT twice a week but I could hardly imagine what a personal site is. Today the technology keeps driving forward at such a pace that creating a personal site is a real necessity for many people. 

In fact, a personal site is a perfect way for giving information nowadays. You can easily share your experience, store important information,  introduce and promote youself as a specialist not only in the area you live. Without any doubts it's helpful in organizing workshops for students: distant tests, contests, projects. Moreover, creating and developing a personal site is enjoyable.

However, it's not just an amazing thing but a hard work. It takes a lot of time to run a personal site which requires to be renewed regularly. Also a site host should be like a designer to make it attractable. In addition, working on the computer for so long is harmful for our health. Finally, relations complain of you're 'absent' from the family's life.

In spite of that, I expect a process of creating your personal site to be exciting. I am going to use this new piece of technology in my work.  

Personal sites are excellent assistants.


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Филимоненкова Елена Евгеньевна

"Personal site: for and against"

To have or not  to  have? That is the question!  We live in the world of  IT  and no doubt modern teachers can’t  imagine their work without them.

On one hand having your own site is a necessity. Every teacher must have it because we communicate with those teachers who live in different part of this country and even abroad. No doubt using IT helps us to be well informed about new methods of teaching English. If you have your own site you can share your experience with other teachers. Besides, your site can help you to systemize your knowledge. To create it you’ll learn a lot of new things. To my mind if a teacher doesn’t learn she isn’t a good teacher. Those who believe that they can live without a computer are mistaken. Your site will also make your life more interesting. And I think it’s prestigious to have your own site.

On the other hand creating your site will take you a lot of time because it needs a regular service. And of course some people can use your personal information in their criminal purposes.

I always dream about my site but I don’t know how to do it. But now my dreams will come true.

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