Ежова Анастасия Игоревна
учитель английского языка
МБОУ "СОШ №2 им. Героя Советского Союза Жукова И.Е."
г. Владимир
My mum is the best
My mum’s the best, I know it.
She can embroider, sew and knit.
She can cook very tasty dishes.
She can fulfil most of my wishes.
She always gives me good advice
(because my mum is very wise)
My mum supports me every day.
She is my best friend, by the way.
She’s all for me, I love her much,
Her every kiss, her every touch,
Her big green eyes and pretty smile,
Her tender arms, her own style.
She’s in my heart, my mum’s with me…
She is that I would like to be.
My mummy! Happy Mother’s Day!!!
And that is all I’d like to say.