Седунова Юлия Владимировна
учитель английского языка
г.Шахты Ростовской области
A present
I saw a rainbow in the sky,
I stretched my hand and it was mine!
I ran and saw my father,
He bought a present for my mother!
So I came up and thought and said
“Your present is not bad”
This mixer is a useful thing
To make some pie or cake I mean.
If only I could take that rainbow
Mum would be happy all the day
Some pencils, paper on the table,
I know! I’ll draw a present for my Mother’s Day!
So first comes red, it’s for rebirth,
Persistence and creation!
Then orange – freedom in the Earth
And tolerance, emotion!
And yellow line means confidence,
Dexterity and happy life perception!
Green – tact, capacity to work,
And great imagination!
Blue colour – wisdom, truth and hope,
Tranquility, devotion!
And violet- humanity,
Achievements and promotion!
So it was done! Not so much time!
It’s simple but so bright and fine!
And rainbow’s lines could wish and say –
My dear! Happy holiday!