Смирнова Анна Эдуардовна
учитель английского языка
ГБОУ СОШ № 121
Spring Holiday
Spring is a wonderful term of a year
For each woman who lives everywhere.
All women wait for this special day,
Because it’s important and it’s so gay.
Nature awakens with women together,
We must not forget about the weather.
Warm, sunny days give us a pleasure,
And we understand, that life is a treasure.
Of course, Mother’s Day can be only in spring;
Nature is a Mother and so it brings
Warmth, light, hope, belief and rebirth,
In spring new life starts on the Earth.
Also a Woman can give us new life,
She is a sister, a daughter, a wife.
All women are praised on this holiday,
We celebrate in march Mother’s Day!