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Сообщения темы: Физер Ольга Валериановна
Физер Ольга Валериановна 12 г., 2 мес. назад Репутация: 1
Физер Ольга Валериановна
учитель английского языка
МБОУ "Вурнарская СОШ №2"
Чувашская Республика
Прикрепленный файл
Имя файла: Fizer_OV_Mothers_Day.rar
Размер файла: 9111

Mother’s Heart.

Mother’s Heart is a beautiful flower
That springs with a child’s cry.
Mother’s Heart is a crystal bowl
That can be easily broken by a lie.

Mother’s Heart is a bird in the sky
That is flying and singing and smiling.
Mother’s Heart is a small butterfly
That is so neat and so nice and so caring.

But sometimes when her child’s far away
Mother’s Heart is like a rain.
It’s full of darkness and tears.
It’s full of loneliness through the years.

At such moments it’s like a sere flower,
It’s like a broken bowl,
It’s like a bird with only one wing,
It’s like a butterfly gone with a wind.

Please, remember that Mother’s Heart
Is the only one all around the World.
Please, take care of it, don’t say a bad word
Love your Mother and right now
Call her and say “Hello! …I love you!”
You will hear “Oh, my dear! Me too!”
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Физер Ольга Валериановна 12 г., 2 мес. назад Репутация: 7
I like your comparisons. Only a loving daughter could create such magic lines. Good luck in the contest!
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Физер Ольга Валериановна 12 г., 1 мес. назад Репутация: 0
How and Where have you found such magic words? Wonderful! Wonderful and wonderful!
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Физер Ольга Валериановна 12 г., 1 мес. назад Репутация: 7
Your poem is very nice. The words are touching!

"Please, remember that Mother’s Heart
Is the only one all around the World."

- these are the maim words for everybody!
I wish you good luck!
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Физер Ольга Валериановна 12 г., 1 мес. назад Репутация: 1
Your poem is very exciting! Good luck!
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