Митрофанова Татьяна Васильевна
учитель английского языка
МБОУ "Норваш Шигалинская СОШ" Батыревского района Чувашии
Good Day, My Mum…
Good day, my mum, good day…
I’m your daughter… I’m here again…
I’ve come to you to talk with you.
I’d like to share my pain with you.
I’m in front of your little hill
A talk with you is like a pill
Not rain, not a man water your grave
My salty, hot tears wet it again.
Your favourite forget-me-nots
I grow on your chest.
Being alive you thanked my stars
To build my own nest.
I saw you in my troubled slumber tonight.
You were so merry, so pretty and bright.
I’m sure you are in the paradise.
Know…it is not for me a surprise.
Your shining eyes and understanding look
Help me in troubles even today.
I mourn the fate which so early took
Without you it’s hard to live a day.
Your tender hands and unforgettable “be happy”
Bring lucky to me from the nappy.
I feel you watch me from the heaven
And protect me from all evil.
For a pity, it’s time to leave you, mum.
Let your sleep be always calm…
Let your bed be always light…
I miss you, I need you every day and night.