Старкова Ольга Дмитриевна
учитель английского языка
Сахалинская область
Old picture carefully keeps
Plaited hair, eyes with a bit of finesse,
Sunday best with a butterfly in beads…
How pretty were you, Dear Mummy.
Years come as a kitten on its paws,
Wrinkles set in hands, around eyes,
Charming woman, blooming autumn rose,
Never fade away, be healthy, Mum.
Seventy, who gives you more than fifty,
Graceful, tender, with a slender waist,
Like a girl you’re playing with a kiddy,
Dear Mummy, you are still the best.
Always come when I need you to be,
Jacky of all trades, you do in all your might.
You are a gulp of water, the Earth for me
Giving warmth and kindness, and love.