Игнашина Лариса Юрьевна
учитель английского языка
МАОУ лицей №3
г.Кропоткин, Краснодарский край
Thanks to my mummy.
If you ask me if I’m happy
If I can remember days
When I was a little baby
And my mum told fairy tales
“Yes, I can ” - my answer is.
Sure, they can’t be forgotten
Oh, those merry days! I miss.
Although, nowadays they’re rotten.
You gave me life, my Dear!
I have my hard way, only mine.
I deal with you my joy and fear,
Thanks God, you are so fine!
I’m not a perfect daughter.
These thoughts believe me make me shame:
To find ten minutes or quarter,
To call and ask: “ Are you OK?”
I understand your way is not so long.
There is no miracle, I know.
I won’t be able to seem strong,
I simply will be lost and slow.
You are my angel, you’re my soul!
I want to see your eyes without tear.
As soon you disappear I will fall
Oh, sorry, mummy, sorry, dear!