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Сообщения темы: Блинникова Марина Фёдоровна
Блинникова Марина Фёдоровна 12 г., 3 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Блинникова Марина Фёдоровна
учитель английского языка
БОУ "СОШ №103"
город Омск
Прикрепленный файл
Имя файла: Blinnikova_MF_Mothers_Day.doc
Размер файла: 27136

For our mothers

Mother is the greatest word
With warm and love around the world.
All people honor and respect it,
Though, sometimes, we bring mother troubles a bit.

But our mother forgives us for all.
She doesn’t complain and cry at all,
She gives us her care, love and life,
Kind mother for children and brilliant wife!

Mother is busy all day like a bee,
She cooks, go shopping and also you see –
A lot of various household work,
Sometime she hasn’t time for rest and walk.

But every minute we feel her warm hands,
Her support, her love and it doesn’t depend
Clever you’re, strong or weak,
Beautiful, ugly, healthy or seek.

Let’s give all amazing words for her,
Give our love, our heart and more.
Don’t say rude words, remember it – don’t say!
Your mother waits you, loves you and prays!
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Блинникова Марина Фёдоровна 12 г., 3 мес. назад Репутация: 6
Dear Marina Fyodorovna!
I find your poem perfect for joint reading with your pupils!
Give them one more chance to think about the significance of their mothers in their lives!

Gud luck at the contest!
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Блинникова Марина Фёдоровна 12 г., 3 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy my poem!
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Блинникова Марина Фёдоровна 12 г., 2 мес. назад Репутация: 9
Reading the poem, I feel how you love your mother: you are so emotional and full of respect.Good luck to you!
Савченко Марина Вениаминовна
Minister of Education
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Блинникова Марина Фёдоровна 12 г., 2 мес. назад Репутация: 3
Sincere and touching words. I see that you really love your mother. I wish you success in the contest.
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Блинникова Марина Фёдоровна 12 г., 2 мес. назад Репутация: 7
FANTASTIC! Your poem is written with tenderness and kindness. Best wishes.
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Блинникова Марина Фёдоровна 12 г., 2 мес. назад Репутация: 7
Very good lines for the youth, for all of us.
Best wishes for prosperity throughout the New Year.
Good luck at the contest.
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