Чеснокова Александра Викторовна
учитель английского языка
МБОУ "Гимназия №8"
г.Рубцовск, Алтайский край
Has every person the only one
Who loves him very much?
Yes! She is for us the whole world
With very tender touch.
She will support and understand you,
In any situation you’ve ever been,
She tries to take you under wing,
And always guard from every sting.
She’s as the angel in the far,
Lights our way of life,
She twinkles as the brightest star
Destroys all problems with the knife,
Conceals the warmth in hands,
She reads our deepest thoughts.
And when you’ll grown up,
You will remember always and forever,
With how greatest love you say her name - the simple word as «mum»,
With how tenderness you hold her neck -
And when she calls, you always come.
And you remember, in night silence
There is the sweetest mother’s voice,
Have seen the native eyes and soul,
You’re making the decisive choice.
Oh, dear mummy!
You pray for all your babies,
Despite of disobedience and fault,
And there is no such a perfect person –
If you will find through the whole world.
And as for me,
It’s difficult to see the mother’s tears
That touches lovely cheeks
And shivering voice to hear,
And pain, as though all it in a dream.
But choice only yours - forgive or to not,
In spite of I’ve made or I’ve not
I want to declare:
“How strong, mum, I love you, how much.
And all difficulties I’m ready to share!”