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Сообщения темы: Хасина Марина Моисеевна
Хасина Марина Моисеевна 12 г., 3 мес. назад Репутация: 4
Хасина Марина Моисеевна
учитель английского языка
ГБОУ гимназия 528
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Имя файла: In_Memory_of_My_Mother.doc
Размер файла: 24576

“In Memory of My Mother”

I lost my mother many years ago.
I was so young and unprepared for the life,
But her advice which I remember helped me go
Through real storms. I managed to survive.

She was the wisest and cleverest of people,
She could do everything whatever she had touched,
She cooked fantastically, sewed skillfully with a needle,
I liked her playing the piano and singing very much.

She was the soul of the kin and we were friendly.
We seldom argued, even never quarreled.
We tried to care of each other very gently.
It was her hard job, but peace at home is worth it.

Because of Mother I chose my profession.
Of course, she wanted me to have a good one.
She was a teacher and she worked with passion.
I followed her steps, the choice was done.

And at the very end of this sad poem
I’d like to say: I love her so much!
It doesn’t matter she died years ago,-
Our souls are still in close touch!..
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Хасина Марина Моисеевна 12 г., 3 мес. назад Репутация: 4
Marina Moiseevna!
I have been deeply impressed reading your poem, I burst into tears. I'm very sorry you've lost your dear Mummy. It's a pity she has gone too early.I
suppose she loved you very much and she was and is THE BEST for you. I wish you good luck!
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Хасина Марина Моисеевна 12 г., 3 мес. назад Репутация: 6
Dear Marina Moiseevna!
You and me are fellow-sufferers, therefore I understand your feelings very well...
It can't be helped... We both have to live worthily for ourselves and for our mothers.
Thanks to the contest, we can publicly say that we store deep in our hearts...
Good luck to you!
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Хасина Марина Моисеевна 12 г., 3 мес. назад Репутация: 3
Wonderful, sincere poem! You are not with your mother, but you are happy that such person was in your life, and she IS in your life, thoughts, memories. Good luck!
Лопатина Елена Николаевна
Minister of Education
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Хасина Марина Моисеевна 12 г., 3 мес. назад Репутация: 4
Dear colleagues! Thank you very much for so kind words! I couldn't imagine that my sad story would attract your attention. Usually, I don't like telling such stories but it's the truth, it's my life...
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Хасина Марина Моисеевна 12 г., 2 мес. назад Репутация: 9
You've written these lines with great tenderness.Let your love to your mother supports you in your life. Best wishes!
Савченко Марина Вениаминовна
Minister of Education
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Хасина Марина Моисеевна 12 г., 2 мес. назад Репутация: 3
Sincere and touching words. I see that you really love your mother. I lost my mummy three months ago. I understand you very much. I wish you success in the contest.
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Хасина Марина Моисеевна 12 г., 2 мес. назад Репутация: 7
I enjoyed reading your poem with magic words of love and respect to your mother. Thanks a lot!
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Хасина Марина Моисеевна 12 г., 2 мес. назад Репутация: 1
You are a real teacher-daughter of a teacher-mother!!!You can teach to love!!! I `ve reread your poem twice.Thank you for your poem!
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Хасина Марина Моисеевна 12 г., 2 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Be good!
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