Спиридонова Татьяна Ивановна
учитель английского языка
МОУ "Таврическая гимназия"
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My Dear Mummy Live Forever!
The time is going quicker and quicker
And days are going too fast
My dear Mummy you are becoming weaker and weaker
I think you should live longer
Not should, my dear,
But you Must!
I want you to be healthy dear,
I want Your heart to beat too long,
And see your eyes without tear,
To be alive and very strong.
Your prayers help us dear Mummy,
They save from accidents, deaseas,
And everybody knows Mummy,
We can not take the life on lease.
When older we become and wiser
We think the life is going too fast!
And analysing our thoughts and affairs
Sometimes we want to change the past.
The life is so quickly and tremendous
And we haven’t so much time!
But among the affairs we should, not should but Must!
Rememeber about our Mothers!