Тимощук Марина
Студентка 2 курса
ГБОУ СПО "Старооскольский педагогический колледж"
преподаватель Зварыкина Снежанна Гарибшоевна
Mother’s Day
Mother, my mother
We so love each other
And always together
In the evening we gather.
My mom is so kind
She usually can finds
The difficult of life.
She is my friend,
She is my band,
She can’t me offend.
I so like to spend
With her my weekend.
I love you, my darling, my mother!
She loves me forever,
And can leave me never
As I am a baby for her.
My mammy’s so charming,
My mother’s so smart,
My mother’s the light at night,
My mother’s the lives start.
Oh, you are my heart
And I’m only your part.