Благова Кристина
10 класс
МОУ "Гимназия г.Раменское Московской области"
учитель Гусева Людмила Владимировна
Mother’s Day
Don't forget about the holiday
That name is Mother’s Day.
Our mothers are perfect people
Who remember us being little.
Snow's fallen on the dirty ground,
But a real joy reigns around.
It is our Mother's Day
That people celebrate today.
I want to tell you a nice verse,
I will try to be really terse.
It is about a young boy
Who wants his mum to enjoy…
He hasn’t bought a rose
Or some sweets, of course
Because he's forgot about this holiday,
And today he is weeping all day…
When mother’s learnt the reason,
She’s told her son,
“Know that without a present
You can be for me so pleasant.”
After that he’s got much knowledge…
Much water has flown under the bridge.
He always sends more than a flower
To his such a loving mother!