Базыкина Анастасия
10 класс
МОУ "Гимназия г.Раменское Московской области"
учитель Гусева Людмила Владимировна
There is a nice day every year
When all people buy a bunch,
Then they whisper in mum's ear,
"Mother, thank you very much!
Thanks for your tremendous care,
Thanks for your unselfish love,
Thanks for your enormous share
Of the kindness, dear dove".
A lot of people in the world
Celebrate this Mother's Day.
It is an official date,
That's the major thing to say.
You can present her a posy,
You can bake her favorite cake,
You should make this day as cozy
As she’s made your life. Don't wait!
And if she’s smiled, or if she’s laughed,
Know, you've made a pleasant thing:
You have shown your pure love
And your warm relationship.