Афонина Маргарита
9 класс
г. Санкт-Петербург
Учитель: Белова Ольга Ивановна
Mother's Day
I don’t know what to write...
But all the banal to the simple...
We will celebrate Mother's Day
And congratulations original!
In the morning we gave her a cake
Then floors wash ourself...
As they say, we are with mustache
But we are lazy ... Oh, the shame!
Then we will say to our mother,
So went for a walk with her father.
And at this time for yourself, for yourself!,
The whole house will be decorating.
Will take a table, we'll get a vase
Put expensive flowers ...
Three of us, and we are children of mothers.
Our small group is ready!
We will cook delicious
And draw with the heart.
Hasten to congratulate our mother
Sister and brother - kids!
I know, dear mothers,
Patience will not hold.
You are willful and stubborn,
And you know what to give to children.
What we need, when we cry,
What we think, what we are silent.
And, no doubt, not otherwise,
Not without the Upper Forces.
I want to congratulate You with Mother’s Day.
Health, happiness to wish.
Also, Dear Mom,
You will never lose the heart!