Гусева Диана
8 класс
МОБУ СОШ села Новое Барятино, Стерлитамакский район
Республика Башкортостан
учитель Галеева Римма Ануровна
«Mom» is a beautiful sounds!
“mother” is a native word
“mother” is saintly person for everyone
Though it was created not so long ago
I love my mom
She is for me everything
And love and care, and warm.
Mom cooks porridge in the morning
Then quietly says:
-Wake up my child. It is time to go to school
How many stars in the clear sky!
How many ears of corn in the fields!
How many songs have birds!
How many leaves on the branches!
Only the sun - one in the world
Only my mother - one in the world