Лещева Анастасия
8 класс
МБОУ Шипуновская СОШ им. А.В. Луначарского
с. Шипуново
Шипуновского района Алтайского края
учитель английского языка Билан Татьяна Яновна
Today’s an amazing holiday!
Today’s an amazing holiday!
It’s happy Mother's Day!
All mums are given flowers,
Aromas, sprays and other things.
I guess what presents would
My mummy’s packs include?
Well, jewelry as necklaces and ring
As usually my aunt and uncle will bring.
A new CD with favorite her band
By mother’s brother will be sent.
Her loving husband and my dad will buy
a gorgeous roses’ bouquet.
I bet my mummy will be so glad
To get my present –not-to-forget.
My gift be sure will be very cool!
A lot of foam in the morning pool!
And bright balloons under the ceiling
Will tell her all about tender feelings.
And she will tell me “I love you”
And I’ll reply “I love you too!”
…No need to add some other words and comments
To so warm and gentle this Day moments!