Фаткуллин Расим
8 класс
МБОУ "Старокакерлинская СОШ" Дрожжановского муниципального района РТ
учитель Фаткуллина Земфира Равиловна
Thank you, mum!
I’d like to say you “Thank you, mum”
Because you are so nice.
You always know what’s good for me,
And give me good advice.
You have kind heart and gentle hands,
You are attentive, helpful, wise.
Your love will never end for me.
I understand it from your eyes.
When I have problems, you are near.
You always support me.
From your blue eyes and kind glance
I feel that you love me.
In Mother’s Day I want to confess
There is no one like you.
You are so caring, clever, calm,
You are my close friend too.
I need you mummy and respect.
My dear I love you.
I wish you lots of love and health.
And happy, long life too.