Кудряшова Екатерина
8 класс
МБОУ "Гимназия №1"
учитель Карпенкова Татьяна Анатольевна
I love you, my dear…
This poem is about love,
About someone like a dove,
About someone making dreams
Come true and never breaking it.
You was with me when I was born
You gave me body, gave me soul.
And when your eyes enriched with smile,
It makes me happy because you’re fine
I miss you mom, when you are far
Because for me you’re like a star.
And in the darkness you are sun
You care of me, oh thanks you mom
And I will love till the end
Because you’ve never left my hand.
You are essential in my life.
You are the best and I shall try
Not to upset you…