Гриненко Екатерина
7 класс
МБОУ Новобатайская СОШ № 9
Ростовская область Кагальницкий район с. Новобатайск
учитель Резникова Оксана Владимировна
You are the best mummy in the world!
You are the best mummy in the world!
Only you support.
Understand when I feel upset,
Always know when I am sad.
Respect is to you,
Even when I disagree with you.
Thank you for all that you do,
Happiness I wish you,
Even when I hurt you,
Best wishes to you,
Everything is for you.
Sincerest wishes
Today I send you:
Mummy, Mummy! I wish you!
Unique health to you!
Mummy! Mummy! I value you!
Mummy, Mummy! I think of you!
You are always in my heart.
I wish you Good luck!
Now I want to add and say
Today is your day!
Happy Mother’s Day!
Everything will be all right
When your eyes are bright.
One of my dreams is
Regularly to see my mummy!
Let’s hope for the best!
Dear mummy, you are the best!