Яковлева Татьяна
6 класс
Республика Башкортостан
Стерлитамакский район, село Новое Барятино
МОБУ СОШ села Новое Барятино.
Учитель: Галеева Римма Ануровна
She is the only one for me in the world
And calls me daughter
There are no other eyes as these.
I don’t have anything softer than your hands
If I am sick – you are near me
You sing and tell me stories.
I don’t need pills
I am recovering from your love.
You do not sleep at night,
“mother” is the best word
You will be a grandmother for my children
I will wash and cook for you.
I'll take clean water in the samovar
You will drink with honey and gingerbread
On the whole world does not exist,
The close and native person!