Аполяр Ирина

Аполяр Ирина Дмитриевна
Ученица 10 "А" класса
МОУ СОШ "Гимназия г. Раменское", Московская область
Учитель: Гусева Людмила Владимировна


In the forty-first, in June, in the morning

A terrible war began for us,

Buildings were falling like matchboxes,

Forests were burning like dry grass.


The people together took the weapon,

And they were not afraid to die.

The boys went away from us forever,

They didn’t say their last “goodbye”.


Among the smoke and the fire

Our troops went to the West,

Although many fighters died,

They went ahead without rest.


We won this war. The war was long.

It took a lot of lives when came,

But we remember every hero,

And we remember every name