Тупенова Гульжан Маратовна

Тупенова Гульжан Маратовна
Учитель английского языка
БОУ "СОШ №68"
г. Омск

The Soldiers of Victory

The outlook of the War unkind and disgusting

It makes you feel unhappy and depressed.

And only fears, only tears everlasting,

In heartless features there is cold of death.

The memory of war-time sons and daughters

I will hold sacred in my soul for good

And glorify their heroic deeds that are immortal

Because they saved the Life

And gave us love and good.

I wish all those arsenals of arms

Disappear leaving no trace on Earth one day

Let our planet be the reign of love

Let all of us be happy anyway.

Let honor heroism of those

Who gave a chance to us to live a peaceful life,

To see the beauty of a clear heaven.

The soldiers of Victory I'll keep you in my mind.