Гречаниченко Марина Борисовна

Гречаниченко Марина Борисовна
учитель английского языка
школа 457 с углубленным изучением английского языка
Выборгского района г.Санкт-Петербурга


To my grandfather, a fallen defender of Leningrad

And my grandmother, died of hunger during the siege,

Whose graves are unknown.





I can see them as they were alive,

People, much younger than me.

Had they been scared when they died?

What were they thinking about when they died?

I hope I really do feel.


Olga, who died in the middle of siege,

You were only thirty-two.

You were afraid, ‘cause you’d lost the will

Without your fallen Andrei and gripped Lucy

My younger granny, I grieve for you.


Andrei, my mum says, you were so kind

On the photo you’re handsome and brave!

It was impossible to survive

In pea jacket- white snow was so bright.

If only I knew your grave!


‘t was time of great hunger and general sorrow

People kept alive as the fates decree

No one could know if it would be tomorrow

But I’m sure your daughter has certainly borrowed,

Imbibed your love then inherited to me.