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Сообщения темы: Задайте ваш вопрос Люку Томпсону
Задайте ваш вопрос Люку Томпсону 9 г., 4 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Demin Dmitriy
Municipal Educational Institution “Ramenskaya Gymnasia”
Moscow Region

Hello Luke.
Please, answer my question. What problems did you meet when you began to work as a teacher?
Thanks a lot!
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Задайте ваш вопрос Люку Томпсону 9 г., 4 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Hmeleva Anastasiya
Municipal Educational Institution "Ramenskaya Gymnasia"
Moscow Region

Hello Luke!
Here is my question.
How would you characterize the people who spend all their free time in the Internet?
And has the virtual communication fully replaced the real one?
Thanks for attention!
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Задайте ваш вопрос Люку Томпсону 9 г., 4 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Nadezhda Krasnova
Municipal Educational Institution "Ramenskaya Gymnasia"
Moscow Region

Hello, Luke!
It's a well-known fact: students have to pass the standartized exams after finishing school. What is your point of view on this problem? Would you like to participate in working out such exams? Why?

Thanks a lot in advance for your answer
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Задайте ваш вопрос Люку Томпсону 9 г., 4 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Stepnova Alina
Municipal Educational Institution “Ramenskaya Gymnasia”
Moscow Region
Why did you decide to become a teacher?
What attracted you to work in Japan?
Do the Japanese students wear school uniform? How do you think whether Russian students wear school uniform?
School uniform lets students be equal. Without school uniform complexes and envy may arise among students. Don't you agree with it?
Thanks! I believe you will answer me.
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Задайте ваш вопрос Люку Томпсону 9 г., 4 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Kirill Sosnin
Municipal Educational Institution "Ramenskaya Gymnasia"
Moscow Region

What English traditions will be the most interesting for the youth of today?
Hope to get your answer!
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Задайте ваш вопрос Люку Томпсону 9 г., 4 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Yakusheckin Oleg
Municipal Educational Institution "Ramenskaya Gymnasia"
Moscow Region
Hello, Luke!
What problems are the most interesting for European teenagers?
Thanks! I believe you will answer me.
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Задайте ваш вопрос Люку Томпсону 9 г., 4 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Ksenia Turina

Municipal Educational Institution "Ramenskaya Gymnasia"
Moscow Region

Hello, Luke!

What do you think about education in general and what would you like to change in modern education?

Thank you)
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Задайте ваш вопрос Люку Томпсону 9 г., 4 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Ksenia Mironenko

Municipal Educational Institution "Ramenskaya Gymnasia"

Moscow Region

Hello, Luke!

You were a student of a university...
Can you tell me what life a common student has ? Is it hard or easy?

Thank you)
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Задайте ваш вопрос Люку Томпсону 9 г., 4 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Natalia Rissanen
Municipal Education Institution "Ramenskoe Gymnasia"
Moscow Region

Mr Luke,
How do you think, why Russian students, including me, prefer to study in English-speaking countries? As a teacher, do you think that education abroad is better than in Russia?
Thank you
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Задайте ваш вопрос Люку Томпсону 9 г., 4 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Aksenova Tatiana
Municipal Educational Institution "Ramenskaya Gymnasia"
Moscow Region

Luke, what are the most important qualities for good friends in your opinion? Have your friends ever helped you in difficult situations? What is your best friend like?
Best wishes!
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