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Сообщения темы: Задайте ваш вопрос Люку Томпсону
Задайте ваш вопрос Люку Томпсону 9 г., 5 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Municipal Educational Institution “Ramenskaya Gymnasia”
Moscow Region
There are a lot of methods of teaching. I wonder what methods do you use?
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Задайте ваш вопрос Люку Томпсону 9 г., 5 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Anastasia Shikina

Municipal Educational Institution "Ramenskaya Gymnasia"
Moscow Region

Nowadays cinematography is becoming a more and more popular kind of art.
So, do you like watching films? What feature films do you prefer? Have you ever watched Russian films?
What do you think of them?

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Задайте ваш вопрос Люку Томпсону 9 г., 5 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Pikalenko Roman

Municipal Educational Institution "Ramenskaya Gymnasia"
Moscow Region

Hi, Luke!

To my mind, every man should be a gentleman. And I would like to know your opinion. Is it essential for a young man to be a gentleman?

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Задайте ваш вопрос Люку Томпсону 9 г., 5 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Saribekyan Anna
Municipal Educational Institution “Ramenskaya Gymnasia”
Moscow Region

Hello Luke!
I know, you are a teacher, and my question touches upon the system of education in Great Britain.
Academic Robert Nigmatulin (the Dapartment of Mechanics and Mathematics, MSU) says that when he was in the UK, he noticed a strange situation (for Russians, at least). During the test, all the students wrote the same option. It turned out that in the UK there is a "Code of honor", and all the teachers believe and trust their students. How do you think if this approach is correct?

Thank you.
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Задайте ваш вопрос Люку Томпсону 9 г., 5 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Kristina Homenko
Municipal Educational Institution “Ramenskaya Gymnasia”
Moscow Region

Many schools require students to wear school uniforms.There are even penalties for non-compliance with this rule. What do you think about it? Is school uniform important in training students?
Thanks for your answer
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Задайте ваш вопрос Люку Томпсону 9 г., 5 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Ekaterina Vasilenko

Municipal Educational Institution "Ramenskaya Gymnasia"
Moscow Region

Hello Luke!
I would like to ask you a question concerning free education at higher educational institutions in your country. In Russia they give a free education for children who win the Olympiads and Contests, or pass the exams with the scores that are sufficient to study for free. Is there free higher education in the UK?

Thank you! Best wishes!
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Задайте ваш вопрос Люку Томпсону 9 г., 5 мес. назад Репутация: 47
Ludmila Guseva
Municipal Educational Institution “Ramenskaya Gymnasia”
Moscow Region

Luke, what do you think on the problem of conflict resolutions? Do any conflicts arise in your class if any at all? Among/between whom? How often? What are the possible reasons? How do you settle conflict situations?

Thanks in advance for sharing you experience.
Гусева Людмила Владимировна
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Задайте ваш вопрос Люку Томпсону 9 г., 4 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Dasha Trushina
Municipal Educational Institution “Ramenskaya Gymnasia”.
Moscow Region.

Hello, Luke.
Which country do you like most and where would you like to travel?

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Задайте ваш вопрос Люку Томпсону 9 г., 4 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Nikita Kupinskiy
Municipal Educational Institution “Ramenskaya Gymnasia”
Moscow Region

Home education was very poular in the past. So, what do you think of home education nowadays?

Thank you! I hope you'll answer.
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Задайте ваш вопрос Люку Томпсону 9 г., 4 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Strebkov Sergey
Municipal Educational Institution “Ramenskaya Gymnasia”
Moscow Region

Hello, Luke.
I'd like to ask you a question: have you been scared when you started to make blogs? Were there any negative comments?

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