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Сообщения темы: Задайте ваш вопрос Люку Томпсону
Задайте ваш вопрос Люку Томпсону 9 г., 5 мес. назад Репутация: 4
Marina Bulakhova
Municipal Educational Institution “Ramenskaya Gymnasia”
Moscow Region

Hello Luke! Don't you find that the profession of a teacher is very deforming? I mean, it has a great influence on a personality, which will, certainly, show itself especially at old age. "He/she has been teaching for a long time", - it sounds like a diagnosis, which presupposes moralizing, excessive strictness, and other negative manifestations. Isn't it really so to your mind?
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Задайте ваш вопрос Люку Томпсону 9 г., 5 мес. назад Репутация: 2
Ilia Gasin
Municipal Educational Institution “Ramenskaya Gymnasia”
Moscow Region
Hello Luke. What has inspired you to engage in such a kind of activity in the Internet?
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Задайте ваш вопрос Люку Томпсону 9 г., 5 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Guryeva Anastasia
Municipal Educational Institution "Ramenskaya Gymnasia"
Moscow Region
Hello, Luke! To my mind, the modern system of education doesn't give a wide knowledge. Only selfeducation gives the result. Do you agree with my statement? Please, tell about your own way of selfeducation.
Best wishes.
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Задайте ваш вопрос Люку Томпсону 9 г., 5 мес. назад Репутация: 2
Konstantin Kapustin
Municipal Educational Institution “Ramenskaya Gymnasia”
Moscow Region

Hello Luke! Which system of getting knowledge do you prefer: selfeducation or school education? Why?
Best wishes
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Задайте ваш вопрос Люку Томпсону 9 г., 5 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Roman Linskiy
Municipal Educational Institution “Ramenskaya Gymnasia”
Moscow Region

Hello, Luke!

What difficulties have you had with your students and colleges? If any at all? How have you tried to settle them since you became a famous teacher?

Thank you!
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Задайте ваш вопрос Люку Томпсону 9 г., 5 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Borisova Sofia
Municipal Educational Institution “Ramenskaya Gymnasia”
Moscow Region

Hello, Luke! How do you think if humanity is making progress or is becoming degraded? Why?
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Задайте ваш вопрос Люку Томпсону 9 г., 5 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Nadezhda Krasnova
Municipal Educational Institution "Ramenskaya Gymnasia"
Moscow Region

Hello, Luke!
Nowadays our life is becoming more and more difficult, and its tempo is accelerating. How do you think what the main meaning of life is nowadays?
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Задайте ваш вопрос Люку Томпсону 9 г., 5 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Babikov Gleb
Municipal Educational Institution “Ramenskaya Gymnasia” Moscow Region

Greetings, Luke! Nowadays almost every educator in Russia teaches English using textbooks and common school programs. Don't you think that teachers should develop more effective ways of teaching students?
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Задайте ваш вопрос Люку Томпсону 9 г., 5 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Yudin Egor

Municipal Educational Institution “Ramenskaya Gymnasia”
Moscow Region

Hi, Luke!

Nowadays English is a very popular language in Russia... What do you think of the level of teaching English at Russian schools?

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Задайте ваш вопрос Люку Томпсону 9 г., 5 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Smagina Yulya
Municipal Educational Institution " Ramenskaya Gymnazia"
Moskow Region
Nowadays teachers make pupils learn. Should it exist or should pupils choose only the subjects they want to learn? Which system of education do you prefer?
Thank you.
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