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Сообщения темы: Жамалова Гульнара, "Стихи. Посвящение Сергею Есенину", 2 тур
Жамалова Гульнара, "Стихи. Посвящение Сергею Есенину", 2 тур 10 г., 12 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Жамалова Гульнара
9 класс
ГБОУ СОШ № 1378
г. Москва
учитель Шкитина Людмила Витальевна


Just with me , my mother,
I'm dying , I 'm dying !
Sick sorrow chest storing ,
You do not mourn me.

I could not live among people ,
Cold poison in my soul .
And what lived in and loved ,
I myself madly poisoned .

His spirit of pride
I walked happiness party.
I saw the blood shed
And cursed faith and love .

I drank my cup to the bottom,
The soul is full of poison .
And so I went out in silence,
But before the death of me easier .

I wiped the brow seal land
I am above quivering in the dust.
And let them be slaves to passion -
Nasty passion of my soul .

Mad world , nightmare ,
And life is a song funeral.
So I finished my life ,
Last hymn sing myself .

And you anxiously patient
Do not cry in vain
Over me.
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