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Сообщения темы: Шибитова Алёна, «Стихи. Посвящение Сергею Есенину»
Шибитова Алёна, «Стихи. Посвящение Сергею Есенину» 11 г., 1 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Шибитова Алёна
11 класс
МОУ "Таврическая гимназия"
р.п. Таврическое
учитель Спиридонова Татьяна Ивановна

Sergei Esenin is the poet forever.
He will be forgotten by people never,
In any part of the world and everywhere!
The poems he wrote are pretty and nice.
He paid for his lyrics a very high price!
The most number of people believed
That the life he had lived
Was short but the bright!
But some people can say
That his vital way
And his behavior was not sometimes right.
He did some affairs
Which they can’t understand.
But he lived how he could!
The famous poet try to outstand
And he did not pretend!
The short lines of poems have the depth of his thought
Nobody can say that he did all for naught!
While reading the poems you won’t be calm
Holding his book in your trembling and grateful arm.
Yesenin's verses is an eternal brand.
The ache of his heart, the pride of the land,
The love to the country,
The warmth of Mum’s hand.
His poems will be pleasant to everyone whatever of age.
Because the great poet had own unique image.
All you can find and don’t forget!
He was the poet!
And we can only regret!
The memory of him should always be!
It’s a great sorrow that we can not to listen to him
and see!
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Шибитова Алёна, «Стихи. Посвящение Сергею Есенину» 11 г., 1 мес. назад Репутация: 47
The short lines of poems have the depth of his thought

So you understand the main in Esenin's poetry.
Best wishes.
Гусева Людмила Владимировна
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Шибитова Алёна, «Стихи. Посвящение Сергею Есенину» 11 г. назад Репутация: 0
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