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Сообщения темы: Никитина Анна, «Стихи. Посвящение Сергею Есенину»
Никитина Анна, «Стихи. Посвящение Сергею Есенину» 11 г., 2 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Никитина Анна
МБОУ СОШ "№135"
г. Красноярк, Красноярский край
учитель Чеснокова Александра Викторовна

“To Yesenin”

The Poet’s great,
And all the people want to give him gentle bow
And everyone remembers his creative person up this date!
He was the famous one that time and now.

And now, it have passed much more than a century yet
And all the people say aloud:
“What the man he was! What the poet we would get!
He was unique and talented and we were proud”

And many people, remembering him, shout loud!
“Yesenin was the greatest man, eternal, bright,
His talent was too magnificent and very light
With humility, intelligence, creative thought that brought …”

His poetry will come through all the centuries and years,
We will remember it the whole life and know his poems, yes!
Yesenin’s poetry will penetrate our memory forever,
How bright his magic “art” and it would be ever.

He’s left us the best memory about himself
He’ll still alive in his eternal poems, which will continue until the next,
And every person, living on the planet,
Let know though - just one verse of his!

And all the senses suddenly can conquer us
So that, his every verse can bright with light
Impress our mind with tender sight,
And turn your whole life in such ways that have never known.
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Никитина Анна, «Стихи. Посвящение Сергею Есенину» 11 г., 2 мес. назад Репутация: 47
You've really managed to express your admiration in your poem. It's very touching & expressive, but try to be more attentive concerning grammar & punctuation next time.
With respect & best wishes.
Гусева Людмила Владимировна
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