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Сообщения темы: Колочева Кристина, «Стихи. Посвящение Сергею Есенину»
Колочева Кристина, «Стихи. Посвящение Сергею Есенину» 11 г., 3 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Колочева Кристина
11 класс
МБОУ "Средняя общеобразовательная школа №2"
г. Кременки
учитель Бурмистрова Елена Валерьевна


A simple family he was born
Near Ryazan did in a small town
That the gods gave hadn’t known
Child gave poetic tone

It is easy for him was given studying
But he labored, reached peaks all
All way just he was standing
Not seemed to him these frightful

Worked in the printing, he made a poet friend
For the sake of Petersburg Moscow vacated
But the young playwright mind
At the service of their country needed

As at all further
He became a father
Marriages aren’t successful, but he prayed
In poetry success he gained

Esenin. People. Was great.
Wasn’t to become his gray-haired
And it will be eternally young in memory
Verses will live more years many.
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Колочева Кристина, «Стихи. Посвящение Сергею Есенину» 11 г., 3 мес. назад Репутация: 47
You are the first to publish your poem. My appreciation & best congrats!
The ideas are really deep, but, to my mind, you'd better look the poem through to correct the punctuation (otherwise it's rather difficult to catch the ideas) & some grammar to perfect your poem…
Best wishes in the contest.
Гусева Людмила Владимировна
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Колочева Кристина, «Стихи. Посвящение Сергею Есенину» 11 г., 2 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Thank you very much, I will take your advice and will try to fix them in the future.
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