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Сообщения темы: Куак Саманта
Куак Саманта 11 г., 10 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Куак Саманта
8 класс
МОУ Лицей №2
г Волгоград,

Years have flown by ...
Fighting died down ...
Ended - this damned war
My brother had gone then you are forever
Your image in our hearts we will always
I was a little girl then
And my brother we said goodbye forever
Said the mother wiping tears
You my dear, we'll all wait
You be a man, I love you
Do not let the fascists to seize a powerful country
On the field, tanks stormed
And with it the burning sunset
And the Germans Russian trampled field
And the killing of young children.
And the last bit of strength,
You then took the grenade and threw himself on the tank
And the explosion happened in the sky ... And tears in his eyes
We will forever remember your deed combat
when you give my life for future peace.

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Куак Саманта
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Куак Саманта 11 г., 10 мес. назад Репутация: 4
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