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Сообщения темы: Тимощук Марина
Тимощук Марина 11 г., 10 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Тимощук Марина
21-У группа
ГБОУ СПО "Старооскольский педагогический колледж"
Белгородская область
г Старый Оскол
Зварыкина Снежанна Гарибшоевна

They wrote their names in history
They believed in the victory,
The mothers had at heart worry
We keep them in memory
They fought so unstintingly
For his country for Russia
In battle, they showed perseverance
Were courageous
Performed feats
Many of them did not return,
But they remain in our hearts
Nazis wanted slaves of all to turn
But they did not work out
They did not forget their families
They defended the honor of the motherland
Protect it from enemies.
Above their heads bullets flew
They wrote himself into the history of the new
They were sleeping under the sky and in tent.

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