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Сообщения темы: Жалялова Лилия
Жалялова Лилия 11 г., 10 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Жалялова Лилия
9 класс
МОУ "Гимназия
г. Раменское" Московской области
учитель- Гусева Л.В.

War is a frightful word!
Everyone knows in the world
How much burden wars bring.
This is hard to take in!

Why do we need this war?
Why can't we see in the skies the star?
The world is collapsing in our sight!
Stop it, please! Do not fight!

What is the great Patriotic War itself?
It is the pain of loss and the tears of parting…
How many mothers and wives grieved for the men,
Whose names were lost in a foreign country?

War destroyed people’s mind and sense!
Nazis killed guiltless without a drop of compassion,
Children gasped in concentration camps…
Where is the justice? I need explanation!

Bravery and courage did save our Motherland,
Our soldiers shed blood in the sake of the Victory.
We reached Peace, but on the other hand,
What a price did we pay for this Victory?!

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Жалялова Лилия 11 г., 10 мес. назад Репутация: 4
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