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Сообщения темы: Сытникова Софья
Сытникова Софья 11 г., 10 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Сытникова Софья
8 класс
учитель:Кондик Любовь Алексеевна

Victory Day

Victory day we celebrate today,
He is dear to everyone today.
Brothers, sons, fathers and grandfathers, we have lost it,
But carried the victory over himself.
I remember, I remember my grandfather fought there,
He beat the enemy for their country, their family.
Not at all afraid to die,
Not afraid to life for home pay.
And our guys did not give up,
They hoped and waited.
The victory will be all there for us.
We beat the enemy and save
And their wives, children and elderly.
Quite a boy, yesterday left school,
Sent them to the battlefield.
All ahead seemed to them yesterday
Love, family, work, children.
But all dreams are gone and the thread was broken,
The young boy, who wanted to love.
Gone are the dreams of children, the family,
But there were other goals
And the first of them to reach to fully alive.
Their forces were on the wane,
But only about remembering the one that is waiting for you with all my heart
Their forces were added twice.
And the enemy hit us and we are the enemy,
It seemed there was no end rampant and ruthless wars.
But the advantage is still on our side.
From morning to night, from night to morning
Everything worked great and small,
Worked for the benefit of all pehotine,
Worked for the benefit of all Morek.
Was a hard fight,
Thundering tanks, cannons roared.
Believe me it was very tight so
Who waited for their loved home and family.
But all of us were taken away, we all passed.
Children and wives unfortunately not all we have managed to save.
But this day, he is dear to all of us,
And celebrate it, and celebrate it,
And we celebrate it at this hour.
Hour sorrows, joys hour and hour of memories.
I believe, I believe as we do not forget
Those who are his life,
Those who have their lives for their country gave.
Is one, because the life of a man,
And each of them is valuable.

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