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Сообщения темы: Паршина Анастасия
Паршина Анастасия 11 г., 2 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Паршина Анастасия
9 класс
Полякова Вера Геннадьевна


In a harsh war years
a fearful death threatened us,
Fatherland’s sons perished greatly
with the trust, that supported masses.
The blood was shed for years,
And hunger ate a lot,
When warriors fought in rows,
Their wives and children dropped.
Having had handkerchiefs in fingers,
Their mothers waited with faith,
Their sons quitted off the trenches,
But demolishing enemy were alert,
And were needed to be disarmed.
Long – expected DAY came
In joyfully tears and delighted shouts
The Victory peal had sounded
People’s joy proclaimed as much
And we still it consider significant,
Being proud of courage and trust!
We are making swear an oath
Never forget that MAY!

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