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Сообщения темы: Алешина Мария
Алешина Мария 11 г., 10 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Алешина Мария
8 класс
МОУ "Гимназия г.Раменское"
Московской области
учитель Гусева Людмила Владимировна

More than 50 years ago
There was a fight that we know .
Do you know how many people lost their lives?
Maybe, have you heard how many women stopped being wives?
You can`t imagine how many torments they felt,
You can`t imagine how much blood they shed.
More than 50 years ago
There was a fight that we know.
Our brave ancestors came to defend their cities,
It`s not a pretties.
You can`t imagine how many boys took guns in their hands,
How commands sounded and what boys felt.
So many explosions, so many cries,
So much blood, so many fights,
It`s not a movie, it`s a real horror.
And it might be liked just by a monster or murderer.

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